Abdul-Jalil Trustee Assignment, Wellpoint Complaint, Retreat for the Holy Month of Ramadan and New Bankruptcy Case: #18-41048

TO:        Alex Tse                           Phyllis J. Hamilton
Director- No. District                    Chief District Judge
U. S. Attorney’s Office                  U. S. District Court- No. Division
Federal Courthouse                     6th Floor Oakland Courthouse- 2
450 Golden Gate Avenue            1301 Clay Street
San Francisco, CA 94102             Oakland, CA 94612
Fax No.: 415-436-7234                FAX No.: 415-522-3605
alex.Tse@usdoj.gov                       Phyllis_Hamilton@cand.uscourts.gov
stacey.geis@usdoj.gov                  Richard_Wieking@cand.uscourts.gov
joshua.Eaton@usdoj.gov              Joseph_Spero@cand.uscourts.gov
Chief Judge Roger L. Efrensky               Martha G. Bronitsky
William Lafferty                                        Trustee
Office of the United States Trustee       P.O. Box 5004
1301 Clay Street, Room 690N                Hayward, CA 94540
Oakland, CA 94612                                  Fax: 510-266-5589
Fax: 510-637-3220                                 vsilveira@oak13.com
Xavier Becerra                                           Tracy Hope Davis
Attorney General of California                 Office of the United States Trustee
1300 I Street, Suite 125                            450 Golden Gate Ave,Ste #05-0153
P.O. Box 944255                                       San Francisco, CA 94102
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550                 Fax: 415-705-3379
FAX No.: 916-324-8835                          Tracy_Davis@cand.uscourts.gov
cc: ; bcc
cc: Clerk Edward J. Emmons ; bcc
Faxed and Emailed

FROM:     Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE:     May 14, 2018
RE:        Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim’s Annual Retreat for the Holy Month of Ramadan from May 14, 2018 until June 20, 2018 and Intention to Proceed New Bankruptcy Case: #18-41048 RLE

Dear Chief Judge Roger L. Efrensky, Martha Bronitsky, Alex Tse, Phyllis J. Hamilton, Xavier Becerra, and Tracy Hope Davis:

On May 3, 2018, I filed the new petition as promised, case #:18-41048, and was assigned Ms. Bronitsky again.

On May 8, 2018, I sent a letter to all above formally requesting a re-assignment to another trustee ASAP as I will be gone May 12, 2018.

I also called and left a lengthy message for Ms. Tracy Hope Davis the same day regarding the same request and the urgency of shortness of time due to my retreat. I have received no response and I filed that letter with the court.

As promised, on May 9, 2018, I sent all above the follow up letter with an updated complaint on the ongoing fraud by creditor Wellpoint Asset Recovery and their attorney John Bradley as this alleged debt was procured through fraud that is continuing!

That letter was sent to Tom Pahl- Federal Trade Commission, Wendy Kamenshine- Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, Mick Mulvaney- OMB, Selvi Stanislaus- Franchise Tax Board, David J. Gau- Board of Equalization, Alex Padilla- Secretary of State and Travis Poole- Travelling Mailbox.com.

We have filed criminal activities complaints and there are ongoing investigations with ALL the government agencies listed above regarding Wellpoint Asset Recovery, Trustors Security Deed Service, Dennis Lanni, with his partners Andre Scott, Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, and Ken Madhvani and the alleged debt that was procured through fraud that is continuing!

ALL official correspondence sent to them by the Bankruptcy Court, Federal government, ourselves and attorneys at the address of their registered agent and business partner, Colin Hammett, at 4470 W. Sunset Blvd. #91234, Los Angeles, CA 90027, has been returned for months, “unknown recipient”!

Moreover, this is NOT a physical address for their alleged business operation, it is a “post office box” at the local UPS store!

We have checked with the California Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization, Employment Development Department, official County business listings, and the Internal Revenue Service and there have NEVER been any listings for the alleged “School Trust #1321” nor “Sunkist Trust #7633” although they have filed legal documents listing them as a business entities in county courts and agencies.

All of their business filings with the Secretary of State, particularly the Statement of Information is outdated or non-existent.

This is important because Dennis Lanni, with his partner Colin Hammett have listed properties and business addresses at the below addresses yet NONE for Wellpoint Asset Recovery:
650 Howe Ave., #1030, Sacramento, CA 95825
2398 Fair Oaks Blvd Sacramento, CA 95825
2003 T St Sacramento, CA 95811
1709 18th St Sacramento, CA 95811
2208 Hillcrest Way Carmichael, CA 95608
3524 50Th St, Sacramento, CA 95820
2180 Geary Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
164 Lucinda Ln, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
4557 10Th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820
1709 18th St Sacramento, CA 95811
1495 Ridgeview Dr Ste 220, Reno, NV 89519-6334
320 N. 10th St., 100E, Sacramento, CA 95811

Mr. Lanni, Hammett and their myriad of connected companies include but not limited to School Trust #1321; Sunkist Trust #7633; Housing Group Fund Corporation; Trustors Security Deed Service; Eurisko Development; Wellpoint Asset Recovery LLC; Cosis LLC; Eurisko Development Solutions LLC; Otolum, Inc.; Otolum Corporation; Housing Group Fund LLC; Cdm Holdings, LLC; EOJ INVESTING, LLC; WESTERN MONARCH GROUP; ALTA VISTA MINING INC; and Dennis Lanni, with his partners Andre Scott, Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, and Ken Madhvani, among others are the SAME entity assigned the lien by CSAA.

Most ALL of these entities above have ceased formal legal business operations, yet that is unimportant as they have operated illegally before.

In less than a year, the Assignment of the Judgment changed hands FOUR (4) times within the same individuals comprised of different collapsable Limited Liability Corporations or entities filed in county documents that DO NOT EXISToutside of those filings! There are NO formal nor legal state, county, nor city business listings for School Trust #1321, nor Sunkist Trust #7633.

They filed documents in Alameda County Recorders that were forgeries and fraudulent in an effort to foreclose on the property and attempted several proposed auctions of the home from the Alameda County Courthouse steps in Oakland, CA.

One forged document had “Jerline Wallace” and her alleged court appointment as “Trustee” for Clyde Wallace, that raised questions of “what was she appointed to do, why was she appointed, when was she appointed, where was she appointed, how was she appointed and by whom?”

There were even more questions about the alleged “Sunkist Trust #7633”, “who really comprises this trust, what type of business entity is it under the laws of the State of California, why was it formed, when was it formed, where was it formed, how was it formed and by whom?”

On May 8, 2018, I noticed this Court, while on April 10, 2018, I noticed the Superior, Appeals, and Supreme Courts, that I will be in the annual retreat for the Holy Month of Ramadan from May 14, 2018 until June 20, 2018 and unavailable to respond to any litigation. The creditor parties have already been noticed.

However, Wellpoint, whom was advised of my annual retreat OVER A MONTH ago, is attempting to hold litigation while I am in retreat. That was to be expected of them.
Again, I simply want to reiterate and make plain that I have every intention of completing my bankruptcy petition and discharging the debt and I will file everything beforehand.

Again, I ask the court/trustee/authorities MUST review the theft of my money in the Wong case, have her compensate me for my loses, and change it’s assignment of this case to Bronitsky and make a more proper assignment.

You are ALL being served and I will file this letter with the courts.

Call if you have any questions, and “Thank you” for your consideration.


Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim

Complaint and Request for Further Investigation of Wellpoint Asset Recovery, LLC

TO:  Travis Poole                                  Mick Mulvaney
Travelling Mailbox.com                       Director
500 Westover Dr.                                The Office of Management and Budget
Sanford, NC 27330                             725 17th Street, NW
Fax: 800-991-2996                             Washington, DC 20503
support@travellingmailbox.com        Fax: 202-395-3888, John.M.Mulvaney@omb.eop.gov
Alex Tse                                              Phyllis J. Hamilton
Director- No. District                         Chief District Judge
U. S. Attorney’s Office                       U. S. District Court- No. Division
Federal Courthouse                           6th Floor Oakland Courthouse- 2
450 Golden Gate Avenue                 1301 Clay Street
San Francisco, CA 94102                 Oakland, CA 94612
Fax No.: 415-436-7234                    FAX No.: 415-522-3605
alex.Tse@usdoj.gov                           Phyllis_Hamilton@cand.uscourts.gov
stacey.geis@usdoj.gov                     Richard_Wieking@cand.uscourts.gov
joshua.Eaton@usdoj.gov                  Joseph_Spero@cand.uscourts.gov
Chief Judge Roger L. Efrensky                    Tracy Hope Davis
Office of the United States Trustee             Office of the United States Trustee
1301 Clay Street, Room 690N                      450 Golden Gate Ave,Ste #05-0153
Oakland, CA 94612                                       San Francisco, CA 94102
Fax: 510-637-3220                                       Fax: 415-705-3379
Roger_Efrensky@cand.uscourts.gov          Tracy_Davis@cand.uscourts.gov
Xavier Becerra                                          Wendy Kamenshine
Attorney General of California                Ombudsman
1300 I Street, Suite 125                           Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
P.O. Box 944255                                      1700 G St. N.W.
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550                Washington, D.C. 20552
FAX No.: 916-324-8835                         Fax: 855-237-2392
Xavier.Becerra@doj.ca.gov                     CFPBOmbudsman@cfpb.gov
Tom Pahl                                                  Alex Padilla
Director                                                    California Secretary of State
Bureau of Consumer Protection            1500 11th St., Room 390
Federal Trade Commission                    Sacramento CA 95814
600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW                   Fax: 916-653-4795
Washington, DC 20580                          alex.padilla@sos.ca.gov
Fax: 202-326-3799
tpahl@ftc.gov, RMazer@ftc.gov
Selvi Stanislaus                                            David J. Gau
Executive Officer                                         Executive Director
Franchise Tax Board                                   Board of Equalization
PO Box 115                                                   450 N St., Room 2322, MIC:73
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-0115               Sacramento CA 95814
Fax: 916-845-9048, 916-843-6022,        Fax No. 916-324-2586,
916-845-6614, 916-843-2060                 David.Gau@boe.ca.gov
Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB)           Brenda.Fleming@boe.ca.gov
Fax: 916-227-2798
cc: Clerk Edward J. Emmons ; bcc
Faxed and Emailed

FROM:     Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE:     May 7, 2018
RE:        Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim’s Complaint and Request for Further Investigation of Wellpoint Asset Recovery, LLC, NO Address for Registered Business Agent.

Dear Chief Judge Roger L. Efrensky, Tom Pahl, Alex Tse, Phyllis J. Hamilton, Xavier Becerra, Wendy Kamenshine, Tracy Hope Davis, Mick Mulvaney, Selvi Stanislaus, David J. Gau, Alex Padilla and Travis Poole:

We have filed criminal activities complaints and there are ongoing investigations with ALL the government agencies listed above regarding Wellpoint Asset Recovery, Trustors Security Deed Service, Dennis Lanni, with his partners Andre Scott, Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, and Ken Madhvani and the alleged debt that was procured through fraud that is continuing!

ALL official correspondence sent to them by the Federal government, ourselves and attorneys at the address of their registered agent and business partner, Colin Hammett, at 4470 W. Sunset Blvd. #91234, Los Angeles, CA 90027, has been returned for months, “unknown recipient”!

Moreover, this is NOT a physical address for their alleged business operation, it is a “post office box” at the local UPS store!

This UPS Store operation is owned by Travis Poole of TravellingMailbox.com and just serves as a “mail forwarding service” where they are LEGALLY required to accept ALL proper mail deliveries and NOT return any legitimately delivered mail as “unknown recipient”.     They, UPS, also stated that they have NEVER returned ANY mail for that client and would not verify if they are a client at all. Further investigation of Mr. Poole, his services and actions at TravellingMailbox is mandatory.

We have checked with the California Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization, Employment Development Department, official County business listings, and the Internal Revenue Service and there have NEVER been any listings for the alleged “School Trust #1321” nor “Sunkist Trust #7633” although they have filed legal documents listing them as a business entities in county courts and agencies.

All of their business filings with the Secretary of State, particularly the Statement of Information is outdated or non-existent.

California law prohibits any business and agent from registering as a agent for service using a post office box, and NOT a physical address.

This is important because Dennis Lanni, with his partner Colin Hammett have listed properties and business addresses at the below addresses yet NONE for Wellpoint Asset Recovery:
650 Howe Ave., #1030, Sacramento, CA 95825
2398 Fair Oaks Blvd Sacramento, CA 95825
2003 T St Sacramento, CA 95811
1709 18th St Sacramento, CA 95811
2208 Hillcrest Way Carmichael, CA 95608
3524 50Th St, Sacramento, CA 95820
2180 Geary Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
164 Lucinda Ln, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
4557 10Th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820
1709 18th St Sacramento, CA 95811
1495 Ridgeview Dr Ste 220, Reno, NV 89519-6334
320 N. 10th St., 100E, Sacramento, CA 95811

Mr. Lanni, Hammett and their myriad of connected companies include but not limited to School Trust #1321; Sunkist Trust #7633; Housing Group Fund Corporation; Trustors Security Deed Service; Eurisko Development; Wellpoint Asset Recovery LLC; Cosis LLC; Eurisko Development Solutions LLC; Otolum, Inc.; Otolum Corporation; Housing Group Fund LLC; Cdm Holdings, LLC; EOJ INVESTING, LLC; WESTERN MONARCH GROUP; ALTA VISTA MINING INC; and Dennis Lanni, with his partners Andre Scott, Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, and Ken Madhvani, among others are the SAME entity assigned the lien by CSAA.

Most ALL of these entities above have ceased formal legal business operations, yet that is unimportant as they have operated illegally before.

In less than a year, the Assignment of the Judgment changed hands FOUR (4) times within the same individuals comprised of different collapsable Limited Liability Corporations or entities filed in county documents that DO NOT EXIST outside of those filings! There are NO formal nor legal state, county, nor city business listings for School Trust #1321, nor Sunkist Trust #7633. Here is the courts register of actions for the judgment:
Court Proceedings

Register of Actions
Date        Action
5/27/2016    Substitution of Attorney Filed for Housing Group Fund Corporation, Assignment of Judgment Filed, Writ of Execution Issued, Memo of credits interest & costs after judgment Filed for Housing Group Fund Corporation, Declaration of Interest Filed
10/3/2016    Assignment of Judgment Filed
1/25/2017    Assignment of Judgment Filed School Trust #1321
4/21/2017    Application Re: Other Ex Parte Granted, Civil Ex-Parte Commenced and Completed, Abstract of Judgment Issued, Affidavit of Identity Filed for Wellpoint Asset Recovery LLC

They filed documents in Alameda County Recorders that were forgeries and fraudulent in an effort to foreclose on the property and attempted several proposed auctions of the home from the Alameda County Courthouse steps in Oakland, CA.

One forged document had “Jerline Wallace” and her alleged court appointment as “Trustee” for Clyde Wallace, that raised questions of “what was she appointed to do, why was she appointed, when was she appointed, where was she appointed, how was she appointed and by whom?”

There were even more questions about the alleged “Sunkist Trust #7633”, “who really comprises this trust, what type of business entity is it under the laws of the State of California, why was it formed, when was it formed, where was it formed, how was it formed and by whom?”

We made several requests under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. § 1692, et seq.) and the Rosenthal Act (Civil Code § 1788, et seq.) and that the written responses to my requests of August 29, 2016 and September 14, 2016 were due from them no later than September 29, 2016. They failed and refused to comply with the noticed demand Pursuant to California Civil Code § 1788.52.

We had Joseph Jaramillo, Senior Attorney at the Housing And Economic Rights Advocates and National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) send two letters to them asking them to validate the debt. They failed and refused to respond.

During the course of this effort to collect on their “deed of trust”, Lanni admits that as the “500 pound elephant in the room!” he offered an illegal predatory loan of over $$440.000 (to cover the $300, 000 CSAA lien and his claimed $140,000 lien) to enable himself to swindle me into giving him value to his worthless deed that he lured the others into joining him as he told them “he (al-Hakim) doesn’t have an attorney and no one will work with him, so we can take the property!”

He made this illegal predatory loan offer to Mr. Jaramillo as well as to me.

When I asked him to verify that he indeed had the CSAA lien from Ropers Majeski and Stephan Barber, he said he did but would not provide proof of it.

Mr Lanni was trying to secure an illegal predatory loan from me at the same time he was operating as the collector and assignee of the CSAA lien and this was confirmed by Mr. Bradley!

Mr. Lanni had previously tried to engage me in buying the property.

This “group/groups” formed an action in the probate Estate of Wallace, Clyde, Defendants- Case No. P047803 and FPR047803.

On May 11, 2017, I sent a 4 page letter to Judge Alesia Jones of Solano County Court regarding this probate opened by Lanni to try to secure some value in the alleged deeds that he knew were invalid.

I have filed several Civil Collection Agency Elder Abuse complaints with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau- case number: 160926-000033; California Attorney General, the California Office of Business Oversight (DBO)- case number: 161003-000872
The parties have always failed and refused to respond to any “government secured channel” inquiry regarding the matter and as such when they did so with the Attorney General and Office of Business Oversight, the case was referred to the Federal Communication Commission for a broader Federal investigation that is ongoing at present.

The parties, ALL of them, including CSAA and Mr. Bradley have committed such tortious acts they have put their entire lien AND professional careers in jeopardy!

ALL this information is critical to the issues plead and CAN NOT be obtained otherwise, as they have evaded providing this to the Sate and Federal Government!

They have continued the cover up of the admitted crimes of all those involved in Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. California State Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau. et al., Alameda County Superior Court Case No. 811337-3, and in Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. Rescue Industries, Alameda County Superior Court Case No. 821885-2. She directly participated in the unjust enrichment and ill gotten gains from that fraud.

Wellpoint attorney recently admitted in the Appeals Court that he “paid” the County Sheriff’s $1,500 to ensure that the planned house action took place and to report to him any activities on my part with designs on selling my home at Sheriff’s auction, wherein they can buy it for a fraction of the value, obtain the asset, and still be owed the debt!

Again, we want ALL of you served with this letter to consider this a complaint and investigation request relate to the existence and collection of the alleged debt by Wellpoint, counsel Bradley with Hammett and Lanni that the government has found was illegal and may void the alleged debt. Lanni has admitted that he tried for years to recover on an illegal alleged debt that included his attempt to sell the home in question several times as an alleged “foreclosure” on the Oakland courthouse steps and as part of this strategy to bring value to the illegal alleged debt, he offered a predatory loan to attempt to move into “first position” with a new mortgage to cover the alleged $300,000 CSAA debt and $130,000 for the illegal alleged debt. He did this even AFTER he was aware that the government agencies were trying to apprehend him for these illegal activities.

This complaint and investigation request include the fraud upon the court that defendants CSAA-Wellpoint committed when they failed and refused to reveal the fact that they were aware of the Homestead on the property, the value of the District Attorney liens on the property, and the contamination in the home TWENTY YEARS BEFORE their alleged home appraisal yet there is NO reference to any contamination in it as if it would NOT have any value in determining the fair market value of that appraisal. This fraud upon the court is very clear when they knew that their own experts testified that it would cost over $350,000 to remediate just the lower level of the home in 1997! CSAA’s costs for the entire home was $700,000.

You are ALL being served and I will file this letter with the courts.


Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim