ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE POSTS ON THIS WEBSITE ARE TRUE AND FACTUAL AND HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED IN LEGAL FILINGS WITH THE COURTS MENTIONED HEREIN AND ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM all records of any court, pleadings and papers on file with these facts and evidence, along with the admissions of testimony in the referenced actions:
Alameda County Superior Court: al-Hakim v. EBMUD Alameda County Superior Court Case No. RG14740943 including al-Hakim’s Opposition Order to Show Cause and Challenges for Cause of Judges Robert Freedman, Stephen Kaus, and Evelio Grillo; Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs. AT&T Corporation, Alameda County Superior Court Case No.:RG17881130 and Challenges for Cause of Judges Stephen Kaus, and Evelio Grillo; al-Hakim v. Interserver Equinix, Alameda County Superior Court Case No.:RG18888371; Green Key vs. al-Hakim, Alameda County Superior Court Case No.:RG18927213; IN RE: al-Hakim, Alameda County Superior Court Case No.:RGl8919445; Miller vs al-Hakim, Alameda County Superior Court Case No.:OCV0574030; al-Hakim v. California State Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau, Case No. 2001035356, Al-Hakim v. Pacific Bell Telephone Services. Case No. 2002047320, al-Hakim v. Oakland Imported Cars, Case No. RG03079876; al-Hakim v. Zeager, Case No. RG 1157820; Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs. Superior Court of Alameda County, On Appeal of Judicial Council Assignment Nos: 1050144-17 and 1054400-18; Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. California State
Automobile Association Inter-Insurance Bureau. et al., Alameda County Superior Court Case No. 811337-3, and Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. Rescue Industries, Alameda County Superior Court Case No. 821885-2 where the hostile intervener CSAA; Alameda County Family Court Case No. 511339-2 and 511488-1; Alameda County Department of Child Support Services(ACDCSS) case number #0010274454-01(previously listed as FSD #274454A; Alameda County Family Court Case No. C-556643; Alameda County Department of Child Support Services(ACDCSS) Case# 00100044308-01) (previously listed as FSD # 044308A; Alameda County Traffic Court Case No. 51109206; State of California Court of Appeals: Case No. A 118042; Appeals Court case numbers A101832, A108728, A112089 A-119006, A116369, A116222, A112691, A154128, A153640, A156308, A156462, A156677, A153510, A156616, A154159, A156583, A155447, A156052, A090346, A144040, A120556, A122756, A123340 and A111712; with ALL their Superior Court pleadings and papers on file in the Appeals Court
in these referenced Appeals actions, including but limited to the Appellate Motions for Reconsideration, to Augment the Record on Appeal, to Unseal the Complete Transcript, to Dismiss the Appeal on Challenge for Cause, Appellant’s Petitions for Review filed January 3, 2006, and February 10, 2006 and all related papers filed by Defendant in the Court of Appeals with these facts and evidence, along with the admissions of testimony and applicable law cited by then defendant/appellant; and all related papers filed in Alameda County Superior Court with ALL the Challenges for Cause and Statements of Disqualification for ANY AND ALL JUGDES OR COMMISSIONERS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, Judges Stephen Kaus, Evelio Grillo, Ioana Petrou, C. Don Clay, Wynne Carvil, Paul Herbert, James Richman, Kimberly Colwell, Jennifer Madden, Winifred Smith, Henry Needham, Judith Ford, Frank Roesch, Jon Tigar, Robert Freedman, and Commissioner Boydine Hall listed herein filed by appellant, the Answers filed by those Judges/Commissioner and the Reply to their Answers including on July 29, 2005 and August 29, 2005; those filed with the Motion to Appoint a Discovery Referee as ordered on January 17, 2002; those filed September 8, 2005 with Motion for Injunction and Protective Order Disqualifying Tim Schmal, those filed with Motion to Vacate heard on February 27, 2003, those filed on October 26, 2005 with Motion to Vacate, those filed on June 17, 2005, July 13, 2005 and August 25, 2005 with Motion for Stay, those filed with defendants Motion for Summary Judgment and to Dismiss heard on January 3, 2003 and August 24, 2004, those filed with defendant’s Motion to Dismiss on December 20, 2005; and all pleadings and papers on file in the State of California Supreme Court including but limited to referenced actions, Case Nos. S130203, S138090, S247169, S247972, S148288, S141119, S149744 and S140264; and United States Federal District Court- Northern Division cases: Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. Alameda County Superior Court, Judge Kim Colwell, Case: #18-cv-04408-DMR, also Judge Edward M. Chen, Case No.18-cv-04408-EMC; Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v. Green Key Investments L.L.C., Case: #C19-0303 JSC; United States Federal Trustee, Northern District Of California; United States Federal Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, Kailey and Susan Wong, Case number #9542893; Stanley K. Burrell (M. C. Hammer) Case number #96-42564-NR;