TO Mark Zuckerberg
% Roy Austin-VP Civil Rights & Deputy General Counsel
Meta Platforms, Inc.
One Hacker Way MPK 64
Menlo Park, CA 94025
cc, bcc, Sent via U. S. Mail, Fax, Email
FROM: Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE: September 24, 2024
RE: FACEBOOK ILLEGAL TARGETED CENSORSHIP FOR V.P. HARRIS USING FRAUDULENT FACT CHECKERS FALSELY LABELING AND DELETING TRUTHFUL POSTS AND DISABLING/BANNING OUR ACCOUNT IN RETALIATION FOR EXPOSING IT! FULL Article: https://nowtruth.org/facebook-illegal-targeted-censorship-for-v-p-harris-using-fraudulent-fact-checkers-falsely-labeling-and-deleting-truthful-posts/
Dear Mr. Roy Austin, et. al.,
We write having filed this Complaint with Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, FBI Director Chris Wray, the Senate Committee on Ethics, the House Committee on Ethics, the Committee On Oversight and Accountability and ALL their members to request an Investigation into FACEBOOK’S ILLEGAL TARGETED CENSORSHIP FOR V.P. HARRIS USING FRAUDULENT FACT CHECKERS FALSELY LABELING AND DELETING TRUTHFUL POSTS AND DISABLING/BANNING OUR ACCOUNT IN RETALIATION FOR EXPOSING IT.
Eugene Kiely, the Director of FactCheck.org, ADMITTED that the fact checking verification was indeed fraudulent, the labeling of the post as containing “false information” or any other such label should be removed, that FactCheck.org does fact checking for Facebook, that they were unwilling to get involved in the situation thus being further complicit in the fraud, and that the alleged fact-checker Dominick Porcella DOES NOT work for them!
We have receipts for the successful service of the Complaint to your office via Certified mail on September 16, 2024. We have and will also serve the Complaint via email. I WILL CALL YOUR OFFICES TOMORROW, September 25, 2024, TO ASCERTAIN WHO HAS BEEN ASSIGNED THE CASE AND WHAT’S THE NUMBER?
NOT so coincidentally, we have established that they have exhibited a very clear fact pattern with actions of Hate Crimes, Terror, Civil Conspiracy, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Hate Induced Bigotry, Vindictive Retaliation, Oppression, Harassment, Racism, Bias, Prejudice, Unfairness, Persecution, AND GRAND CORRUPTION!
Additionally, for the last 8 years that pattern has established that for every election cycle, 2-4 months before the actual election date, our Facebook account is suspended, disabled, or compromised in some way such that we are unable to use it UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!
The Federal Government, members of Congress and the Senate, the Legal/Justice system, Election officials, social media platforms, internet companies, and the public must act to defend the 2024 elections against digital disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information attacks design engineered of deceptive practices to illegally and improperly Intimidate, Influence, Disenfranchise, Suppress and Deny the vote with actions that THREATEN OUR DEMOCRACY!
With the recent letter from Mark Zuckerberg admitting and apologizing to the WORLD for allowing Facebook to yield to the demands of Biden, Harris to censor user messages to suit their defined needs, THIS CRIME TAKES ON AN ENTIRELY NEW MEANING!
Where the RIGHT TO CHOSE unimpeded at the ballot box IS DIVIDING FAMILIES and has become a MAJOR election issue itself, with Political Operatives sowing confusion for the benefit of their personal interest or party. These Political Operatives are/have circulated FRAUDULENT fabrications to scam and implore certain groups to vote a certain way or out of voting altogether— and thanks to social media, these deceptive practices can instantly reach huge numbers of people. Experts warn that social media powers have learned from Russia’s 2016 election interference efforts and are themselves trying to covertly influence the American electorate this year.
Federal, State and local election officials play a crucial role in defending U.S. elections against these threats and in protecting American voters from disenfranchisement due to disinformation. Internet companies and members of the public MUST also take action against deceptive practices, voter intimidation, and other forms of digital vote suppression. In all cases, accurate information from trusted official sources provides the best antidote to digital disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information design engineered of deceptive practices to illegally and improperly Intimidate, Influence, Disenfranchise, Suppress and Deny the vote.
On July 23, 2024, we filed and served a Complaint via email entitled: “FACEBOOK ILLEGAL TARGETED CENSORSHIP FOR V.P. HARRIS USING FRAUDULENT FACT CHECKERS FALSELY LABELING AND DELETING TRUTHFUL POSTS” on ALL OF YOU: Mr. Zuckerberg, U. S. Attorney Ramsey, California Attorney General Bonta, FBI NorCal Director Tripp, Senator Alex Padilla, Senator Laphonza Butler, Congressman Khanna, Congressman Swalwell, Director Kirchmeyer- DCA, Director Pogue- OAL, A. G. Hallinan, California Senator Wahab, District Attorney Price, et. al., regarding a case with Facebook and Government censorship and their CONTINUING State sponsored systemic ENTRAPMENT TARGETING individuals with their Hate Crimes, Terror, Civil Conspiracy, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Hate Induced Bigotry, Vindictive Retaliation, Oppression, Harassment, Racism, Bias, Prejudice, Unfairness, Persecution, AND GRAND CORRUPTION.
I, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, had a post that I reshared from Rick Hammett on Nowtruth: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nowtruth.org/permalink/725951589617652/, Teens of the 60’s: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teensofthe60s/permalink/1870139306781446/ and Victims and Survivors: https://www.facebook.com/groups/victimsandsurvivors/permalink/1174186923742091/ that was labeled as “containing False Information” by Facebook from alleged research of Fact Checker Dominick Porcella.
The post was the authors comment:

“She will be an inspiration to young girls by showing that if you sleep with the right powerfully connected men then you too can play second fiddle to a man with dementia. It’s basically a Cinderella story”!
The post comment was about Harris, and the comment is NOT attributed to Harris, it was simply the authors comment! The authors comment DOES MENTION Joe Biden, his history, certain people or who he’s aligned with, nor the comment “he’s trash to me,” Harris is credited with saying in the alleged Fact-Checked version!
The Fact-Checked version is:

4:54 PM 08/19/2020 Dominick Porcella | Contributor
An image shared on Facebook more than 3,100 times claims California Sen. Kamala Harris said, “I don’t like Joe Biden and do not like his history with certain people or who he’s aligned with, he’s trash to me.”
This Facebook post is no longer available. It may have been removed or the privacy settings of the post may have changed.
Verdict: False
There is no evidence Harris said the quote. It appears to have originated in a blog post about the June 2019 Democratic presidential primary debate.
AGAIN, Eugene Kiely, the Director of FactCheck.org, ADMITTED that the fact checking verification was indeed fraudulent, the labeling of the post as containing “false information” or any other such label should be removed, that FactCheck.org does fact checking for Facebook, that they were unwilling to get involved in the situation thus being further complicit in the fraud, and that the alleged fact-checker Dominick Porcella DOES NOT work for them!
NOTHING MENTIONED IN THE ORIGINAL (Rick Hammett) POST IS EVEN MENTIONED IN THE ALLEGED FACT CHECKED (Dominick Porcella)version!! The author’s opinion is simply honest and truthfully the opinion and stark NAKED history of Madame Harris!
Facebook Fact-check Program Policies
The focus of this fact-checking program is identifying and addressing viral misinformation, particularly clear hoaxes that have no basis in fact. Fact-checking partners prioritize provably false claims, especially those that are timely or trending and important to the average person.
Fact-checkers can review and rate public Facebook and Instagram posts, including ads, articles, photos, videos and text-only posts.
Fact-checking partners do not rate content that does not include a verifiable claim, or content that was true at the time of writing. In addition, opinion and speech from politicians is not eligible to be fact-checked.Opinion. This includes content that advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the interpretation of facts and data, and tells the public what the author or contributor thinks about an event or issue. Opinion pieces may include reported facts or quotes, but emphasize the author’s own thoughts, personal preferences and conclusions. This may also include editorials, endorsements, or content labeled “opinion” in the headline, authored by an identified opinion columnist, or shared from a website or Page with the main purpose of expressing the opinions or agendas of public figures, think tanks, NGOs, and businesses. However, content presented as opinion but based on underlying false information may still be eligible for a rating. Opinion Pieces supported by Facts, Polls and Statistics on Politicians IS NOT FALSE SPEECH! It doesn’t matter if it goes against YOUR OWN political views, THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS STILL GOING TO BE THE TRUTH REGARDLESS IF IT IRRITATES YOUR DEMONS!
FACEBOOK, STOP THE ILLEGAL CENSORSHIP OF OTHERS FOR THAT TRAMP!! It IS NOT even the same comment allegedly Fact Checked by your “licensed Facter” DOMINICK PORCELLA!!!
THE POST IS COMPLETELY TRUE AND ABOVE YOUR REPROACH!! We tried to Appeal this decision but could NOT get to the page AND it is NOT listed in my Support Box! WE WANT TO FORMALLY FILE THAT APPEAL AND REQUEST A REVIEW ASAP! There is NOTHING wrong with the post and should be RESTORED IN FULL IMMEDIATELY!! We ALSO disagreed with the removal of the same post shared on 3 other sites we admin.
FACEBOOK denying the posts is simply just a continuing censorship of MY VERY OWN FIRST HAND TRUTH and goes against ALL Community Standards on alleged “spam, false advertising, fraud or security breach, harassment nor bullying”!
As stated above, Opinion pieces with Content that advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the interpretation of facts and data, and tells the public what the author or contributor thinks about an event, issue, opinion and speech is not harassment nor bullying nor eligible to be fact-checked. Opinion pieces may include reported facts or quotes, but emphasize the author’s own thoughts, personal preferences and conclusions. This may also include editorials, endorsements, or “opinion” content, authored by an identified opinion columnist, or shared from a website or Page with the main purpose of expressing the opinions or agendas of public figures, think tanks, NGOs, and businesses.
How can FACEBOOK reject MY OR ANYONE ELSE’S TRUTH that they know NOTHING of merely because it doesn’t suit THEIR assets political ideology/agenda??!!
They have enjoyed the governmental power to cover it up, in part, with the help of complicit partners like yours! That can’t simply erase MY TRUTH just because it doesn’t suit their/your narrative!
We, my family including Bari al-Hakim-Williams who was Legal Counsel, Global Infrastructure & Operations at FaceBook where she created the Diversity program and has hosted fundraisers, is a financial donor and booster for Kamala Harris ALL have a LONG, proven LEGAL history including Harris as State Attorney General and District Attorney with the FBI, Federal and State Attorney Generals and District Attorney ADMISSIONS of Fraud, Embezzlement and Extorting my family are ALL PROVEN, TRUE AND ACCURATE! See story: https://wp.me/pye39-ib. WRONG DOESN’T HAVE A PARTY AFFILIATION! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER! This is a HUMANITY concern, NOT Dem or GOP, NOT left wing or right wing when they both wings on the same bird! Truth hurts, to Dems and GOP when you’re WRONG!
Clearly, I AM SPEAKING FROM PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE, not political party, of which you have NO KNOWLEDGE to which I belong, if any. I will and now have named names…Apparently YOU have some MAJOR biases against the TRUTH!
The “COURTEL” legal system of judges has ADMITTED to ACRIMONY, ANIMUS, FRAUD, CORRUPTION, AND MISCONDUCT BY JUDGES, ATTORNEY GENERAL, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, AND POLITICIANS COMMITTED AGAINST ABDUL-JALIL! Their INDEFENSIBLE CRIMINAL ACTS are taken DIRECTLY from Abdul-Jalil’s OWN case files, with exact quotes, facts, testimony, evidence and TRUTH from the documents! The “COURTEL” includes A. G. Bonta, Stephanie Hinds- United States Attorney for the Northern District of California, and Craig D. Fair, FBI Director-Northern District of California.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, THEY ALL ARE PERCIPIENT EYE WITNESSES TO SOME OF THE CASE MATTERS and Bari al-Hakim Williams, the Bonta’s, Johnson, Hinds and Fair are ALL FRIENDS!! Abdul-Jalil’s daughter is Bari al-Hakim Williams, close friends and regularly tagged by Bonta and his wife Assemblymember Mia Bonta in their social media posts.
Venus Johnson, whom Abdul-Jalil has known since she was 13-14 years old, is Bari al-Hakim Williams’ best friend! Bonta’s first hire as Attorney General was Venus Johnson as Chief Deputy Attorney General. Johnson previously served as associate attorney general under then Attorney General Kamala Harris, is a former Alameda County District Attorney, former chief assistant prosecutor to Contra Costa County District Attorney, and Legal Counsel for the Mayor of Oakland. Johnson now oversees Legal Affairs, Law Enforcement, Operations, Policy and several Executive Programs.
BOTH V. P. Kamala Harris AND Johnson has actually been involved in the stealing of child support from Abdul-Jalil’s minor children (Bari) in multiple ways! BOTH HARRIS AND JOHNSON not only worked in the Alameda County District Attorney’s (DA) office during the time this embezzlement was happening but ALSO AS STATE Attorney General that representing the Department of Child Support Services and the DA’s office AGAINST the al-Hakim’s. Now 25 years later, that minor child that they embezzled is Bari al-Hakim-Williams.

Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim’s daughter, Bari al-Hakim-Williams,

honored for her fine achievements this year, was at the White House where she was hosted by President Obama and Michelle Obama, is one of the Nations “40 Under 40” top lawyers by the National Bar Association, among others, worked at FaceBook as Legal Counsel, where she governs everything that was purchased and created the Diversity program. al-Hakim-Williams has hosted and attended multiple fundraisers for

Harris, even held at her home, that was promoted on “Heyevent.com” that included ROBERT L. HARRIS, ESQ., SHONDA SCOTT, DEMETRIUS SHELTON, LALITA TADEMY, BARRY LAWSON WILLIAMS, JAIME A. WILLIAMS, HON. JOEL YOUNG!
Shelton and Hinds both worked for the Oakland City Attorney, where Shelton was involved in the al-Hakim legal action against the City of Oakland in the Case of al-Hakim vs CSAA and Rescue Rooter, et. al. Shelton, then President of the National Bar Association. This CSAA, Rescue Rooter and City of Oakland case is now an over $100 million, over 30 years; contentious action; with the largest case file in the history of Alameda County Superior Court, over 70 file boxes; over 300 motions and responses; plaintiff had over 300 trial exhibits; over 6,000 pages of exhibits; 4,000 pages of documents for trial rebuttal argument; 20 expert witnesses; 77 other witnesses; over 100 pages of jury instructions; 17 Judges have been Disqualified through Challenges for Cause and Recusal, there are numerous allegations of judicial corruption and misconduct, where EVERY judge and commissioner in this case has admitted error, committed perjury, recused themselves, or all three!
I am a very well known business manager, producer, and Muslim of native African-Native American descent from Oakland, California, in 2005 filed a Federal Complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against me by Judge David C. Lee and other judges during the Rescue Industries trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California.
The complaint, drafted and filed by al-Hakim in pro per, had broad based support from Democrats and Republicans, was submitted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee with the offices of Congressmen John Conyers, and Charles Rangel, reviewed by several legal experts, with advocacy by former Republican Senator J. C. Watts, a client of al-Hakim’s, moved forward with the investigation and charges of Criminal Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court AND the People of the State of California, Fabricating and Planting Fabricated Evidence, Spoliation of Evidence against defendants/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski; and many others.
The complaint addresses concern that Superior Court Judges’, defendants, defense counsels and others conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violation because the bench upon which the judge rules is “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a Federal crime, perhaps even more importantly, not only requested Merrily Friedlander, Chief of the Civil Rights Division, to make an investigation of a Judicial Hate Crime, but also the many other Civil Rights and Due Process violations of Judicial Misconduct, and attorney Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court and Law that are themselves directly the matters complained.
After review in the U. S. A. G. Office, the case was thought of as being so egregious that Bradley Schlozman and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez sent al-Hakim a letter referring the matter (because of jurisdictional limitations) to the California State Attorney General, California State Bar Association, the California State Judicial Council, and California State Insurance Commissioner for investigation and prosecution.
The Complaint with requested depositions and investigation concerns trial Judge David C. Lee’s allowance of the illegal product of fabricated and planted evidence, spoliated evidence and unclean hands by defendant/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Cook and Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; defense counsel Steve Barber and the law firm of Ropers Majeski; the other underlying defendants; and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office run by John Russo to be admitted as evidence, subjected to testimony, and fostered it’s use to prejudice the jury. During the trial, testimony revealed that there were numerous documents and photos of a very damning nature to the defense and AAA as the hostile intervener, that were missing, altered, or incomplete.
Then, however, the very same California State Attorney General, Jerry Brown, responsible for carrying out the investigation of these crimes is himself defending these and other criminals and covering up the very same corruption he is supposed to be investigating and prosecuting!
Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff’s Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Willful and Malicious Prosecution, Conflict of Interest, Obstruction of Justice, Denial of Due Process, Willful and Intentional Fabrication and Authoring False Evidence; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Material Facts
The al-Hakim’s had to file an action against Tom Orloff and the Alameda County District Attorney’s (DA) and the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services (ACDCSS) because for over 15 years they repeatedly failed and refused to enforce the courts own orders for the fair and proper application and accounting of payments al-Hakim made in trust to the DA in their fiduciary capacity for the minor al-Hakim child depriving al-Hakim and the minor child of over $5,000 of monies paid, thus creating a “mythical” arrearage and open account in al-Hakim’s name and on his behalf owed to the minor child, then illegally charging al-Hakim with the crime of violating the child support statute for nonpayment, reporting the alleged violation to the State of California for Collection and the State Department of Motor Vehicles for suspension of his driving privilege for nonpayment and illegally tossing al-Hakim into “debtors prison”, suspending his drivers license, revoking his passport, and ruining his credit. ACDCSS actions and claimed “right” to perform in this manner are not contained in any State or Federal statute, regulation, or other legislative act and therefore, do not have the force of law and renders it constitutionally infirm and no court officer can merely “grant” a ruling in their favor to cover getting caught having done so in these and other activities of the Superior Court, the District Attorney, DCSS, the Oakland City Attorney, other governmental and political officials, attorneys and their contractors, agents and employees.
The Federal Complaint remains open until addressed by the California Attorney General- BONTA!
We have more recently had bank accounts suddenly closed without notice nor reason; they commandeered and absconded with our non-profit Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation ENTIRE VPS SERVER inspired by religious bigotry, religious discrimination, Islamophobia, Xenophobia with actions on the part of a defendant and the courts because of our exposing the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution, and Fixing Cases against Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim because he is Muslim, Black, and a Whistleblower!
You will also find therein information that reveals over 40 YEARS of hate induced, retaliatory, illegal, tortious actions that REACH UP TO THE WHITE HOUSE AND KAMALA HARRIS, were we have filed and served other Complaints regarding involves activities with clear fingers being pointed at the Federal and State Attorney Generals, FBI, the Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court Judges and Administration, Alameda County Sheriff’s, Alameda County Counsel, City of Oakland, Oakland City Attorney, among others and other law enforcement agencies colluding with them in this effort and suffering TARGETED ATTACKS in RETALIATION!
It is an INCREDIBLE look into how broken the system is as this ENTRAPMENT by Police Chiefs Tony Chaplin/Brian Matthew; Sheriff Yesenia Sanchez; Police Chief Abdul Pridgen; U. S. Attorney Ismail Ramsey; Attorney General Rob Bonta; F.B.I. Director Robert Tripp; Governor Gavin Newsom; Casey Hallinan; Ricardo Lara- DOI; Steve Gordon- DMV; Patrick Dorais- BAR; Kimberly Kirchmeyer- DCA; Grant Parks- State Auditor; Selvi Stanislaus- FTB; Senator Aisha Wahab; District Attorney Pam Price; HUD; has led to an unregulated, unrestricted, LAWLESSNESS!
This is just a small sampling of the issues we have raised and presented as this IS an EXPLOSIVE case that clearly exposes the State sponsored terror of being TARGETED and ENTRAPPED by government agencies so please take the reading to heart as it is HARSHLY the TRUTH!
As it is DIRECTLY related to this targeted CYBERSTALKING by FACEBOOK to entrap us and our post to trigger our account for restriction, shadow banning, de-platforming, censorship, censorship by proxy to eliminate the our communication and post distribution so NO ONE sees any filtered content from our targeted account! This is just a continuing censorship of the TRUTH about a PUBLIC FIGURE with a LONG history of corruption that has enjoyed the governmental power to cover it up with the help of complicit businesses like yours! It’s a discussion of poll results that reveal she is unelectable! ALL the historical verbiage is just that, HERSTORY- that she can’t erase just because it doesn’t suit her narrative.
Vice President Kamala Harris, is integral in the pervasive, Judicial Corruption perpetrated by the “COURTEL” (COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL), as then Attorney General of California, substituted in as attorney of record in al-Hakim Family’s case of the District Attorney ADMITTED stolen Child Support by and against the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services “in the interest of justice”. What justice is there in the Attorney General defending, concealing and being complicit in committing the ALREADY ADMITTED willful and intentional extrinsic fraud upon the court; prosecutorial misconduct; willful and malicious prosecution; misconduct; conflict of interest; obstruction of justice; denial of due process; willful and intentional fabrication and authoring false evidence; misstating and mischaracterizing evidence; misrepresentation and concealment of material facts with knowledge of the truth with the intent to induce the court’s act or reliance; harassment; and intimidation on behalf of her former co-workers District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, former DA’s John “Jack” Meehan, Tom Orloff, Rock Harmon, Maureen Lenahan and others in the DA’s office; various Judges and Commissioners abuse of discretion, willful misconduct, conduct prejudicial, illegal ex-parte communications and bias that resulted in error?!!

How can the District Attorney ADMIT in a letter to the Family apologizing for committing fraud, embezzlement, fabricating and authoring false evidence, and obstruction of justice of two minors girls child support and nefariously prosecute their Father for it? You can read or download the letter here: https://www.box.com/shared/vny517fknk
How can Harris, ALL the State and Federal law enforcement agencies be on notice of this crime and prosecution, have received formal complaints of the crime and prosecution, be directed to investigate and prosecute this fraud and Harris do NOTHING but suppress the evidence and cover up this crime and ignore the prosecution?
The DA suspended my drivers license and revoked my passport for over TWENTY YEARS in an effort to extort and force me to pay again, but more so just to put me in the “system” susceptible to ALL possible police, judicial, law enforcement whims of hate induced persecution, harassment, oppression, racism, bigotry, Islamophobia, Xenophobia and retaliation! They did this despite the fact that the District Attorney Bill Kleeman ADMITTED in a letter to the parents apologizing for their crimes, stopped the fraudulent theft of the child support, then doubled down and began stealing the money all over again three years later after the supervising DA died! You can read or download the letter here: https://www.box.com/shared/vny517fknk
Kamala Harris was working with the DA’s office with all her friends directly involved in this Admitted Embezzlement, Corruption, Fraud, and Extortion Case!
It is due to her being DEEPLY entrenched and interwoven into the Judicial Corruption fabric of the “COURTEL” (COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL) Grand Systemic and Endemic corruption that has Systemic Racism as a subset, that controls the Police and DA/Prosecutors and covers up for them! So if you are going to fight the good fight, you need to know and educate yourselves on the Grand and Endemic Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism that Kamala Harris is SOOO much a part of! The REAL SYSTEM, it’s the “COURTEL”, the Court Corruption Cartel! Unless and until there is complete Judicial Reform revoking immunity for Judges, Police and Prosecutors to END Grand systemic and endemic corruption, YOUR LIVES DON’T MATTER! Biden, Harris, the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrat politicians from your districts and state WILL NOT move to change that fact, their job is to PROTECT it! If you don’t believe it, CHALLENGE them to make a meaning change verbally, in committee, by petition, and election!
I posted an article “Kamala “Kriminal Harass” Harris” Embezzled Child Support from FaceBook Legal Counsel and Fundraiser! Extorts Parents, Targets and Threatens Father!” that addressed ALL involved in Admitted Embezzlement, Corruption, Fraud, Extortion Case of child support payments al-Hakim made in trust to the DA in their fiduciary capacity for the minor al-Hakim children depriving al-Hakim and the minor child of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS paid, then fraudulently and illegally charging al-Hakim with the crime of violating the child support statute for nonpayment! Full Story with Videos and Documents at http://tinyurl.com/ljk8av
I received a letter from Marina Soto, California Deputy Attorney General, dated June 1, 2017 regarding our Noticed Request for Documents served on Kamala Harris May 22 and 23, 2017. It was served on the Parties to provide the time to comply with previous Requests made subject to Rule 10.500; Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act; Brown Act- California Public Records Act Request (PRA), and Ethics Complaints.
Feigning ignorance in the letter, she asks me to clarify the request, if under PRA, wherein they will respond accordingly. Every one of you therein has done the exact same thing for years only to have the evidence of crime against you mount to a point of insurmountable!
As a result, I clarified the Demand for Production of Documents for each of them therein that has had a previous request made. If there is no compliance in seven (7) days, we will file formal Request for Production of Documents and Depositions on each herein. I will start with Attorney Generals Jerry Brown, Kamala Harris, Xavier Becerra and Ms. Soto.
On April 7, 2014, we filed and served a FOIA/Brown Act Request on Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, Joan Kirtlan, Stephen Napolillo- Records Co-ordinators, and Custodian of Records.
By letter attached dated April 17, 2014, Brent Orick- Special Agent in Charge- Professional Standards Group, Division of Law Enforcement, acknowledging receipt of our PRA Request on April 7, 2014, therein requesting time to respond by May 1, 2014, in order “to consult with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components of the agency having a substantial subject matter interest therein”. In a separate letter Soto made the same request for an extension of time to comply the very same day! The letter can be read or downloaded at:
AG Harris- Orick FOIA Response
AG Harris- Soto FOIA Response
Additionally, on May 6, 2014 and July 3, 2014 Orick left voice mail messages for me regarding the Attorney General’s response. The voice mail can be listen to or downloaded at:
May 6, 2014 https://app.box.com/s/kpnvn0lvx74bm8dahsc5vgd2686zfdyd
July 3, 2014 https://app.box.com/s/uexrxsxwjfkpavxdaetwqqk1z1wcev2j
By letter attached dated May 2, 2014, I informed both Ms. Soto and Mr. Orick that the FOIA/Brown Act Request filed on April 7, 2014 and their acknowledged receipt from both dated April 17, 2014 that they have both for the Attorney General failed and refused to comply with ANY of the requested information as per the law by providing NO RESPONSE AT ALL. This implies that the original request they both made on April 17, 2014 at the conclusion of the required time to provide the information was totally disingenuous! The letter can be read or downloaded at:
In an attached letter dated May 28, 2014, to Mrs. Harris, Ms. Soto, Mr. Orick and Custodian of Records requesting again that the Attorney General respond to the request, to comply with all relevant deadlines and other obligations set forth in FOIA and the agency’s regulations. 5 U.S.C. § 552, (a)(6)(A)(i); 26 a.F.R. § 601.702(c)(9)(ii).
Pursuant to 26 C.F.R. § 601.702(c)(2)(i), I would prefer the responsive records be provided in an electronic format. Attorney General’s March 2009 FOIA memorandum, reiterating President Obama’s directive that in “the face of doubt, openness prevails.” Attorney General, Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies at 1 (March 19, 2009) (Attorney General Memorandum). They have yet to comply or even respond! The letter can be read or downloaded at: https://app.box.com/s/feolyhbt0rchngtugayi5cj8chr9mayj
As we have shown herein, Facebook has adopted this ploy and is effectively using it in it’s dynamic, even chaotic, social media environment cultivating it’s enormous potential into a untamed MONSTER creating confusion in the general public among voters. Key campaign issues, candidate statements and platform, party affiliation or standing, voter polls, outcome projections, election and voting information — including election dates, polling locations, and mail-in voting rules — are suddenly subject to THIER DISCRETION and change! The general public and voters may not learn the REAL TRUTH of such fabrications in time to act on their beliefs and conscience, nor comply, or having received the conflicting information, not know which sources to believe.
These factors leave the general public and voters more vulnerable to Political Operatives who use deceptive practices to spread false information in an attempt to implore certain targeted groups to vote a certain way or out of voting altogether. In the United States, there is a long history of using such practices to keep certain voters away from the polls. These voter suppression tactics frequently target historically disenfranchised communities, including communities of color, low-income communities, and immigrant communities.
In recent years, the internet and social media platforms have increased the threat of vote suppression. For example, a deceptive social media post can reach millions of readers in a matter of minutes as voters are all the more dependent on online information.
There is a multitude of stories about attempts to illegally and improperly Intimidate, Influence, Disenfranchise, Suppress and Deny certain targeted groups of people voting. These deceptive practices have often involved the use of websites, social media post, emails, text messages, flyers, mailers, and robocalls.
As a result, the risk for voter disenfranchisement due to disinformation — lies spread for a political purpose — is perhaps higher in 2024 than ever before.
Deceptive election and voting practices are most commonly used in the last days before an election because they are presumably most effective if spread without time for rebuttal before voting begins. As a result, the scale and scope of voter suppression tactics for the 2024 election remain unknown, although recent history suggests disinformation will be a significant problem.
While dirty tricks in elections are an old phenomenon, in the 21st century deceptive practices have become more dangerous than ever before. The continued growth of the internet and social media platforms has made it easier and more affordable to reach huge numbers of people instantaneously and anonymously. Traditionally, deceptive practices involved narrow targeting by geography, such as with flyers on telephone poles in certain neighborhoods. Now, however, Operatives use sophisticated microtargeting to surgically focus on certain demographics, and they can direct disinformation either toward disrupting a specific local election or toward a national audience.
Amid rising polarization and mistrust of institutions in recent years, the Cold War–era concept of “disinformation” — the intentional spread of false information — has regained currency in American politics.
Digital disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information about any aspect of politics, elections or voting has spread online during the recent 2016-2024 primaries, as many voters have relied more than ever on the internet for election information.
These Operatives, organizations, people, businesses, INCLUDING FACEBOOK, who attempt digital disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information distribution design engineered with deceptive practices to illegally and improperly Intimidate, Influence, Disenfranchise, Suppress and Deny the vote by spreading false information IS violating several Federal and State laws with actions that THREATEN OUR DEMOCRACY! Many states prohibit various forms of voter intimidation and election interference and impose criminal or civil penalties. States have criminally prosecuted operatives involved in spreading disinformation about voting. For example, the campaign manager and a political consultant for 2010 Maryland gubernatorial candidate Bob Ehrlich — both of whom were involved in robocalls designed to suppress Black votes — were convicted of offenses including fraud and failing to identify the source of the calls.
These existing laws are important but insufficient. To be sure, people, INCLUDING FACEBOOK, who spread disinformation should be held accountable, and enforcement should serve as a deterrent to future misconduct.
But litigation and similar measures happen after the election, and therefore after any damage to the franchise has already been done. Additionally, existing laws against deceptive practices differ in breadth, and enforcement can be irregular. We recommend Federal action and new legislation that would expressly prohibit deceptive practices and provide for clear sanctions and corrective action, THAT IS ENFORCED!!

We documented that we reported the Fraudulent Fact checking to Facebook 15 times over four days, including submitting support requests and reporting that “something went wrong”, BEFORE we went live with our post revealing their use of the Fraudulent Fact checking! Rather then correct the fraud and remove the intentional mislabeling from the message, FACEBOOK DISABLED/BANNED OUR ACCOUNT!
When we went live with our post revealing their use of the Fraudulent Fact checking, a message came up with a warning of the use of “false information” from our having the original and fact checked versions of the posts as evidence of the fraud! But facebooks system DOES NOT distinguish between which of the post is actually “false” it merely detects the use of a previously labeled “false” message and rejects it! However, given that we contacted them 15 times BEFORE exposing the FRAUD, they should have checked the FACTS BEFORE making the decision to DISABLED/BANNED OUR ACCOUNT and that process only took them a few minutes to enact! CLEARLY WE WERE TARGETED!
There was NO effort by Facebook officials to correct the disinformation, NO, instead they defended and repeated the FRAUDULENT falsehood! Research shows that repeating falsehoods to debunk them can backfire and make people more likely to remember the false information. In our response to the Facebook Factcheck Fraud, we consider it absolutely necessary to include the original post AND the Factcheck Fraudulent disinformation, and structured the post to present accurate and easy-to-understand information first, warning that the disinformation is false before mentioning it, and repeated the facts. People are more likely to remember the first and last things they see or hear, as well as information that’s repeated. Facebook did NOT have the goal nor contingency plan to most effectively correct false information especially NOT their own Factcheck Fraud with the truth without helping to spread more lies. When Facebook officials were made aware or find instances of disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information, they MUST proactively distribute accurate information to all the appropriate resources and channels.
Facebook officials must ELIMINATE and work to build resilience to their own disinformation long before Election Day. Accurate information from a trusted source provides the most effective shield against deceptive vote suppression and accordingly, should build public trust in THEIR specific sources of information before disinformation occurs! And when Factcheck Fraudulent disinformation is exposed, they should proactively inform the public of that fact with key corrective information like the TRUTH and encourage voters to look up polling places and registration status well in advance.
When a user reports disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information, they should be able to do that with Facebooks specific points of contact, Support, etc., and get a proper response — not through a “flagging” option, which is an inadequate mechanism to address this INTENTIONAL deception and leaves no way to monitor platform responses. On Facebook users can report content as “voter interference,” but that only triggers monitoring for trends in the aggregate; it does not lead to a manual review for takedowns.
Facebook officials should look online to check whether false posts, shares, or retweets have actually been removed, and if the disinformation, misinformation and conflicting information is still live, they should follow up with corrective measures.
I am the administrator for 13 Facebook Groups, and 5 Facebook Pages, and we have documented for over 10 years FaceBook has been censoring the TRUTH to cover their FRAUD. ALL of our post they tagged as “false information” proven by a 3rd party fact checker, IS ITSELF FALSE INFORMATION, OPPRESSIVE, HOSTILE AND DEFAMATORY OF ME, MY FAMILY, OUR BUSINESSES OUR COMMUNITIES AND THOSE THAT WE SERVE!!
In the past when I have challenged the “false information” label and asked FACEBOOK to prove ANY of the information was false, they removed the label! ALL this FACTUAL information is listed in certified court documents including THEIR ADMISSIONS of and Kamala Harris’s involvement in Fraud, Embezzlement and Extorting my family! ALL PROVEN, TRUE AND ACCURATE! So Facebook is trolling, surveilling and monitoring ALL our activities and placing limits on every action of ours!
Even as recent as on February 19, 2017, I posted an article on FaceBook called The “Courtel” that was labeled as “false information” THAT WAS ACTUALLY AND FACTUALLY TRUE!!
We were NEVER noticed of this and only found out about it years later! There as no other information. How, why and by whom was this “fact-checked”? This WAS NOT an error, it’s CENSORSHIP! FACEBOOK MUST STOP THIS TROLLING, SURVEILLING, CORRUPTION, CONSPIRING AND CENSORSHIP FOR KAMALA HARRIS AND THE COURTEL IMMEDIATELY!!
We’ve demanded Facebook GIVE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE AND THEY HAVE ALWAYS FAILED AND REFUSED TO DO SO! WE ARE BEING AND HAVE BEEN TARGETED, Shadowbanned and in 4 days we had 4 Pages/4 Groups disabled without the option to appeal! Facebook took these actions without any proof of the allegations using this as a government sponsored ruse to engage in CIVIL RIGHTS censorship! Facebook MUST STOP TROLLING, SURVEILLING, CORRUPTION, CONSPIRING, and CENSORSHIP!
Our Nowtruth.org Page HAS BEEN IN REVIEW since August 2021, we filed an appeal, many complaints and Facebook responded 3 months later ADMITTING ‘WE GOT IT WRONG!” regarding the illegal “disabled” and “notice of removal” for alleged community violation. YET THE PAGE HAS NOT BEEN RESTORED AND SHOWS IT IS STILL IN REVIEW AT OUR REQUEST!! We NEVER made such request, asked to file a FORMAL APPEAL of their decision, asked for a reference number to do so- PLEASE provide it and AGAIN they FAILED AND REFUSED TO DO SO! We asked them to provide ANY proof we violated ANY Community Standards as THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANY SUCH POSTS on the Nowtruth.org Page!!! This is censorship from those opposed to our efforts and you take this action around election time! It doesn’t take this long to admit your wrong AGAIN, just reinstate the page immediately!
This seems to be another trap set by FaceBook to entrap targeted users post to engineer the user’s account for termination, suspension, restriction, shadow banning, de-platforming, censorship, censorship by proxy (suspension or banning) to reduce the post distribution and user communication so fewer people see it, remove it from search and hashtags, reduce its distribution in News Feed, make the post harder to find by filtering content from that targeted account, then continue to reduce their overall distribution, further placing restrictions on the account!
These are very clear examples of censorship, censorship by proxy (suspension or banning)!
The WORLD needs to know the TRUTH about Kamala Harris, The COURTEL, their campaigns and how FaceBook is censoring the TRUTH to cover their FRAUD. ALL of our post you tagged as “false information” proven by a 3rd party fact checker, IS ITSELF FALSE INFORMATION, OPPRESSIVE, HOSTILE AND DEFAMATORY OF ME, MY FAMILY, OUR BUSINESSES OUR COMMUNITIES AND THOSE THAT WE SERVE!!
Thanks for your response.