January 17, 2017,
Oakland, CA:
Toussaint LeToure, Editor
Martin Silverman, Chief Correspondent
(510) 394-4701;
To post to our Nowtruth email distribution list of subscribers, just email your Black Lives Matter content post to us at:
We are Forming a Legal Coalition for Victory Over Corruption! and ask your organizations to register/join our coalition!
TWITTER Deletes our account at Requests of Jerry Brown, Kriminala Harris, and Oink’Malley
Effectively NONE of their reasons for the alleged “suspension” are applicable and seem to have an agenda established by those opposed to the retweets and mentions!
It seems that their selective Persecution and prosecution is clearly motivated by their attempt to silence and censor us, deny our freedom of speech and cover up the corruption of those mentioned in the posts that is directly supported with THEIR OWN ADMISSIONS and the EVIDENCE thereto!
Twitters demonstrated extreme bias and prejudice is clearly intended to cause harm to those accounts you have selectively chosen to “close” to the benefit of those with something to lose by the publicity of the tweets/retweets!
Some of the tweets to Shaun King, Deray, Uncle Bobby, and many others as follows:

Superior Court Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for Production
Judicial Council Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for Production
City of Oakland Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for Production

#BlackLivesMatter? HELL No!!!
Dirty District Attorney NAZI NAnZI Oink’Malley!!!
Why should #BlackLivesMatter to NAZI NAnZI (Nancy O’Malley) Oink’Malley or to the establishment? They have proven time and time again that #BlackLivesMatter is ONLY a source of income for those that profit from the misery of the poor, ……….Poverty Pimps……., and there are NONE greater than the Judicial System of corrupt judges, attorney generals, district attorneys, prisons, police, county and city attorneys with local lawyers in Oakland and Alameda County! THIS IS SIMPLY A CARTEL OF CORRUPTION, THE “COURTEL”, A CARTEL OF SUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL JUSTICES- JUDGES THAT ARE CRIMINALS COMMITTING CRIMES FOR CA$$$$H PROTECTING CORPORATIONS, THE RICH AND POWERFUL, THE STATUS QUO!!!
Until such time as those in these professions are held accountable for their corruption in profiteering off the poor, and the politicians that protect and profit with them, there will be NO end to the mass suffering of the poor, minorities, Muslims, immigrants, LGBTQ, the sick/infirm and under-served!
The Black Lives Matter Movement doesn’t understand that they are ONLY good for photo ops, sound bites, and placating meetings of meaningless rhetoric and nonsensical solutions that have NO chance of implementation by the same politicians that used them for the photo ops and sound bites!
These same politicians are ONLY there to make you feel like you have a place at the table, but you can’t eat, you’re just there to say you were there with the photo to give you a rank a little higher than the ones that weren’t there and nothing to post on Insta! But you can’t eat, just pass the food to the right! Ask yourself, “has ANY of the politicians taken your position publicly and REALLY moved it forward item for item?” Or have they given lip service to them and in private let you down with the truth or just simply never responded?
The truth is these judges, attorney generals, district attorneys, prisons, police, county and city attorneys ALL have many of the same handlers and bag men as the politicians whose job is to maintain the status quo! You can’t get anything from them BUT the photo op!
It ONLY appears that things have changed because more people are made aware of this fact due to the increasing number of citizen journalist with camera

recordings of the many blatant incidents of law enforcement executions!
When the Oscar Grant murder happened the local Oakland Black politicians where out in front in their full glory for the photo ops and sound bites proclaiming the tragedy and vowing Oscar’s redemption! After that, they were NEVER heard from to push the case beyond the discussion phase! Oink’Malley and the Superior Court undermined the case, while the Oakland City Attorney, State Attorney General and the U. S. Attorney General ignored it completely! Where were the politicians, Barbara Lee, Keith Carson, Sandre Swanson, the usual local black poverty pimps of preachers, welfare robbers, crime thieves, rehab pushers, etc. when the family needed them to elevate this matter to the forefront of justice they so roundly exalted when it happened? They were huddled with their handlers, the same one’s that handle the Judges, Attorney Generals, District Attorney, prisons, police, County and City Attorneys! You see, until you can hold THEM ALL accountable for the corruption that they regularly engage in for the sake of their profit off the poor for the few, #BlackLivesDON’TMatter!
We have over 25 years of proven, admitted facts that these same people have relentlessly engaged if fraud and corruption to their gain and those that they are controlled by, and when confronted with their own admitted crimes, they cover them up by ignoring them away!
Question the judges, attorney generals, district attorney, county and city attorneys and politicians and demand factual answers to the fraud and concerns for their refusing to uphold the law equally as applied to Black Lives and to them! Why should they not be prosecuted for the same crimes that they themselves prosecute Blacks for when they commit them? They are suppose to be protecting ALL lives from the very same crimes that they routinely commit with impunity! Why?
I guarantee you that you will get NO support from your politicians, local or national! President Obama hosted many of the so called Black Lives Matter “leaders” at the White House and even “Honored” many in ceremonies there and around the country. What meaningful change did it bring about? Now with Trump in office………….!
District Attorney NAZI NAnZI Oink’Malley, Tom Orloff, Kamala “Kriminal Harass” Harris, the DA’ office and DCSS Embezzled Child Support from FaceBook Legal Counsel and Fundraiser! Extorts Parents, Targets and Threatens Father!
Superior Court Judges, District Attorney, Department of Child Support Services ALL involved in Admitted Fraud, Extortion Case!
The decades old conflict between Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim and Family with the Alameda County District Attorney (DA) and the Department of Child Support Service (DCSS) is among the most extensively told in the history of the American judiciary. The dispute concerns the admitted willful fraud and extortionate scheme that the District Attorney and DCSS extensively exercised to persecute the family that they are liable for.
al-Hakim had to file an action against Tom Orloff, the DA and ACDCSS because they failed and refused to enforce the courts own orders for the fair and proper application and accounting of payments al-Hakim made in trust to the DA in their fiduciary capacity for the minor al-Hakim child depriving al-Hakim and the minor child of over $2,000 of monies paid, then illegally charging al-Hakim with the crime of violating the child support statute for nonpayment. Full Story with Videos and Documents at
Attorney General “Kriminal Harass” and the Office of The Attorney General of The State of California substituted in as attorney of record in this case for the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services allegedly “in the interest of justice”. What justice is there in the Attorney General defending, concealing and thereby further complicitly committing the admitted willful and intentional extrinsic fraud upon the court; prosecutorial misconduct; willful and malicious prosecution; misconduct; conflict of interest; obstruction of justice; denial of due process under the law; willful and intentional fabrication and authoring false evidence; misstating and mischaracterizing evidence; misrepresentation and concealment of material facts with knowledge of the truth with the intent to induce the court’s act or reliance; harassment; and intimidation on behalf of District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, former DA Tom Orloff, Maureen Lenahan, Valgeria Harvey, counselors L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, and accountant Mr. Lovelady and others unnamed in the DA’s office; various judges and Commissioner Oleon’s abuse of discretion, willful misconduct, conduct prejudicial, illegal ex-parte communications and bias that resulted in error.
This was done to excuse and protect the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services from their ongoing conflict of interest in their alleging to represent the interest of Joette Hall, whom they had defrauded along with al-Hakim of the funds paid to the DCSS in trust for their minor child.
The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services was never representing the al-Hakim Hall family, they were defending and covering up their extrinsic fraud upon the state and the families. The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services wanted to conceal their attempted coercion of al-Hakim to pay the arrearage they created in his name. al-Hakim and his family had complained many times each year about the misapplication of the funds tendered to the Department of Child Support Services in trust for the al-Hakim Hall family.
Harris, now running for U. S. Senate from California, publicly said she wants “to make sure that we’re giving those children due process of law” echoing comments made a day earlier by Gov. Jerry Brown, a fellow Democrat. “These are children, and many of them have relatives that are in California and other parts of the United States who are working, contributing to the well-being of people in the United States,” Brown said. “So given the principle of family values and family reconciliation, I want to give utmost consideration to what is in the best interest of those children, not what is in the best interest of politicians who might want to exploit this particular topic.” Harris said she wants “to make sure that we’re giving those children due process of law”.
New York Times story named Harris one of four state attorneys general who launched investigations into complaints against Trump University and also accepted campaign contributions from the school’s namesake, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump then stopped the investigation.
But as any good politician has done, she has actually been involved in stealing child support from Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim’s minor child with an outstanding order! She not only worked in the DA’s office during the time this embezzlement was happening but then represented the Department of Child Support Services and the DA’s office AGAINST al-Hakim. Now 25 years later, that minor child that Kriminal Harass embezelled is Bari al-Hakim-Williams.

Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim’s daughter, Bari al-Hakim-Williams, honored for her fine achievements this year, was at the White House where she was hosted by President Obama and Michelle Obama, is one of the Nations “40 Under 40” top lawyers by the National Bar Association, among others. She was featured in Black Enterprise Magazine, discussing her plight as a minority and woman of color in a major corporation, in a commanding leadership position over men, lawyers and engineers, and the Diversity Program she founded at FaceBook. Her title there is Legal Counsel, Global Infrastructure & Operations at Facebook where she governs everything that is purchased. She created the Diversity program and talks about it here.
al-Hakim-Williams has hosted and attended multiple fundraisers for Harris, even held at her home, that was promoted on “”.
Shelton posted:
Fundraiser – Kamala Harris for CA Attorney General
Saturday, 14 November 2009, 15:00 At the Home of Bari and Jaime Williams – Oakland, CA
Fundraiser – Kamala Harris for CA Attorney General
Friends,Please join me at a fundraiser in suppoort of my friend and colleague
Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Hosted by –
Guest . . . . . . . . . $250
If you are unable to attend the event, but would like to support. You can donate online by visiting: Please let me know if you donate via the website so that I can track your contribiution.
Thanks in advance for your support!

Oddly enough Shelton is involved in the al-Hakim legal action against the City of Oakland in the Case of al-Hakim vs CSAA and Rescue Rooter, et. al. You can hear Demetruis Shelton, President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee’s Voicemail “Russo Received Trial Subpoenas!!!”
DShelton-CityOakSubp.mp3 (9044 KB)
This is an over $30 million, 25 year; contentious action; with the largest case file in the history of Alameda County Superior Court, over 70 file boxes; over 100 motions and responses; plaintiff had over 300 trial exhibits; over 5,000 pages of exhibits; 3,000 pages of documents for trial rebuttal argument; 20 expert witnesses; 77 other witnesses; over 100 pages of jury instructions; numerous allegations of judicial misconduct, where EVERY judge and commissioner in this case has admitted error, committed perjury, recused themselves, or all three!
As a result, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, a very well known business manager, producer, and Muslim of native African-Native American descent from Oakland, California, filed a Federal Complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him by Judge David C. Lee during the Rescue Industries trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California.
Kamala D. Harris, Judge Pulido and Commissioner Olean, Nancy O’Malley and Matthew Brega caught in Fraud of a minor child at:
al-Hakim will begin the task of unraveling the facts that former and current Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff and Nancy O’Malley, former and current Director of Alameda County Child Support Services Maureen Lenahan and Matthew Brega, former and current Attorney General of State of California Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris, their staff’s, agents and contractors committed Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Willful and Malicious Prosecution, Conflict of Interest, Obstruction of Justice, Denial of Due Process, Willful and Intentional Fabrication and Authoring False Evidence; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Material Facts.
It will examine the role of former DA Tom Orloff, Nancy O’Malley, Kevin Dunleavy, Ann Deim, Towanda Lee, Michael O’Connor, Bob Conner, Bruce Brock, David Stein, Matthew Golde and others unnamed in the DA’s office; and DCSS office including but not limited to former Director Maureen K. Lenahan, Director Matthew Brega, Charlene Perry, Sue Eadie, Valgeria Harvey, counselors L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, accountant Mr. Lovelady, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Remelton, Ms. Alder, Mrs. Carlilse, Mrs. Ricca Alcantara, Terry Simmons-Booker, B. Hoffmann, Mr. Williams and others unnamed in the DA’s and ACDCSS’ offices; various judges and Commissioner Glenn Oleon; Michelle Escerra, Tanisha Jones, others unnamed in the Superior Court’s Family Law Clerk’s officein these criminal acts.
Nancy O’Malley, former DA Tom Orloff, Ann Diem, Kevin Dunleavy, Bob Connor, Bruce Brock, Michael O’Connor, and Judge Pulido?
What is the relationship between former DCSS Director Maureen Lenahan, Matt Brega, Valgeria Harvey, counselors L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, accountant Mr. Lovelady, Ricca Alcantara, Ombudsman Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Remelton, Terry Simmons-Booker, others unnamed in the DCSS office; and Judge Pulido, Judge Bean, Judge Tara DeSautels, Commissioner Thomas Nixon, ?
al-Hakim has asked the court to remand this case to the Civil Court trial level to continue further trial proceedings consistent with the requested decision and order for former and current Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff and Nancy O’Malley, former and current Director of Alameda County Child Support Services Maureen Lenahan and Matthew Brega, former and current Attorney General of State of California Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris, their staff’s, agents and contractors face charges for committing Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Willful and Malicious Prosecution, Conflict of Interest, Obstruction of Justice, Denial of Due Process, Willful and Intentional Fabrication and Authoring False Evidence; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Material Facts, among others, as demanded.
This matter has been sumitted to Judges Winifred Smith Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, C. Don Clay- Supervising Judge, Stephen Pulido- Presiding Judge Family Law, Judge The Hon. Melinda Haag- Director- No. District U. S. Attorney’s Office, The Hon. Claudia Wilken-Chief District Judge U. S. District Court- No. Division, Kamala D. Harris- Attorney General of California, Mr. Brega, Nancy O’Malley and County Supervisor Keith wherein they have ALL failed and refused to investigate the matter even though it was requested by the U. S. Department of Justice.
The letter that was faxed, hand delivered, personally served, and filed in the Alameda County Superior Courts in response to the continued persecution and extortionate scheme of the al-Hakim Family by the Alameda County Superior Court, District Attorney and Department of Child Support Services or more appropriately entitled the “Department of Child Support Fraud Services”.
The DA’s goon, Bob “BULL” Conner is coincidently the chief investigator for the DA in the Oscar Grant case, yet was listed as the chief witness for the DEFENSE in that case. HHhhmmmmm? The main investigator and witness for the prosecution is the main witness for the DEFENSE???!!!
Further, the County judge in the Oscar Grant case, Judge Don Clay whom is very familiar with Conner, also failed and refused to pursue a formal complaint by Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim against “Bull” Connor for his armed accosting al-Hakim, falsely arresting/detaining him in a room, threatening al-Hakim, forcing from the Courthouse, and telling al-Hakim “don’t ever come back!”. A racist example no less violent then the original “Bull Connor” from Alabama! It must be his daddy!
These actions are unconscionable!
Read and distribute widely!!!
The “COURTEL” – the Superior Court Corruption CARTEL, California Judicial Council, and Oakland City Attorney Barbara Parker ALL failed and refused to file ANY opposition to the subpoenas and I am sure they will NOT show up in court. Their motions are below for your pleasure.
You MUST read these motions and oppositions as you will NOT believe them!!
You can download or view the subpoenas, oppositions and trial notices here:
Motion to Compel O’Malley Subpoena and Request for Production
Twitter Filed Subpoena and Request for Production.pdf:
Twitter Filed Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for Production.pdf