NOWTRUTH!!! BECAUSE WE NEED TRUTH AND JUSTICE FROM THE COURTS MORE NOW THAN EVER, NOT HYPERPOLITICIZED, NUANCED LAW COMPLETE WITH THE REQUISITE NARRATIVE!! (LAW= Politically manufactured, orchestrated, strategic opinions, rulings, and orders for injustice to hide behind!)
BART directors Bevan Dufty and Lateefah Simon and Councilmember Loren Taylor held a Tuesday morning news conference along with Grant’s family to speak out against O’Malley’s decision in the case.
The Oakland City Council and the BART Board are both scheduled to vote this week on resolutions urging O’Malley to reconsider and charge Pirone with felony murder.
“We condemn the decision of the district attorney not to proceed with these charges,” Dufty said. “There is no question that this murder would not have happened without the actions of Officer Tony Pirone. There is simply no question.”
Simon called O’Malley’s decision a failure to do her job.
Nazi Nanzi Oink’Malley
“Nancy O’Malley has failed yet again to do her job and that job was to insure equally justice under the law,” Simon said. “Only through the recently unsealed report we have mentioned here do we know that Officer Pirone was in fact the aggressor when Oscar was murdered. Pirone was found to have lied repeatedly, use unreasonable and unnecessary force.”
A spokesperson for O’Malley said her office did not have any additional response to Tuesday’s news conference beyond its statement Monday.
Taylor said he and fellow council members Carroll Fife, Treva Reid and Nikki Fortunato Bas plan to introduce a resolution at Tuesday’s City Council meeting imploring O’Malley to charge Pirone for his role in the shooting.
“We will never reimagine public safety if bad actors are never held to account for their crimes,” Taylor said.
Grant’s mother, the Rev. Wanda Johnson, argued that O’Malley’s job is not to be impartial toward issues like police brutality that disproportionately affect people of color.
“You have an obligation and a duty to do what is right,” Johnson said in reference to O’Malley. “And because you are failing to do what is right, Oscar’s blood is on your hands, Nancy O’Malley.”
O’Malley’s office issued a 16-page report on Monday that detailed the investigation into Pirone’s action on the night Grant lost his life.
In the report’s conclusion, it stated that the law “makes clear that Anthony Pirone can be guilty of murder only if he personally killed Mr. Grant, or if he aided and abetted the actual killer. In fact, Pirone neither killed nor aided and abetted Mr. Mehserle, who actually killed Mr. Grant.”
The conclusion also noted that the autopsy report on Grant gave no indication that the victim suffered from a head or neck injury that contributed to his death from Pirone placing a knee on Grant’s neck prior to the fatal shooting by Mehserle.
Grant died early New Year’s Day 2009 after being shot in the back while laying on his stomach on the BART Fruitvale Station platform. Only former officer Johannes Mehserle has been charged in connection to his death.
Mehserle was tried and convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2010. A judge sentenced Mehserle to two years in jail minus time served, and Mehserle was paroled after 11 months.
O’Malley and other representatives from her office met with the Grant family on Monday to discuss the conclusions of the investigation.
Grant’s family has been calling for Pirone to be charged after a report from an internal affairs investigation was unsealed in 2019.
The report claimed that Pirone’s actions were “aggressive and unreasonable” and noted that he used a racial epithet against Grant when he was being detained. Pirone also at one point knelt on Grant’s neck as the officers struggled with him on the BART platform.
Attorneys for the Grant family had asked O’Malley to file felony murder charges against Pirone. With the passing of California Senate Bill 1437 in 2018, defendants can be charged with felony murder for aiding and abetting a killing.
Grant’s family on Monday maintained its position that Mehserle would never have been in a position to fire the fatal shot in the first place had it not been for Pirone.
“I’m not asking for different than what our US Constitution says or what our laws say,” said Grant’s mother, the Rev. Wanda Johnson on Monday. “I’m asking for him to be charged for his actions leading up to my son’s death. If it was myself who had done those things, I would definitely be in jail or prison.”
I am sick and tired of police needlessly killing black and brown people. Some police still see black men as threats, to brutalize, to contain, to remand. They have stereotyped our grandfathers, fathers, husbands, sons, and nephews, as monsters, subject to violence and death. They have killed our grandmothers, mothers, wives,
daughters, and nieces. Every time I watch the video of George Floyd’s death, my heart weeps. Who in their right mind, kneels on another human’s neck and ignores desperate pleas of “I Can’t Breathe”? Where is the humanity of these white police officers? Policing should not be predicated on brutal force and a complete disdain for black life. White supremacy has no place in the criminal justice system, in government, in the White House, in the United States. Black lives matter every second, every minute, every hour, every day.
The universe shrank
when you went away.
Every time I thought your name,
stars fell upon me.
— Henry Dumas (poet, social activist, teacher)
Andre Maurice Hill, May 23, 1973 – December 22, 2020
Columbus, Ohio
Shot: December 22, 2020, Columbus Police Officer
Casey Christopher Goodson Jr., January 30, 1997 – December 4, 2020
Columbus, Ohio
Shot: December 4, 2020, Franklin County Sheriff Deputy
Angelo “AJ” Crooms, May 15, 2004 – November 13, 2020
Cocoa, Florida
Shot: November 13, 2020, Brevard County Sheriff Deputies
Sincere Pierce, April 2, 2002 – November 13, 2020
Cocoa, Florida
Shot: November 13, 2020, Brevard County Sheriff Deputies
Marcellis Stinnette, June 17, 2001 – October 20, 2020
Waukegan, Illinois
Shot: October 20, 2020, Waukegan Police Officer
Jonathan Dwayne Price, November 3, 1988 – October 3, 2020
Wolfe City, Texas
Tasered/Shot: October 3, 2020, Wolfe City Police Officer
Dijon Durand Kizzee, February 5, 1991 – August 31, 2020 Los Angeles, California
Shot: August 21, 2020, Los Angeles County Police
Rayshard Brooks, January 31, 1993 – June 12, 2020 Atlanta, Georgia
Shot: June 12, 2020, Atlanta Police Officer
Carlos Carson, May 16, 1984 – June 6, 2020 Tulsa, Oklahoma
Pepper Sprayed/Shot in Head: June 6, 2020, Knights Inn Tulsa Armed Security Guard, former sergeant and detention officer with the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office
David McAtee, August 3, 1966 – June 1, 2020
Louisville, Kentucky
Shot: June 1, 2020, Louisville Metropolitan Police Officer
Tony “Tony the TIger” McDade, 1982 – May 27, 2020 Tallahassee, Florida
Shot: May 27, 2020, Tallahassee Police Officers
George Perry Floyd, October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020
Powderhorn, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Knee on neck/Asphyxiated: May 25, 2020, Minneapolis Police Officer
Dreasjon “Sean” Reed, 1999 – May 6, 2020
Indianapolis, Indiana
Shot: May 6, 2020, Unidentified Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer
Michael Brent Charles Ramos, January 1, 1978 – April 24, 2020
Austin, Texas
Shot: April 24, 2020, Austin Police Detectives
Daniel T. Prude, September 20, 1978 – March 30, 2020
Rochester, New York
Asphyxiation: March 23, 2020, Rochester Police Officers
Breonna Taylor, June 5, 1993 – March 13, 2020
Louisville, Kentucky
Shot: March 13, 2020, Louisville Metro Police Officers
Manuel “Mannie” Elijah Ellis, August 28, 1986 – March 3, 2020
Tacoma, Washington
Physical restraint/Hypoxia: March 3, 2020, Tacoma Police Officers
William Howard Green, March 16, 1976 – January 27, 2020
Temple Hills, Maryland
Shot: January 27, 2020, Prince George’s County Police Officer
John Elliot Neville, 1962 – December 4, 2019
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Asphyxiated (hog-tied in prone position)/Heart Attack/Brain Injury: December 2, 2019, Forsyth County Sheriff Officers
Atatiana Koquice Jefferson, November 28, 1990 – October 12, 2019
Fort Worth, Texas
Shot: October 12, 2019, Fort Worth Police Officer
Elijah McClain, February 25, 1996 – August 30, 2019 Aurora, Colorado
Chokehold/Ketamine/Heart Attack: August 24, 2019, Aurora Police Officers and Paramedic
Ronald Greene, September 28, 1969 – May 10, 2019
Monroe, Louisiana
Stun gun/Force: May 10, 2019, Louisiana State Police
Javier Ambler, October 7, 1978 – March 28, 2019 Austin, Texas
Tasered/Electrocuted: March 28, 2019, Williamson County Sheriff Deputy
Sterling Lapree Higgins, October 27, 1981 – March 25, 2019 Union City, Tennessee
Choke hold/Asphyxiation: March 24-25, 2019, Union City Police Officer and Obion County Sheriff Deputies
Gregory Lloyd Edwards, September 23, 1980 – December 10, 2018
Brevard County Jail, Cocoa, Florida
Kneed, Punched, Pepper Sprayed, Tasered, and Strapped into a restraint chair with a spit hood over his head/Failure to Provide Medical Care: December 9, 2019, Brevard County Sheriffs
Emantic “EJ” Fitzgerald Bradford Jr., June 18, 1997 – November 22, 2018
Hoover, Alabama
Shot: November 22, 2018, Unidentified Hoover Police Officers
Charles “Chop” Roundtree Jr., September 5, 2000 – October 17, 2018
San Antonio, Texas
Shot: October 17, 2018, San Antonio Police Officer
Chinedu Okobi, February 13, 1982 – October 3, 2018
Millbrae, California
Tasered/Electrocuted: October 3, 2018, San Mateo County Sheriff Sergeant and Sheriff Deputies
Anton Milbert LaRue Black, October 18, 1998 – September 15, 2018
Greensboro, Maryland
Tasered/Sudden Cardiac Arrest: September 15, 2018, Greensboro Police Officers
Botham Shem Jean, September 29, 1991 – September 6, 2018
Dallas, Texas
Shot: September 6, 2018, Dallas Police Officer
Antwon Rose Jr., July 12, 2000 – June 19, 2018
East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Shot: June 19, 2018, East Pittsburgh Police Officer
Saheed Vassell, December 22, 1983 – April 4, 2018
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot: April 4, 2018, Four Unnamed New York City Police Officers
Stephon Alonzo Clark, August 10, 1995 – March 18, 2018
Sacramento, California
Shot: March 18, 2018, Sacramento Police Officers
Dennis Plowden Jr., 1992 – December 28, 2017
East Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Shot: December 27, 2017, Philadelphia Police Officer
Bijan Ghaisar, September 4, 1992 – November 27, 2017
George Washington Memorial Parkway, Alexandria, Virginia
Shot: November 17, 2017, U.S. Park Police Officers
Aaron Bailey, 1972 – June 29, 2017
Indianapolis, Indiana
Shot: June 29, 2017, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officers
Charleena Chavon Lyles, April 24, 1987 – June 18, 2017
Seattle, Washington
Shot: June 18, 2017, Seattle Police Officers
Fetus of Charleena Chavon Lyles (14-15 weeks), June 18, 2017
Seattle, Washington
Shot: June 18, 2017, Seattle Police Officers
Jordan Edwards, October 25, 2001 – April 29, 2017
Balch Springs, Texas
Shot: April 29, 2017, Balch Springs Officer
Chad Robertson, 1992 – February 15, 2017
Chicago, Illinois
Shot: February 8, 2017, Chicago Police Officer
Deborah Danner, September 25, 1950 – October 18, 2016
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: October 18, 2016, New York City Police Officers
Alfred Olango, July 29, 1978 – September 27, 2016
El Cajon, California
Shot: September 27, 2016, El Cajon Police Officers
Terence Crutcher, August 16, 1976 – September 16, 2016
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Shot: September 16, 2016, Tulsa Police Officer
Terrence LeDell Sterling, July 31, 1985 – September 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Shot: September 11, 2016, Washington Metropolitan Police Officer
Korryn Gaines, August 24, 1993 – August 1, 2016
Randallstown, Maryland
Shot: August 1, 2016, Baltimore County Police
Joseph Curtis Mann, 1966 – July 11, 2016
Sacramento, California
Shot: July 11, 2016, Sacramento Police Officers
Philando Castile, July 16, 1983 – July 6, 2016
Falcon Heights, Minnesota
Shot: July 6, 2016, St. Anthony Police Officer
Alton Sterling, June 14, 1979 – July 5, 2016
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Shot: July 5, 2016, Baton Rouge Police Officers
Bettie “Betty Boo” Jones, 1960 – December 26, 2015
Chicago, Illinois
Shot: December 26, 2015, Chicago Police Officer
Quintonio LeGrier, April 29, 1996 – December 26, 2015
Chicago, Illinois
Shot: December 26, 2015, Chicago Police Officer
Corey Lamar Jones, February 3, 1984 – October 18, 2015
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Shot: October 18, 2015, Palm Beach Gardens Police Officer
Jamar O’Neal Clark, May 3, 1991 – November 16, 2015
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Shot: November 15, 2015, Minneapolis Police Officers
Jeremy “Bam Bam” McDole, 1987 – September 23, 2015
Wilmington, Delaware
Shot: September 23, 2015, Wilmington Police Officers
India Kager, June 9, 1988 – September 5, 2015
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Shot: September 5, 2015, Virginia Beach Police Officers
Samuel Vincent DuBose, March 12, 1972 – July 19, 2015
Cincinnati, Ohio
Shot: July 19, 2015, University of Cincinnati Police Officer
Sandra Bland, February 7, 1987 – July 13, 2015
Waller County, Texas
Excessive Force/Wrongful Death/Suicide (?): July 10, 2015, Texas State Trooper
Brendon K. Glenn, 1986 – May 5, 2015
Venice, California
Shot: May 5, 2015, Los Angeles Police Officer
Freddie Carlos Gray Jr., August 16, 1989 – April 19, 2015
Baltimore, Maryland
Brute Force/Spinal Injuries: April 12, 2015, Baltimore City Police Officers
Walter Lamar Scott, February 9, 1965 – April 4, 2015
North Charleston, South Carolina
Shot: April 4, 2015, North Charleston Police Officer
Eric Courtney Harris, October 10, 1971 – April 2, 2015
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Shot: April 2, 2015, Tulsa County Reserve Deputy
Phillip Gregory White, 1982 – March 31, 2015
Vineland, New Jersey
K-9 Mauling/Respiratory distress: March 31, 2015, Vineland Police Officers
Mya Shawatza Hall, December 5, 1987 – March 30, 2015
Fort Meade, Maryland
Shot: March 30, 2015, National Security Agency Police Officers
Meagan Hockaday, August 27, 1988 – March 28, 2015
Oxnard, California
Shot: March 28, 2015, Oxnard Police Officer
Tony Terrell Robinson, Jr., October 18, 1995 – March 6, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin
Shot: March 6, 2015, Madison Police Officer
Janisha Fonville, March 3, 1994 – February 18 2015
Charlotte, North Carolina
Shot: February 18, 2015, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer
Natasha McKenna, January 9, 1978 – February 8, 2015
Fairfax County, Virginia
Tasered/Cardiac Arrest: February 3, 2015, Fairfax County Sheriff Deputies
Jerame C. Reid, June 8, 1978 – December 30, 2014
Bridgeton, New Jersey
Shot: December 30, 2014, Bridgeton Police Officer
Rumain Brisbon, November 24, 1980 – December 2, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Shot: December 2, 2014, Phoenix Police Officer
Tamir Rice, June 15, 2002 – November 22, 2014
Cleveland, Ohio
Shot: November 22, 2014, Cleveland Police Officer
Akai Kareem Gurley, November 12, 1986 – November 20, 2014
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot: November 20, 2014, New York City Police Officer
Tanisha N. Anderson, January 22, 1977 – November 13, 2014
Cleveland, Ohio
Physically Restrained/Brute Force: November 13, 2014, Cleveland Police Officers
Dante Parker, August 14, 1977 – August 12, 2014
Victorville, California
Tasered/Excessive Force: August 12, 2014, San Bernardino County Sheriff Deputies
Ezell Ford, October 14, 1988 – August 11, 2014
Florence, Los Angeles, California
Shot: August 11, 2014, Los Angeles Police Officers
Michael Brown Jr., May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014
Ferguson, Missouri
Shot: August 9, 2014, Ferguson Police Officer
John Crawford III, July 29, 1992 – August 5, 2014
Beavercreek, Ohio
Shot: August 5, 2014, Beavercreek Police Officer
Tyree Woodson, July 8, 1976 – August 2, 2014
Baltimore, Maryland
Shot: August 2, 2014, Baltimore City Police Officer
Eric Garner, September 15, 1970 – July 17, 2014
Staten Island, New York
Choke hold/Suffocated: July 17, 2014, New York City Police Officer
Dontre Hamilton, January 20, 1983 – April 30, 2014
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Shot: April 30, 2014, Milwaukee Police Officer
Victor White III, September 11, 1991 – March 3, 2014
New Iberia, Louisiana
Shot: March 2, 2014, Iberia Parish Sheriff Deputy
Gabriella Monique Nevarez, November 25, 1991 – March 2, 2014
Citrus Heights, California
Shot: March 2, 2014, Citrus Heights Police Officers
Yvette Smith, December 18, 1966 – February 16, 2014
Bastrop County, Texas
Shot: February 16, 2014, Bastrop County Sheriff Deputy
McKenzie J. Cochran, August 25, 1988 – January 29, 2014
Southfield, Michigan
Pepper Sprayed/Compression Asphyxiation: January 28, 2014, Northland Mall Security Guards
Jordan Baker, 1988 – January 16, 2014
Houston, Texas
Shot: January 16, 2014, Off-duty Houston Police Officer
Andy Lopez, June 2, 2000 – October 22, 2013
Santa Rosa, California
Shot: October 22, 2013, Sonoma County Sheriff Deputy
Miriam Iris Carey, August 12, 1979 – October 3, 2013
Washington, DC
Shot 26 times: October 3, 2013, U. S. Secret Service Officer
Barrington “BJ” Williams, 1988 – September 17, 2013
New York City, New York
Neglect/Disdain/Asthma Attack: September 17, 2013, New York City Police Officers
Jonathan Ferrell, October 11, 1989 – September 14, 2013
Charlotte, North Carolina
Shot: September 14, 2013, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer
Carlos Alcis, 1970 – August 15, 2013
Brooklyn, New York City
Heart Attack/Neglect: August 15, 2013, New York City Police Officers
Larry Eugene Jackson Jr., November 29, 1980 – July 26, 2013
Austin, Texas
Shot: July 26, 2013, Austin Police Detective
Kyam Livingston, July 29, 1975 – July 21, 2013
New York City, New York
Neglect/Ignored pleas for help: July 20-21, 2013, New York City Police Officers
Clinton R. Allen, September 26, 1987 – March 10, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Tasered and Shot: March 10, 2013, Dallas Police Officer
Kimani “KiKi” Gray, October 19, 1996 – March 9, 2013
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot: March 9, 2013, New York Police Officers
Kayla Moore, April 17, 1971 – February 13, 2013
Berkeley, California
Restrained face-down prone: February 12, 2013, Berkeley Police Officers
Jamaal Moore Sr., 1989 – December 15, 2012
Chicago, Illinois
Shot: December 15, 2012, Chicago Police Officer
Johnnie Kamahi Warren, February 26, 1968 – February 13, 2012
Dothan, Alabama
Tasered/Electrocuted: December 10, 2012, Houston County (AL) Sheriff Deputy
Shelly Marie Frey, April 21, 1985 – December 6, 2012
Houston, Texas
Shot: December 6, 2012, Off-duty Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy
Darnisha Diana Harris, December 11, 1996 – December 2, 2012
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
Shot: December 2, 2012, Breaux Bridge Police Office
Timothy Russell, December 9. 1968 – November 29, 2012
Cleveland, Ohio
137 Rounds/Shot 23 times: November 29, 2012, Cleveland Police Officers
Malissa Williams, June 20, 1982 – November 29, 2012
Cleveland, Ohio
137 Rounds/Shot 24 times: November 29, 2012, Cleveland Police Officers
Noel Palanco, November 28, 1989 – October 4, 2012
Queens, New York City, New York
Shot: October 4, 2012, New York City Police Officers
Reynaldo Cuevas, January 6, 1992 – September 7, 2012
Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: September 7, 2012, New York City Police Officer
Chavis Carter, 1991 – July 28, 2012
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Shot: July 28, 2012, Jonesboro Police Officer
Alesia Thomas, June 1, 1977 – July 22, 2012
Los Angeles, California
Brutal Force/Beaten: July 22, 2012, Los Angeles Police Officers
Shantel Davis, May 26, 1989 – June 14, 2012
New York City, New York
Shot: June 14, 2012, New York City Police Officer
Sharmel T. Edwards, October 10, 1962 – April 21, 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada
Shot: April 21, 2012, Las Vegas Police Officers
Tamon Robinson, December 21, 1985 – April 18, 2012
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Run over by police car: April 12, 2012, New York City Police Officers
Shot: March 21, 2012, Off-duty Chicago Police Detective
Shereese Francis, 1982 – March 15, 2012
Queens, New York City, New York
Suffocated to death: March 15, 2012, New York City Police Officers
Jersey K. Green, June 17, 1974 – March 12, 2012
Aurora, Illinois
Tasered/Electrocuted: March 12, 2012, Aurora Police Officers
Wendell James Allen, December 19, 1991 – March 7, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
Shot: March 7, 2012, New Orleans Police Officer
Nehemiah Lazar Dillard, July 29, 1982 – March 5, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
Tasered/Electrocuted: March 5, 2012, Alachua County Sheriff Deputies
Dante’ Lamar Price, July 18, 1986 – March 1, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Shot: March 1, 2012, Ranger Security Guards
Raymond Luther Allen Jr., 1978 – February 29, 2012
Galveston, Texas
Tasered/Electrocuted: February 27, 2012, Galveston Police Officers
Manual Levi Loggins Jr., February 22, 1980 – February 7, 2012
San Clemente, Orange County, California
Shot: February 7, 2012, Orange County Sheriff Deputy
Ramarley Graham, April 12, 1993 – February 2, 2012
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: February 2, 2012, New York City Police Officer
Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., April 12, 1943 – November 19, 2011
White Plains, New York
Tasered/Electrocuted/Shot: November 19, 2011, White Plains Police Officers
Alonzo Ashley, June 10, 1982 – July 18, 2011
Denver, Colorado
Tasered/Electrocuted: July 18, 2011, Denver Police Officers
Derek Williams, January 23, 1989 – July 6, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Blunt Force/Respiratory distress: July 6, 2011, Milwaukee Police Officers
Raheim Brown, Jr., March 4, 1990 – January 22, 2011
Oakland, California
Shot: January 22, 2011, Oakland Unified School District Police
Reginald Doucet, June 3, 1985 – January 14, 2011
Los Angeles, California
Shot: January 14, 2011, Los Angeles Police Officer
Derrick Jones, September 30, 1973 – November 8, 2010
Oakland, California
Shot: November 8, 2010, Oakland Police Officers
Danroy “DJ” Henry Jr., October 29, 1990 – October 17, 2010
Pleasantville, New York
Shot: October 17, 2020, Pleasantville Police Officer
Aiyana Mo’Nay Stanley-Jones, July 20, 2002 – May 16, 2010
Detroit, Michigan
Shot: May 16, 2010, Detroit Police Officer
Steven Eugene Washington, September 20, 1982 – March 20, 2010
Los Angeles, California
Shot: March 20, 2010, Los Angeles County Police
Aaron Campbell, September 7, 1984 – January 29, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Shot: January 29, 2010, Portland Police Officer
Kiwane Carrington, July 14, 1994 – October 9, 2009
Champaign, Illinois
Shot: October 9, 2019, Champaign Police Officer
Victor Steen, November 11, 1991 – October 3, 2009
Pensacola, Florida
Tasered/Run over: October 3, 2009, Pensacola Police Officer
Shem Walker, March 18, 1960 – July 11, 2009
Brooklyn, New York
Shot: July 11, 2009, New York City Undercover C-94 Police Officer
Oscar Grant III, February 27, 1986 – January 1, 2009
Oakland, California
Shot: January 1, 2009, BART Police Officer
Tarika Wilson, October 30, 1981 – January 4, 2008
Lima, Ohio
Shot January 4, 2008, Lima Police Officer
DeAunta Terrel Farrow, September 7, 1994 – June 22, 2007
West Memphis, Arkansas
Shot: June 22, 2007, West Memphis (AR) Police Officer
Sean Bell, May 23, 1983 – November 25, 2006
Queens, New York City, New York
Shot: November 25, 2006, New York City Police Officers
Kathryn Johnston, June 26, 1914 – November 21, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia
Shot: November 21, 2006, Undercover Atlanta Police Officers
Ronald Curtis Madison, March 1, 1965 – September 4, 2005
Danziger Bridge, New Orleans, Louisiana
Shot: September 4, 2005, New Orleans Police Officers
James B. Brissette Jr., November 6, 1987 – September 4, 2005
Danziger Bridge, New Orleans, Louisiana
Shot: September 4, 2005, New Orleans Police Officers
Henry “Ace” Glover, October 2, 1973 – September 2, 2005
New Orleans, Louisiana
Shot: September 2, 2005, New Orleans Police Officers
Timothy Stansbury, Jr., November 16, 1984 – January 24, 2004
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot: January 24, 2004, New York City Police Officer
Ousmane Zongo, 1960 – May 22, 2003
New York City, New York
Shot: May 22, 2003, New York City Police Officer
Alberta Spruill, 1946 – May 16, 2003
New York City, New York
Stun grenade thrown into her apartment led to a heart attack: May 16, 2003, New York City Police Officer
Kendra Sarie James, December 24, 1981 – May 5, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Shot: May 5, 2003, Portland Police Officer
Orlando Barlow, December 29, 1974 – February 28, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada
Shot: February 28, 2003, Las Vegas Police Officer
Nelson Martinez Mendez, 1977 – August 8, 2001
Bellevue, Washington
Shot: August 8, 2001, Bellevue Police Officer
Timothy DeWayne Thomas Jr., July 25, 1981 – April 7, 2001
Cincinnati, Ohio
Shot: April 7, 2001, Cincinnati Police Patrolman
Ronald Beasley, 1964 – June 12, 2000
Dellwood, Missouri
Shot: June 12, 2000, Dellwood Police Officers
Earl Murray, 1964 – June 12, 2000
Dellwood, Missouri
Shot: June 12, 2000, Dellwood Police Officers
Patrick Moses Dorismond, February 28, 1974 – March 16, 2000
New York City, New York
Shot: March 16, 2000, New York City Police Officer
Prince Carmen Jones Jr., March 30, 1975 – September 1, 2000
Fairfax County, Virginia
Shot: September 1, 2000, Prince George’s County Police Officer
Malcolm Ferguson, October 31, 1976 – March 1, 2000
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: March 1, 2000, New York City Police Officer
LaTanya Haggerty, 1973 – June 4, 1999
Chicago, Illinois
Shot: June 4, 1999, Chicago Police Officer
Margaret LaVerne Mitchell, 1945 – May 21, 1999
Los Angeles, California
Shot: May 21, 1999, Los Angeles Police Officer
Amadou Diallo, September 2, 1975 – February 4, 1999
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: February 4, 1999, New York City Police Officers
Tyisha Shenee Miller, March 9, 1979 – December 28, 1998
Riverside, California
Shot: December 28, 1998, Riverside Police Officers
Dannette “Strawberry” Daniels, January 25, 1966 – June 7, 1997
Newark, New Jersey
Shot: June 7, 1997, Newark Police Officer
Frankie Ann Perkins, 1960 – March 22, 1997
Chicago, Illinois
Brutal Force/Strangled: March 22, 1997, Chicago Police Officers
Nicholas Heyward Jr., August 26, 1981 – September 27, 1994
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot: September 27, 1994, New York City Police Officer
Mary Mitchell, 1950 – November 3, 1991
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: November 3, 1991, New York City Police Officer
Yvonne Smallwood, July 26, 1959 – December 9, 1987
New York City, New York
Severely beaten/Massive blood clot: December 3, New York City Police Officers
Eleanor Bumpers, August 22, 1918 – October 29, 1984
The Bronx, New York City, New York
Shot: October 29, 1984, New York City Police Officer
Michael Jerome Stewart, May 9, 1958 – September 28, 1983
New York City, New York
Brutal Force: September 15, 1983, New York City Transit Police
Eula Mae Love, August 8, 1939 – January 3, 1979
Los Angeles, California
Shot: January 3, 1979, Los Angeles County Police Officers
Arthur Miller Jr., 1943 – June 14, 1978
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Chokehold/Strangled: June 14, 1978, New York City Police Officers
Randolph Evans, April 5, 1961 – November 25, 1976
Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Shot in head: November 25, 1976, New York City Police Officer
Barry Gene Evans, August 29, 1958 – February 10, 1976
Los Angeles, California
Shot: February 10, 1976, Los Angeles Police Officers
Rita Lloyd, November 2, 1956 – January 27, 1973
New York City, New York
Shot: January 27, 1973, New York City Police Officer
Henry Dumas, July 20, 1934 – May 23, 1968
Harlem, New York City, New York
Shot: May 23, 1968, New York City Transit Police Officer
This memorial is in honor of those unarmed black and brown people killed by the police, sheriff deputies, and security guards. The list is organized by most recent incident of police brutality (David McAtee and George Perry Floyd) and then moves back in time. I have listed each person by their name; birth and death dates; the location of their death; the means of death, date of death, and name of the police department.
I culled the names from a variety of online sources including Black Lives Matter’s protests; Wikipedia; Black Past; Dangerous Objects, a website run by Mercy Garriga, that investigates cases of excessive use of force and death by the police force; and Professors Cassandra Chaney and Ray V. Robertson’s essay “Armed and Dangerous? An Examination of Fatal Shootings of Unarmed Black People by Police.” I have included women from the #SaveHerName project because we often ignore the injustices and violence that black women experience from the police: police brutality is real for women as it is for men.
At the age of twenty-four, a friend introduced me to the radical and astonishingly beautiful poetry and writing of Henry Dumas. His poetry serves as the epitaph for this memorial; Dumas is the last entry on this list, shot by New York City Transit Police on May 23, 1968.
— Renée Ater, May 29, 2020
**Many thanks to Cecilia Wichmann and Mary Savig for their fact checking of this list, including adding birth dates from the Social Security Death Index and links to additional news stories.
Superior and Appeals Court Fraud in Motion to Dismiss As for the Appeals Court, the appeals court bases it’s decision to dismiss al-Hakim’s appeal entirely on CSAA’s contention that al-Hakim had failed and refused to comply with an unserved discovery request that was unopposed and as such should have their unserved motion to dismiss granted! Defendants obtained this order from Commissioner Rausch as the product of fraud and deceit when again defendants got an UNOPPOSED order as al-Hakim was NEVER served any interrogatories and requests for the production of documents BUT Brand granted the Motion of al-Hakim to vacate and set aside the related order on MOTION NO. 3. of 4/16/18. (Filed 9/14/18) Nor did defendants serve a motion to dismiss the appeal by CSAA, nor did al-Hakim receive any filing notice of any type from the Appeals Court of any motion to dismiss by CSAA. MOTION NO. 3. (see 2/25/19 Brand Challenge at ¶¶ 18, Page 34-35) Even though Brand set aside the order, his ruling is willfully blind, bias, prejudice, shrouded in fraud as he attempts to ignore the existence of the Fraud, Deception, Misrepresentation and Bad Faith Conduct of Defendants. Here Brand was presented with evidence of defendants sworn statements that clearly establish their fraud of al-Hakim, Extrinsic fraud upon the court, the People of the State of California by not having served the alleged documents, yet in his order he advocated a judicial imprimatur of the defense’s theory and demands “within 21 days of service of this order, Al-Hakim must produce responses to interrogatories (set one) and requests for the production of documents (set one). The responses must be without objection and must be verified” He totally disregards the fact that al-Hakim WAS NEVER SERVED, thus CAN NOT RESPOND!! THIS ORDER WAS TAKEN OUT OF SHEER FRAUD AND DECIT BY CSAA FILING WITHOUT SERVING THE MOTIONS ON al-HAKIM. al-Hakim has expressed repeatedly to the courts that he was NEVER served any motion to dismiss by CSAA, nor any motion to compel discovery by CSAA, and this is clearly a well established patterned litigation practice employed by them and al-Hakim has brought this fact to the attention of the courts many, many times before as well as CSAA historically NEVER has any supporting proof of service that is legally and properly executed, is always unsigned so that they are NOT under the penalty of perjury. The orders are the unsavory product of CSAA’s unscrupulous, immoral fraud and that immorality has been drastically redefined in recent times, arguably the boundaries of what is judicially acceptable remain publicly policed! The Court of Appeal abuse its discretion and improperly prejudice al-Hakim when it dismissed his appeal given that Justice Barbara J.R. Jones July 16, 2018 order EVADES THE ENTIRE GRAVAMEN OF al-HAKIM’S ARGUMENT, THE FACT THAT al-HAKIM WAS NEVER SERVED THE MOTION TO DISMISS BY DEFENDANTS AND NEVER RECEIVED ANY NOTICE FROM HER APPEALS COURT OF ANY SUCH ACTION AND HER APPEALS COURT HAVE NO RECORD OF EVER SENDING ANY NOTICE OF ANY TYPE TO al-HAKIM REGARDING THE MOTION TO DISMISS! So how is it possible that the Appeals Court would be silent, not providing ANY proof of their having EVER served ANY notice of any kind of their receiving the motion to dismiss, NOTHING served on me even remotely noticing the motion, no briefing schedule, no schedule of motion practice and this clearly should have been the practice of the courts as it has before with Anne Reasoner, Vira Pons and Truefiling. al-Hakim NEVER received any email, or U. S. postal mail from Anne Reasoner, Vira Pons or the appeals court nor any electronic service from TrueFiling as he usually would. The matters of the courts failure and refusal to serve ANY notice of ANY type regarding as serious a matter as a dismissal of an action against the obvious corruption of a judge or judges combined with the failure and refusal of the reviewing judge smacks of blatant GRAND CORRUPTION of ALL INVOLVED, ESPECIALLY AND INCLUDING THOSE THAT COVER IT UP COMMITTING AN EVEN GREATER CRIME!!!
Alameda Superior Court and Appeals Corruption
Judge Brands ruling granting the motion to vacate and set aside the order granting defendants motion to compel interrogatories and sanctions due to NON SERVICE. On October 12, 2018, the Appeals Court sent a reply that merely mentions that the defendants had submitted a proof of service dated June 22, 2018, that was allegedly served via mail and electronically to two different email addresses, 1) one that CSAA has admitted to the courts that has been blocked from sending email to for years due to his giving that email address to a commercial business without al-Hakim’s knowledge or approval and 2) the other email address he knows is not al-Hakim. There NEVER was any U.S. mail nor personal service of any documents. In several documents filed with the courts, Attorney John Bradley sworn under the penalty of perjury in a November 29, 2017 letter to al-Hakim that he will neither serve nor accept service via email and has not done so! At the November 22, 2017 hearing, Bradley could not and did not produce a valid, properly executed proof of service which is why his deputy counsel Colwell could not enforce his unserved motion for the issuance of an order to show cause re: sale of dwelling. Secondly, al-Hakim notified Bradley by letter, fax and email on December 4, 2017, that Bradley’s email was blocked due to his giving that email address to a commercial business without al-Hakim’s knowledge or approval. This notice was given months, nearly a year before Bradley claims that it was problematic and he fails to explain how al-Hakim has problems with receiving mail at his home because Bradley alleges that “he does NOT live there and is not there everyday”. al-Hakim does NOT deliver the mail to his home and in no way would be involved nor responsible for that task! NOW THE ENTIRE UNDERPINNINGS OF JUDGE JONES DECISION TO DISMISS al-HAKIM’S APPEAL HAVE VANISHED except the remaining Court Administration Grand, Systemic and Endemic Corruption; Conduct To Pervert or Obstruct Justice, or the Due Administration of the Laws (Pen.Code, §§ 182, subd. (a)(1), 4570) 1 and Conspiracy to Pervert or Obstruct Justice (§ 182, subd. (a)(5)); Fraud Upon The Court; Manipulation; Cause Due to Criminal Conduct In Violation of The Law! The Appeals court, Judge Barbara Jones and the court clerks are blocking and providing interference for judge Kim Colwell to make her “end run” and complete her fraud and corruption in her Order for sale of al-Hakim’s Dwelling BEFORE the Motion to Vacate the Order, which was uncontested by defendants, was to be heard and has been continued by the court under an illegal Appeals stay since February 2018. al-Hakim’s Motion to Vacate the Order granting the sale of plaintiff home is NOT an appealable order and is NOT subject to the automatic stay pending appeals, just as the defendants motion for sale of the dwelling with an undertaking is NOT subject to the automatic stay, which Colwell ruled the sale of dwelling could and did go forward, yet she has continued to delay the resolution to plaintiff’s motion to vacate that was uncontested by defendants! This would reverse the ruling made by Judge Colwell for the sale of the Dwelling!!! For eight months Colwell had been begging the Appeals court to expedite the Remitter in the motion to dismiss so she can quickly rule on the motion to vacate with a denial! For the Appeals Court to deny such a serious motion when the appeals court was willfully and intentionally derelict in their NON-SERVICE of ANY notices to al-Hakim and CSAA obvious fraud, there is NO place for this in modern society much less in a courtroom before the people! It is even more enlightening in respects to the calumny deceit and denial of due process employed in it, that al-Hakim have complained of for years. This order in response to al-Hakim’s actions of merely invoking his rights to petition the courts was the very epitome of specious retaliation and heinous denial of due process FORCED on al-Hakim by defendants. On March 18, 2019, January 10 and 7, 2019 and November 7, 2018, filed and served complaints with Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye and Associate Justices of the Court, Beth Robbins, and Charles Johnson requesting an investigation of and urging both the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal to grant review of the Court of Appeal’s decision in al-HAKIM VS CSAA- Wellpoint (2018) California Appeals Court Case# 153510, and now California Supreme Court Case# S-250997. Order from the Appeals Court dated July 16, 2018 al-Hakim has received NO response from the State Supreme nor Appeals Courts and their response and the admissions of the facts, evidence, testimony, and proof from their findings of what happened in this incident has a drastic effect on this case as it will NOT “go away” merely because you chose to ignore it! We DEMAND ANSWERS TO THIS CONTINUING CRIME! Defendants “appeal covers more than just a failure to comply with a court order. It includes obstructive tactics and frustration or obstruction of legitimate efforts to enforce a judgment.” as again al-Hakim was NEVER served any motion to dismiss by CSAA, any filing notice of any type from the Appeals Court of any motion to dismiss by CSAA, no briefing schedule, no schedule of motion practice, and this clearly should have been the practice of the courts as it has before with Anne Reasoner and Truefiling. al-Hakim NEVER received any email, or U. S. postal mail from Reasoner or the appeals court nor any electronic service from TrueFiling, which is the norm, and there is NO RECORD of any type that any of them sent any notice of any type to al-Hakim! These matters are currently being investigated.
Oakland City Attorney Gives Case File To Defendants Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski, Doesn’t Tell Court or Plaintiffs!
Non-Service of Process Tactic This tactic employed by the courts and defendants of failing to serve documents on al-Hakim is a major part of the litigation scheme carried out solely for the purpose of espousing defendants vitriol of Trump-esq hate induced 20 year strategy of FRAUD, DECIET, RACISM, RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY, AND INTOLERANCE, PREJUDICE, stirring the animus of the court to provoke acrimony toward al-Hakim, fostering calumny deceit within the judicial and legal community, knowingly using fraudulent, misleading, false and larcenous documentation provided by Defendants attempting to foist upon plaintiff and the courts the imprimatur of substantiating documentary evidence in denial of al-Hakim’s civil rights and immunity from takings of property without due process is a gross abuse of discretion in violation of the law is objectively unreasonable and was undertaken intentionally with malice, willfulness, and reckless indifference to the rights of al-Hakim in lieu of proper litigation. Brand’s order has merely substantiated the evidence of the continuing Superior Court Administration Grand, Systemic and Endemic Corruption; Conduct To Pervert or Obstruct Justice, or the Due Administration of the Laws (Pen.Code, §§ 182, subd. (a)(1), 4570) 1 and Conspiracy to Pervert or Obstruct Justice (§ 182, subd. (a)(5)); Fraud Upon The Court; and Manipulation. These efforts of CSAA is tantamount to a scheme to hinder, deny and defraud al-Hakim in violation of the laws above and can qualify as a Hate Crime under the Unruh and Ralph Civil Rights and the Bane Acts, while they are clear acts of religious bigotry and intolerance for which al-Hakim will not allow.
Due to the Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, that includes Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism as a subset, that provides for the unlawful, and unconstitutional acts of The “COURTEL”– COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats, the al-Hakim Family has suffered the unfathomable loss of their homes, their businesses, their incomes, their life’s assets, their credit worthiness, their friends and associates! Those Judicial/Legal, Government and Law Enforcement Bodies, Agencies and Political Officials identified in the COURTEL, are listed in the “THE COURTEL,THE COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL” Page on this website at:; and those identified as Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats are listed BELOW! Those identified as “THE COURTEL”, include ALL those referenced in both The “COURTEL”– COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, plus the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats collectively in total! ABDUL-JALIL al-HAKIM, his family members Harun al-Hakim-Miller, Jalil Omar al-Hakim, Bari al-Hakim-Williams, Joette al-Hakim-Hall, Patty Flenory, and their siblings; and their business entities Superstar Management, The Genius of Randy Wallace, Inc., the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF),, eX-whY Adventures, and communities that they serve, have suffered through over 50 years of continuing great and irreparable harm, which continues to this date. The COURTEL disabled, stole and sold their home, businesses, retirement funds, cars, trucks, assets, revoked al-Hakim’s drivers license and passport: forcing the loss of income from oversea’s employment, touring and booking dates; business and pleasure travel; prohibited from serving in Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF) relief missions in Haiti and Africa willfully and intentionally deprived al-Hakim, his family and business of their civil rights, religious rights, right to fair competition and right to due process under the law and insurance contract; the benefits under the contract; the peace of mind and economic security purchased under the contract; the prospects of full and healthy lives for the past forty years and in the untold future; the normal course of their lives and the pursuit of happiness which will never be recovered; al-Hakim, his family and business has been harmed BEYOND COMPREHENSION! The COURTEL and District Attorney admitted stealing child support paid to them in trust for al-Hakim’s daughter and extorted al-Hakim to pay it again; al-Hakim’s appeal of the District Attorney’s fraud and extortion was handled by then Attorney General Jerry Brown and later Kamala Harris whom substituted in as attorneys in the interest of justice, yet they was supposed to be investigating these same parties crimes as part of the U. S. Attorney General’s action al-Hakim filed in 2005; they suspended al-Hakim’s drivers license since 2004 for the DA’s admitted fraud in an effort to extort him into paying for their fraud; at the same time revoked al-Hakim’s passport denying his ability to travel or gain employment internationally for the DA’s admitted fraud in an effort to extort him into paying for their fraud; the California State Franchise Tax Board illegally raided two al-Hakim’s retirement money market and business accounts with fraudulent, fictitious double billed bank levies on both business and personal bank accounts; the COURTEL (DA’s office, Hayward Police Department, California Bureau of Automotive Repair) have dismantled an auto leaving it in parts; they have impounded and sold another SUV truck used in their family non-profit foundation; Bankruptcy judge Randall Newsome fabricated the audio and written record of a hearing and three times demanded al-Hakim work with Trustee and attorneys to continue performing management duties for M. C. Hammer and when al-Hakim refused to work free, the judge made a “take it or leave it” offer compromising al-Hakim’s $1.7 million claim, resulting in al-Hakim getting $0; another Federal Bankruptcy Trustee stole $10,000 from al-Hakim in a Bankruptcy case involving court ordered restitution to be paid to al-Hakim from the police burglary of al-Hakim’s computer store; among others! This is criminal fraud upon the court and law, extrinsic fraud — fraud on the al-Hakim, which prevented him from having his days in court and has deprived him and his family of the celebration of their daily lives with the pursuit of happiness, ruined their health, destroyed their businesses, their savings of their lifetimes, All this in retaliation for exercising federal protections against the onslaught of record setting violations of federally protected rights, and in retaliation for reporting criminal activities in which The COURTEL, Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats with their conspiring offending parties were implicated.
Appeals and Superior Court Corruption
This COURTEL, Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats have deprived al-Hakim and his family of the celebration of their daily lives with the pursuit of happiness, ruined their health, destroyed their businesses, the savings of a lifetime, with their fraud upon the court inflicting maximum emotion distress, pain and suffering, forbidding and denying the basic and elementary pursuit of happiness, casting them into an uncontrollable downward spiraling infinite moribund density, schism, chasm, of life threatening and life altering danger and crippling poverty without end until death!
The COURTEL’S insidious and fatal legal intrusion into the al-Hakim’s lives has maimed and dismember the al-Hakim family; shattered their hopes, dreams, aspirations; murdered their lives through oppression and persecution; causing, forcing their death from this slaughter and torture, as they destroy al-Hakim’s iconic, role model status, ruined his public persona and business reputation, and sullied his professional integrity by casting aspersions upon him with GREAT pain and suffering! The COURTEL’S illegal eviction of al-Hakim from the defaulted Green Key case, forced him, his family and businesses out of his home with only two days to move and was unable to take anything! ALL al-Hakim’s entire 70 years life long obtained belongings, every invaluable item he has ever acquired, including everything of his family’s personal property and his businesses property documented over $600,000, ALL his belongings from 40 years of residing in the home and was forced to leave EVERYTHING, a completely furnished, 5 bedroom, 19 room, 3,800 sq ft home, including his business and personal property, includes ALL personal and business effects, computers and electronics, jewelry, artwork, audio and video recorder equipment and tapes, chandeliers, silver and china ware, household items, furniture and fixtures, valuables, clothing, gym and exercise equipment, spa and swimming pool goods, bedroom goods, kitchen ware, ALL food and nutrition goods, supplies, gardening and pool supplies, tools, accessories and supplies. Additionally, there was over $100,000 in clothing, clothing accessories, sporting goods and equipment, clothing racks, displays, manikins, athletic wear, gear, accessories, inventory of the family 62 year old non-profit, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, alone! These are among other things that were in the home on the premises. Of note is the fact al-Hakim was forced to leave all his personal and business files that are now in the custody and control of the COURTEL’S. al-Hakim has NONE of the files he had accumulated over his life of years! The COURTEL’S has total possession and control of ALL al-Hakim’s possessions, Four times al-Hakim has demanded the return of EVERYTHING, ALL ITEMS LEFT IN THE HOUSE, WITHOUT ANY DAMAGE TO THEM! COURTEL and defendants has NEVER responded to the demand and we are sure the items of interest are in the complete control of the COURTEL, Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats! The COURTEL’S tactics is designed to instill fear into al-Hakim and his family, to capture them in the snare of the legal system- civil and criminal, with prosecuting judges, police and district attorney in ALL their cases…… without justice, stealing their lives, businesses, human and civil rights, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom are ALL in jeopardy of peril. Justice is what they want you to buy into and adhere to while they use it as a smoke screen to deny you that same justice they NEVER intended for you! Kamala Harris, whom substituted in as attorneys in the interest of justice, was acting or purporting to act in the performance of their official duties, FILED DOCUMENTS THAT THEY WERE REPRESENTING the al-Hakim Family members Harun al-Hakim-Miller, Bari al-Hakim-Williams, Joette al-Hakim-Hall, Patty Flenory; the VERY SAME PARTIES THEY ADMITTED TO HAVE STOLEN, MISAPPROPRIATED, AND DEFRAUDED THE CHILD SUPPORT PAID TO THEM IN TRUST FOR THE MINOR GIRLS AND THEN EXTORTED THE FATHER TO PAY IT AGAIN; wherein this conduct violated the girls’s civil rights, religious rights, right to fair competition and right to due process under the law and is an inherent threat to all our civil and human rights, right to due process, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom; yet Kamala Harris and the Attorney General’s Office was supposed to be investigating these same parties crimes as part of the U. S. Attorney General’s action al-Hakim filed in 2005! THERE IS NO GREATER CONFLICT OF INTEREST THEN THIS OBVIOUS AND ADMITTED DEFRAUDING OF TWO MINOR GIRLS CHILD SUPPORT PERPETRATED BY KAMALA HARRIS IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE IN THE HISTORY IF JUSTICE!! The COURTEL, Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, these corrupt judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities are more dangerous to our liberty, than any of the enemy it claims to protect us from. Why have these people and organizations been so derelict while failing and refusing so miserably to enforce the same rules of conduct and law on incompetent, mendacious judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities after so many complaints filed? They have allowed these same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities to act as if in a trance… trying to destroy al-Hakim and demonized al-Hakim to prosecute, persecute and disparaged al-Hakim whom was guilty only of advocating and standing up for his civil and human rights and right to due process. These same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities are allowed to use court orders to threaten to fine, jail and pauperize al-Hakim. Did the COURTEL, Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, these same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities honestly and fairly serve al-Hakim and this generation of Americans by failing and refusing to prosecute these serious charges, and did they do what it takes to defeat the inherent threat to all our civil and human rights, right to due process, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom? Sadly — of course — the distance of history will recognize that the threat to all our civil and human rights, right to due process, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom that al-Hakim and this generation of Americans needed to take seriously… was The “COURTEL”– COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, with their Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, the same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities that they are suppose to Protect and Defend US FROM! Herein you will find those identified in the al-Hakim cases as being involved in this COURTEL culled from the case files ALL of whom are and will be a NAMED DEFENDANTS, WITNESSES, and SNITCHES are: United States Senator Dianne Feinstein United States Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Anne Taylor, Elaine McKellar, Lauren Riggs, Saundra Andrews, Leslie Littleton and ALL former and current employees California State Governor: Gavin Newsome, former Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr., Evan Westrep and ALL former and current employees California State Senator Kamala Harris and ALL members of her office including but not limited to Nathan Barankin, Debbie Mesloh, Michael Troncoso, Tony West, Shaeda Ahmadi, Clint Odom, Lily Adams, Tyrone Gayle and Rohini Kosoglu, Brenda Gonzalez, Andy Vargas, Shawn Haq, Josh Hsu, Daniel Chen, Sergio Gonzales, Kate Waters, Zev Karlin-Neumann, Halie Soifer, California State Franchise Tax Board: Vu Tran, Emelda Nanca, Margaritas Escoveda, Selvi Stanislaus, Connie Aceves, Eric Scheidegger, Sheree Haris, Jeffery Lin, Iselma Bueno, Virginia, Patricia, Sharon Jones, and ALL former and current employees California State Senator Loni Hancock, Michelle Milam, Terri Waller, Melissa Male, Nathan Rapp, and ALL former and current employees Former California State Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, staff Carol Jones, Charlene Washington, Adam Jones, Larry Broussard, Danita Blair, Amber Maltbie, Monica Vejar, Amanda, and ALL former and current employees Alameda County Administrator: Susan Muranishi, Donna Linton and ALL former and current employees Alameda County Office of the Treasure And Tax Collector, Donald R. White, Elvia Quiroga, Jack Wong and ALL former and current employees Alameda County Supervisor Kieth Carson, Rodney Brooks, Mina Sanchez and ALL former and current employees Alameda County Supervisors: Nate Miley, Andra Wicks, and ALL former and current employees Alameda County Sheriff’s Office: GREGORY J. AHERN, R. KELLY, S. PETERSON, RICHARD T. LUCIA, CASEY NICE, BRETT M. KETELES, James Baker Alameda County Clerk-Recorder City of Oakland Mayor: Libby Schaff, Tomiquia Moss, Shereda Nosakhare, Peggy Moore, Erica Terry Derryck, Audrey Cortes, Matt Nichols, David Silver, Jose Corona, Michael Hunt, Karely Ordaz Salto, former Mayors Ron Dellums, former Mayor Jean Quan, Trina Barton, Diane Boyd, Miguel Bustos, Kitty Kelly Epstein, VaShone Huff, Earl Johnson, Cheryal Kidd, Marisol Lopez, Vincent Mackey, Paul Rose, Daniel Boggan Jr., Karen Stevenson, Rich Cowan, Lewis Cohen, Karen Boyd, Anne Campbell Washington, Reygan Harmon, Susan Piper, former Mayor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jacque Barzaghi and ALL former and current employees Oakland City Attorney: Barbara J. Parker, former City Attorney John Russo and Jayne Williams the City Attorney’s Office, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abbey, Deborah Walther, Anita Flores, and former employee Pat Smith Oakland City Administrator: Sabrina Landreth, former Deanna J. Santana, Dan Lindhiem, Fred Blackwell, Kathy Kessler, Barbara B. Killey, Marjo R. Keller, Amber Todd, Ann Campbell-Washington, Winnie Woo, Gia Casteel-Brown, Claudia Cappio, Stephanie Hom and ALL former and current employees City of Oakland Fire Department: Weldon Clemons, James A. Williams, the and ALL former and current employees Oakland City Auditor: Brenda Roberts, S. Lawrence, Maya Collins City of Oakland Public Works: Brooke A. Levin, former Director Vitaly B. Troyan, Gary Pilecki, Julius M. Kale Jr., Allan Law, Gunawan Santoso, James Lowrie, Lorenzo Garcia, Jaime Ramey, Michael Neary, Donna F. Enright, Tim Low, Rich Fielding, Sarah Flewellen, Jason Wong, J. R. Nicks, Henry “Bubba” Rushing, Dana, Sabrina Jones, Yolanda Hartfield, Fred Lozar, Marcel Banks, Eldridge Person, Perry, Ron Gittings and ALL former and current employees; Oakland Police Department: former Chief George Hart, Anne E. Kirkpatrick,Richard Word,John Lois, Sgt. Eric Milina, Johnna Watson, Marco Marquez, Ersie Joyner III, Reygan Harmon, Kirk Coleman, Frank Morrow Jr., Jad Jadallah, Chris Bolton, Fred Jenkins, Capt. Trevino, Sgt. Gonzalez, Jonas Jones, George Philips, Sgt. M. Poirier, Capt Alison, Lt. Hamilton, Sgt. Wingate, Bill Denny, Ofc. M Ziebarth #8281, Cpt. Dorherty, Mike Morris, Danielle Ashford, Sgt. Green, Ofc. Anderson, Anthony Batts, Howard Jordan, Rebecca Campbell, Cassandra, Marc Hicks, Ron Lighten and ALL former and current employees City of Oakland’s Ethics Office: City of Oakland FOIC Point of Contacts: Crystal Ramie-Adams, Arlene Flores-Medina , James Bondi, Ellen Dillard, Tiffany Millinder-Heard , Susan A. Sanchez , Maya Collins, Nal Phan, Mary Mayberry, Annie To, Patricia Carter , Amber Fuller , Rebecca Kozak, Dana Perez, Victoria Chak , Rogelio Medalla , Shahla Azimi , Novene Fiores, Mani Paschal, Oliver Luby, Jennie E. Gerard , Brigitte Cook , Shereda Nosakhare , Clara P. Garzon , Desley Brooks , Patricia Mossburg, Jason Nicholas Overman City of Oakland Councilmembers: Laurence Reid, Desley Brooks, Clara Garcon, Larry Reid, Ray Leon Patricia Mossburg, Dan Kalb, Abel J. Guillen, Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Annie Campbell Washington, Noel Gallo, Rebecca Kaplan former Council members Pat Kernighan and Ignacio De La Fuente and ALL former and current employees Oakland City Clerk: LaTonda Simmons City of Oakland Fire Department: Camille J. Rodgers- Vegetation Management Supervisor City of Oakland Building Code Department: Sandra M. Smith, Rich Fielding, Bill Patchen, Tim Low and ALL former and current employees City of Oakland Public Ethics Commission: Whitney Barazoto, Milad Dalju, Jonathan Stanley, Barbara Green-Ajufo, Alaric Degrafinried, Alex Paul, Ai Mori, Richard Unger, Amy Dunning, Daniel Purnell- Executive Director, Alix Rosenthal, Lauren Anguis, Daniel Purnell, Tamika Thomas, and ALL former and current employees The City of Richmond administrators: Trina Jackson, Ranjana Maharaj, Jerry Anderson, Tania Swartz, Helen Agcaoili, Loretta Robbins, LaFaye Walton, Bernadine Anderson, Kris Lofthus, Alicia Nightengale, Courtland “Corky” Boozé, Robyn Kain, Keith Jabari, Jerry Anderson, Bill Lindsay, Leslie Knight, Nat Bates, and ALL former and current employees Mayor City of Alameda: Marie Gilmore Law firm of Meyers Nave: Jayne W. Williams- Principal, Michael Nave, Marilee Bass, Edward L. Kreisberg, Eric Firstman, Krysten Hicks, Ruthann Ziegler, Kim Colwell, Kim Drake, Kevin McLaughlin, Deborah Fox, Claudia J. Gorham, Steven Mattras, Courtney Ruby, Mike Macaluso, and ALL former and current employees Law Firm of Keker & Van Nest LLP: John W. Keker, Robert A. Van Nest, Elliot Remsen Peters, Jon Streeter, Holly Saydah, Joy Scharton and ALL former and current employees Attorney Lewis Nelson and ALL former and current employees Attorney Edward C. Bell and ALL former and current employees Law Offices of Michael C. Cohen: Michael C. Cohen, and ALL former and current employees Law Offices of Anthony S. Leung, Christopher Leung, and ALL former and current employees Attorney John F. Bradley, Jr. Law Firm of McKeown Price, LLC: Frank McKeown, and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP: Chris Noma, Elizabeth Berke-Dreyfuss, and ALL former and current employees Law Office of Irwin J. Eskanos: Irwin J. Eskanos, Myrna Figueroa Ellis Law Group: Mark E. Ellis Eason & Tambornini: Matthew R. Eason, Kyle K.Tambornini Attorney William Bill Green of Marin County and ALL former and current employees Attorney Sam Barnum and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Caven, Cleaveland, Murray: Attorney Patricia Walsh, Steve Roberts, William Jemmott and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Norland & Kays: Eric P. Norland and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Archer Norris: Todd Jones, Dan Crowley, William Coggshall, Daniella Arteaga, Eugene Blackard, Jonathan
Bacon, Cesar Alvarado, W. Eric Blumhardt, Gino Cano, and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Burnham Brown, LLP: Eric Haas,Lise Arts, Claudia Leed Clark J. Burnham, John J. Verber, Paul Caleo, Richard Finn, Charles Alfonzo, Cathy Arias, Robert M. Bodzin, Susan E. Firtch, Dean Pollack, Darrell T. Thompson, Cathy Arias, Denise Quon, John Verber, and ALL former and current employees Attorney Philip T. Besirof, Roland Brandel, Tony West, the law firm of Morrison & Foerster LLP, and ALL former and current employees Attorney Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey, Jr., the Law firm of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP, and ALL former and current employees Attorney Eric Nyberg, The Law firm of Kornfield Nyberg Bendes & Kuhner, P.C., and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Lombardi Loper and Conant: Attorney Bruce Loper, Matthew Conant, Chris Lavdiotis, Peter Glaessner, Timothy McCaffery, Gay Conant, Ralph Lombardi, and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Murphy, Pearson, Bradley, & Feeney: Attorney James Monagle and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Bridgman & Bridgman: Attorney Richard D. Bridgman, and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Buty & Curliano LLP: Attorney William Rowell, and ALL former and current employees Law firm of Binder & Malter LLP, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Walkup Melodia, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Hanson Bridgett Marcus Vlahos: attorney David Alexander, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Abbey Weitzenberg et. al., and ALL former and current employees Law firm Guichard Teng Portello APC, and ALL former and current employees Ellis Law Group: Attorney Mark E. Ellis and ALL former and current employees Eason & Tambornini: Attorney Matthew R. Eason, Kyle K.Tambornini, and ALL former and current employees Attorney Eugene Schneider, and ALL former and current employees Attorney John Bradley Jr., and ALL former and current employees Law Firm of Ropers Majeski: Eugene Majesk, Stephan Barber and ALL former and current employees Law Firm ofWilloughby Stuart Bening: Ronald J. Cook, Randall E. Willoughby, Alexander F. Stuart, Bradley A. Bening, and ALL former and current employees MacMorris & Carbone: Stan Michael CSAA, and ALL former and current employees Caven, Cleaveland, Murray: William Jemmott, Dan Hernandez, Dan Crowley, and ALL former and current employees Gordon & Rees, LLP: Joel K. Liberson, Fletcher Alford, and ALL former and current employees
Bruce Loper, Matthew Conant, Chris Lavdiotis, Peter Glaessner, Timothy McCaffery, and ALL former and current employees Daniel Crowley & Assoc.: Daniel Crowley, and ALL former and current employees Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution: Attorney Yolanda Marnell Jackson, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Crone Rozynko, LLP: Sean O’Halloran, Greg LaCross, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Bennet, Samuelsen, Reynolds & Allard, Anthony Allard, Thomas Gelini, Stuart C. Gilliam, Richard Reynolds, David J. Samuelsen, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Fitzgerald, Abbot & Beardsley, Elizabeth Clark, Barry Epstein, Fatima Brunson, Jason Holder, Scott Jackson, Anil Kripalani, David Lee, Kristin Pace, Marsha Van Broek, Michael Ward, Richard White, and ALL former and current employeesLaw firm Goldfarb Lipman, LLP, Jennifer Bell, Juliet E. Cox, James Diamond, Heather Gould, John Haywood, Lynn Hutchins, Margaret Jung, Barbara Kautz, Dianne Jackson McLean, Robert C. Mills, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Nossaman LLP: Attorneys Allison M. Dibley, David L. Kimport, Danielle Sveska Gensch, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Murphy, Vu, Tongsamouth and Chaterjee: Attorney Trina Chatterjee, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Kilpatrick, Townsend and Stockton: attorney Roger Hughes, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Burke, Williams, Sorenson: attorney Michelle Kenyon, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Bingham McCutchen: attorney Ray Marshall, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Dhillion and Smith: attorney Harold Peter Smith, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Donahue Gallagher: Attorney David Stein, and ALL former and current employees Law firm Hawkins Delafield: Attorney Sean Tierney, and ALL former and current employees The American Inns of Courts Port of Oakland: former attorney David L. Alexander, Donnell Choy, and ALL former and current employees JP Morgan Chase & Co: Sanjiv S. Sittampalam, Jim Vallone, Jemma Antczak, Robert Marvin, Gloria Marshall Figueroa, Geoffrey Morton Twitter: Jack Dorsey, Anthony Noto, Vijaya Gadde, Leslie Berland, Robert Kaiden, Genelle Ng, Amy Keating, Benjamin Lee, and ALL their previous and current employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, representatives, lobbyist, experts, professional organizations, social organizations, charitable organizations, and professional services organizations, Interserver: Mike Lavrik, John Quaglieri, Stacey Talieres, Sibin Ibrahim, Taras Tyulyakov, Gnanendra Kumar, Jose Viju, Pawan Kumar, Anoop Vijayan, Sreejith Sreedhar, Joe George, Sadaf Perwez, Anish Vijayan, ALL former and current owners, ALL former and current domestic partners, ALL former and current foreign partners, ALL former and current investors, ALL former and current marketers, ALL former and current promoters, and ALL former and current Interserver employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, representatives, lobbyist, experts, professional organizations, social organizations, charitable organizations, and professional services organizations, Google: David Drummond, Joseph Berlin, Darry Chiang, Annabelle Danielvarda, Renee DuPree, Jeffery Heileson, Tina Chia-Chi Hwang, Anna Itoi, Jonathan Manson, Van Nguy, Andrew Orion, Tim Pham, Kulpreet Rana, Anand Rao, Priya Seshachari Sanger, Theresa Beaumont, Nikhil Shanbhag, Kent Walker, Allen Lo, Jim Sherwood, Jeff Donovan, and ALL their previous and current employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, representatives, lobbyist, experts, professional organizations, social organizations, charitable organizations, and professional services organizations, Equinix: Brandi Morandi, Kristine Mostofizadeh, and ALL former and current Equinix employees, ALL former and current Interserver employees, agents, independent contractors, consultants, representatives, lobbyist, experts, professional organizations, social organizations, charitable organizations, and professional services organizations,, in your relationship with Interserver. Travelling Travis Poole, and ALL former and current employees The Office of Management and Budget: Mick Mulvaney Consumer Finance Protection Bureau: Wendy Kamenshine Ombudsman California Office of Business Oversight: Commissioner Jan Lynn Owen, Jeanette Salazar, Bureau of Consumer Protection: Tom Pahl, and ALL former and current employees California Secretary of State: Alex Padilla, and ALL former and current employees Board of Equalization: David J. Gau, and ALL former and current employees CLTA and WFG TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY: Steve Winkler, Christine Gula, and ALL former and current employees California Land Title Association: Craig Page, and ALL former and current employees The past and present residents of 7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: Eric Wiesman Acclamation Insurance Management Services: Doug Kapovich and ALL former and current employees East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD): Alexander R. Coate, Lynelle M. Lewis, Charles C. Hardy, Alicia Vasquez, Steven J. Martin, Debra Skeaton, Daniel Fuller, Aaron Shear, Theresa A. Edwards, William B. Patterson, Abby Figueroa, Andre Adams, Harve Boddie, Vernon May, Lucious Lyons, Laura Baron-Childers, Steven J. Martin, Stan- Mgr. Field Services and ALL former and current employees KPFA Radio: Luis Medina- music director, Sasha Lilley- then interim Program Director, Gabrielle Wilson- host for radio programs Ear Thyme, and Jazz Passages, The Gospel Experience Program, Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 8:30 A.M. on Radio Station KPFA 94.1 FM, Berkeley CA., and ALL former and current employees Beacon Property Management, Stacy Smith- Regional Property Manager,Mani Lehr, and ALL former and current employees Athens Insurance Service Administrators: Andre Adams and ALL former and current employees Wiss, Janney, Elstner Assoc., Inc.: Kent Sasaki and ALL former and current employees Keith Nofield Land Surveying and The Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society: Keith Nofield, and ALL former and current employees CENTURY 21 Pinnacle: Michael Warren, and ALL former and current employees Bay Restorators: Everardo Rodriguez Jr., and ALL former and current employees Sewer Connection, Inc.: Dean Brazil, Ryan and ALL former and current employees Green Key Investments: Brent Hanson and Sarah Hanson, and ALL former and current employees Housing Group Fund: Dennis Lanni, the, and ALL former and current employees Trustors Security Deed Service: Deanna Montgomery, Dennis Lanni,, and ALL former and current employees Eurisko Development Solutions L.L.C.: Dennis Lanni, Andre Scott, and, and ALL former and current employees Otolum, Inc., Cdm Holdings, LLC, and Bbskm Family LLC: Dennis Lanni, and Otolum Corporation,, and ALL former and current employees Zachary Young, and Carolyn M. Young Fiduciary Services, and ALL former and current employees Bluewater Services, Chris Kirschenheuter and ALL former and current employees RGA Environmental, Robert Gils, Jeff Kraus, and ALL former and current employees Hobart Associates, Kathy Hobart, Lisa Fong and ALL former and current employees Dr. Michael Lenoir and ALL former and current employees Just Accord, Inc., Attorney David W. Rudy and ALL former and current employees Ron Magin and ALL former and current employees Rescue Rooter: Rick Syrett, Rich Staben, Chris Peterson, John, Earnest, Larry, Lonnie, James Baker and ALL former and current employees California State Automobile Association (CSAA): Douglas Kroll, Randy Rowland, Richard Mackey, Karen McGinnis, Kenneth C. George, Greg Stubblefield, Dennis Spadini, Eller Torres, Lynn M. Koehler, Steve Marshall, Barbara Clark, Bob Finlayson, Don Divencenzi, Peggy Dupont, Kate Overbeck, Rick Hunts, Marilu Zrimc, Londa Leung, Maria Arqueta, Nick Pezzaniti, Sherri Robertson, Joel Theong, Chris Devitto, Matthew Lager, Paul E. Olson and ALL former and current employees
Oakland City Attorney Gives Case File To Defendants Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski, Doesn’t Tell Court or Plaintiffs
Bay Area Carpets: John Sophinus, John Bartha, Jason Ryan, Mike Anuski and ALL former and current employees; Vanderbilt Construction: Mike Boshard, Rich Jones and ALL former and current employees Four Star Restorations: Bill Webber and ALL former and current employees Service Master: John Whiting and ALL former and current employees London Construction: Dean Jensen and ALL former and current employees Silva Roofing and ALL former and current employees Synergy: Sal Vaccaro and ALL former and current employees D.L. Glaze: David Ceresa, John Ratto, and ALL former and current employees Restoration Management: John Takata and ALL former and current employees Purofirst: Margie, Edward and ALL former and current employees Fowler Associates: Douglas Fowler and ALL former and current employees Construction Quality Engineers: Dick Anderson and ALL former and current employees Insurance Technical Services: Karen Smith, Gary Halpin and ALL former and current employees Sigmund H. Schandrel and ALL his former and current employees Safe Environments: David Bierman and ALL former and current employees P.W. Stephens: John, Jamie Tamayo and ALL former and current employees B & C Construction: Wayne Bellmer and ALL former and current employees Pipe Pros: Randy Agnetti and ALL former and current employees Alliance Credit Services Inc: Richard A Segol, Daniel Oditt, Myrna Figueroa, Eskanos & Adler A Pro Corp: Irwin Eskanos, Barry Adler, dpittman, Julie Hanestad Eskanos Ventures: Brad Skepner, Vivian, Barry Adler, and ALL former and current employees Michael Cosentino, Esq. and National Collection Agency represented by Fred Keeperman, Esq. A copy of the papers directed at National Collection Agency, and ALL former and current employees WFG National Title Insurance Company, and ALL former and current employees Ronald P. Kaminski, Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, and ALL former and current employees Trulia Zillow Brooke L Wamsley, Marshall B Wamsley, Catherine L Wamsley, James L Higgins, Son Hoang,Truong Hoang, Daniel R Tuggle Wellpoint Asset Recovery, LLC: , and ALL former and current employees California State Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau. et al. (CSAA), Kenneth C. George, and ALL former and current employees NEUMANN AND ASSOCIATES: RONALD RAYMON NEUMANN, and ALL former and current employees WEST COAST MCI MGMT CONSLT INVEST: ERNIE CLAUSEN, ELIZABETH D CLAUSEN, and ALL former and current employees GayLynn Kirn Conant, Colby K. Yeager, Housing Group Fund Corporation, Trustors Security Deed Service: School Trust #1321: Dennis Lanni, John Bradley Jr., California State Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau. et al. (CSAA), Law Firm of Ropers Majeski: Stephan Barber and Law Firm of Willoughby Stuart Bening: Ronald J. Cook, and ALL former and current employees Sunkist Trust #7633: Dennis Lanni, Carl Wallace, JoEvelyn Gamble, Harold Wallace, Henry Wallace, Sharon Wallace, Jerline Wallace-Evans, Eunice Wallace-Bell, Ronnie Wallace, Cameron Jackson, John Bradley Jr., Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, Ken Madhvani, Cameron Hammett, Lanette Hammett, Lanny Hammett, and Brooke Hammett, and ALL former and current employees Eurisko Development Solutions L.L.C.: Dennis Lanni, Deanna Montgomery, Colin Hammett, KenMadhvani, CameronHammett, Lanette Hammett, Lanny Hammett, Brooke Hammett, and ALL former and current employees WFG National Title Insurance Company, and ALL former and current employees ZACHARY YOUNG, and ALL former and current employees The past and present residents of 7641 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: George and Jackie Piljay, Dustin Dalli, Caitlin F. Dobson, Michael D. Dobson, Caitlin J. Farr, Denise T. Coronado, Rogelio G Coronado Ii, Nettie Wilson, John Hudson, Juan Mancheno, Harold Deblander, Marco Manriquez and Mar Con Co., Sharon Foncesca The past and present residents of 7640 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: Wayne Kasom, Howard Roth The past and present residents of 7634 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: Asa J. Watkins Jr., Carol A. Watkins, Bobbie J. Watkins The past and present residents of 7615 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: Carl Sims, Earthy Raylene Sims The past and present residents of 7627 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: James M. Zeager, Bessie M. Zeager, Sebastian Gauthier The past and present residents of 7701 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA 94605 including but not limited to: Ron Marcus and Patti Maloney, Ronald D. Maloney, P. M. Marcus, Patti A. Maloney Respectfully,