TO: Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye
Associate Justices of the Court
Supreme Court of California
350 McAllister Street, Room 1295
San Francisco, CA 94102-4797
FROM: Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE: May 3, 2019
RE: Grand, Systemic and Endemic Corruption, Annual Retreat for Ramadan, Green Key Investments v. al-Hakim, CASE NO.: RGI8927213, in related California Appeals Court Case NO: 156677, and California Supreme Court Case.
Dear Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye, and Justices of the Courts:
I am filing this appeal on the last day before I go into my annual retreat for the Holy Month of Ramadan from May 3, 2019 until June 14, 2019 and will be unable and unavailable to respond to any litigation. I have previously noticed the Court and I have already notified the parties.
The petition is properly and technically formatted to court specifications and timely filed to prevent any delays and everything is current in the above matter. If there is any defect in the filing, I will be unable to cure it until I return, so I would ask the court to consider, on it’s own motion, a stay in proceedings if that is the case.
As always, I am available on any Monday or Wednesday thereafter.
I want to notify the courts and the parties of my retreat and the need for a continuance or “stay of actions” during this time.
However, I am aware that the Superior Court administration and judges have been working with law enforcement trying to entrap, frame and incriminate me in criminal activity that is fostered by the hearings in these cases that are selectively being recorded by the court reporter whom arbitrarily goes on and off the record at the judges silent instruction, thereby editing the proceedings while in progress!
This is continuing the atmosphere of intolerable TERROR in furtherance of the judges, the courts, and opposing parties corruption and agenda of hate induced persecution and entrapment, with their version of the targeted “al-Hakim Muslim Ban”!
Targeted “al-Hakim Muslim Ban, ”FIXING CASES” in Furtherance of Corruption Agenda
The judges, clerks and court administration has been and are “fixing” cases against al-Hakim attempting to protect the opposition as they have scheduled proceedings DEMANDING the hearing be on a date al-Hakim can NOT attend due to religious commitments that has been known to the defendants and the court for over 30 years, while REFUSING to have those proceedings on a date al-Hakim can attend, yet!
If it is NOT possible to have litigation with the schedule proposed when the court is open EVERYDAY, the time is free and the court is paid to be there, then bigotry, Islamophobia, and Xenophobia are the specious basis for this continued GRAND CORRUPTION, Manipulation of the record and Register of Actions; Obstruction of Justice, Conduct To Pervert or Obstruct Justice, or the Due Administration of the Laws (Pen.Code, §§ 182, subd. (a)(1), 4570) 1 and Conspiracy to Pervert or Obstruct Justice (§ 182, subd. (a)(5)); the continued Fraud Upon The Court by Judge Brand regarding Motions clearly have a double standard! al-Hakim’s Religion and religious obligations on those days are NOT going to change for judge Brand nor the court.
al-Hakim has had to make multiple requests, once THIRTEEN times, another SEVEN TIMES to have a “Reservation Number to File a Noticed Motion and Ex-Parte motion to be heard on the SAME DATE as litigation previously scheduled, yet the requests were IGNORED/DENIED, and one resulted in the issuing of a default against al-Hakim by scheduling dates that the defendants and the court were aware al-Hakim was unavailable to attend.

The judges and court administration’s continuing criminal harassment, obstruction of justice, denial of due process and corruption in his uniquely applied and enforced court rules summarily denies al-Hakim’s rights to a fair hearing without any statutory or contractual basis authorizing such a ruling and places an intolerable burden on him, denying his legitimate and undeniable rights and strikes at the heart of his fundamental civil rights and due process under the law, guaranteed by the United States Constitution and California Constitution. No statute in California authorizes the court to deny a right that is uncontroverted while in the process denying such precious fundamental rights of due process and justice. The use of judicial power to permit such injustice raises significant legal questions, and an order is necessary to prevent this abuse.
The judges mindless denials further expose and demonstrate the courts agenda of judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution, fixing cases against al-Hakim because he is Muslim and Black, a Whistleblower!; appointing themselves a Real Primary Party of Interest to the litigation with their OWN agenda; weaponizing vindictive rulings in furtherance of their agenda; engaging in the defense of opposing parties; the denial of due process, obstruction of justice, the harassment, provocation, and government sponsored terror, the gross examples of white class and privileged bias, prejudice, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, hate induced, vindictive, retaliatory agenda, favoritism, bigotry and racism, al-Hakim continues to experience with the courts retaliation against plaintiff by taking adverse judicial and legal actions against him as punishment of al-Hakim, his family, businesses, and communities they serve continue.
The courts have began a THIRD attempt in six months at deeming al-Hakim a vexatious litigant to foreclose on his civil rights to eliminate any further threat he poses to their “honor” and position, while denying al-Hakim any opportunity for truth, fair relief, and justice against them in the “legal system”! The court has heeded al-Hakim’s intentions to not only litigate his cases but some directly involve the corruption naming judges dating back 35 years and the courts can not afford nor will they allow this to happen! They will shut down al-Hakim at ALL COST!
I have filed multiple complaints for years against Presiding Justice Barbara Jones and Justices Burns, Humes, Bruiniers, Margulies,Kline, and Banke as well as Challenges for Cause against Associate Justice James Richman and Henry Needham, Jr. whom apparently sit in this group but has not openly participated in the decisions.
I have filed multiple complaints for years against California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, former Chief Justice Ronald M. George, Federal Chief District Judge Phyllis J. Hamilton, and former Chief District Judge Claudia Wilken also.
In these matters, it has been established and admitted that there has been illicit ex parte collusion and conspiracy between Superior Court judges Wynne Carvill, Kim Colwell, Jeff Brand, Robert Freedman, Frank Roesch, Stephan Kaus, Mike Markman, Don Clay, Stephan Pulido, Ioana Petrou, Yolanda Northridge, Morris Jacobson, Jon Rolefson, Evelio Grillo, Kevin Murphy, Jo-Lynne Lee, Scott Patton, David Krashna, Jennifer Madden, Sue Alexander, Glenn Oleon, George Hernandez, Tara Desautels, Leo Dorado, Dennis Hayashi, Julia Spain, several commissioners, and the Superior Court Administration of Chad Finke and the Appeals court with the judges mentioned above. Three of the judges have offered the same unsolicited.
These superior court judges have conspired with the appellant courts to independently take it upon themselves to broadcast their “dog whistle signal to the appeals court” to deny al-Hakim’s petition and issue orders in their support forcing al-Hakim into the “WRIT RACKET”! This is NOT having a trial, this is being “railroaded by the court in a case that is ALREADY fixed against you!”
This action are part of what litigants have come to know as the “WRIT RACKET” instituted by the legal system, judges, courts, the judicial administrative and regulatory agencies, both State and Federal!
These entities have made such a mockery of justice that now these judges do not hesitate to deny or violate a litigants rights and defy them to file a writ knowing that the Supreme Court, Appeals Court, Superior Court Administration, the Judicial Council, and the Commission on Judicial Performance, will cover up and white-wash their criminal activity! These criminal justices are forcing appellants into the Appeals Court cemetery for civil rights, where the Rule of Law is Overruled and Outlawed, the death of due process, where justice is a miscarriage, the treason of truth, the homicide of human rights, the dumpster for denial, where litigants rights are banished to rot in oppression, and die!
al-Hakim’s legal opponents, CSAA and others are engaged in corruption and conspired, consorted, colluded, conceived and employing this “WRIT RACKET” criminal entrapment defense litigation strategy with third parties, other judicial, governmental, law enforcement and legal entities employees, associates, members, agents, contractors, and informants of the U. S. Attorney General- Northern California, Homeland Security (NSA), F.B.I., U. S. Federal Court- Northern California District, California State Supreme Court, California State Appeals Court, Governor of California, California Attorney General, Alameda County District Attorney, Oakland City Attorney, California State Senator, California Congressperson, Alameda County Supervisors, Mayor of Oakland, Oakland City Councilpersons, Alameda County Superior Court, Judicial Council of California, among others, inciting the courts acrimony, animus, and persecution of al-Hakim with judicial calumny deceit!
To understand the “WRIT RACKET”, one needs to know what a “racket” and “racketeering” mean and depict in the legal community and population at large. The definitions are:
“A racket is a planned or organized criminal act, usually in which the criminal act is a form of business or a way to earn illegal or extorted money regularly or briefly but repeatedly. A racket is often a repeated or continuous criminal operation.”
“Racketeering, often associated with organized crime, is the act of offering of a dishonest service (a “racket”) to solve a problem that wouldn’t otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service. Racketeering as defined by the RICO act includes a list of 35 crimes.”
Moreover, this is exactly what the judges meant by their “dog whistle” signal/statement at the hearings that they would rely on their “colleagues (in the Appeals Court)” to support their decision to ignore the Rule of Law knowing that the appellate judges would do just as Jones, Burns, Bruiniers, Margulies, Kline, Humes and Banke did, “cover-up for them”.
Judge Jon Tigar Criminal Legal Charges
Government Commandeered and Absconded with Plaintiff’s ENTIRE SERVER
These elements of Government working with al-Hakim’s VPS web host has engaged in censorship while commandeering and absconding with our ENTIRE VPS SERVER inspired by religious bigotry, religious discrimination, Islamophobia, Xenophobia with actions on the part of a defendant and the courts because of our exposing the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution, and Fixing Cases against al-Hakim because he is Muslim and Black, a Whistleblower!
They are blocking our access to our commercial server WHM and multiple cPanels administration, our VPS web server, our logins to All services, ALL incoming and outgoing email, websites and website traffic in an effort to censor, suppress, conceal, and shut down our exposing the corruption of the courts and others, thereby covering up their criminal acts!
They have destroyed ALL the businesses Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation hosts websites entities Superstar Management, The Genius of Randy Wallace, Inc., Nowtruth, eX-whY Adventures, CAECAY and their websites: Amwftrust.org, Superstarmanagement.com, Ex-Why.com, Nowtruth.org, Greencleanascene.com, Nobooksnoballsports.org, Steppingto.org, Bawha.com, DrKenya.net, Fightfordrghosh.org, CAECAY.org, Nstrongharmony.org; ALL their email address accounts; propriety email list Futurist, MWBE, Newsalert, NIA, Superstars, Act, Lawaid, Politicos, AMWF, Super Bowl Guest, Entrepreneur, and SJA!
They have shut down ALL our Twitter accounts: @ajalil, @FirstSSM, @Nowtruth1, @EXWHYAD, @griotz, @AMWFND, @electionwin, and @caecay.
They have shut down our social media presence to silence our voice exposing their criminal activity along with that of the Alameda County Superior Court Administration, Alameda County District Attorney, City of Oakland and their City Attorney, California Attorney General, Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Kamala Harris, and others.
Government Covertly Planted SpyWare on al-Hakim’s Company Computer
On June 17, 2018, al-Hakim found SpyWare covertly planted on al-Hakim’s company computer through his web browser when he logged into his Interserver and U. S. Courts account.
SpyWare is programed to take control of your camera and microphone, to spy on their Computer Activities, Instant Message, Chats, Software usage, Take Screenshots Remotely, See File Transfers, Capture Key logs, Spy on Media Files, Spy on Emails, Spy on Browser Activities, monitor your workplace or home remotely, notify them if it detects your computers activities, including an alarm system, a recording system, and sending screengrabs of your PC or mobile phone. The SpyWare can connect to multiple IP cameras and microphones, then automatically starts recording whenever it captures motion and enable live remote viewing from any PC.
It’s a terrifying invasion of privacy that defendants with government agencies like the NSA can take control of the webcam and microphone on your computer and spy on you without your knowledge.
Previously, censorship had been implemented by them by blocking and blacklisting plaintiffs servers IP’s, device IP’s, domain IP’s, email addresses with accomplices SORBS, SpamHaus, RBL, SURBL, Mailchannels, Trouble-Free.net, Barracuda, ABUSE.NET, Exploits Bot List (XBL), AbuseIPDB, Invaluement, MXToolBox, MultiRBL, URIBL, SURBL, Composite Blocking List (CBL), Passive Spam Block List (PSBL), with reverse DNS verifications, DNSBL blocks, surveilled email content, censored email content, blocked or throttled email distribution as Internet filters, firewalls, Internet blocking, DNS poisoning, and Internet zoning. It is currently used by some organizations and governments to control the content viewed by individuals accessing Web pages over the Internet. The largest complaint about Internet censorship is that it ignores free-speech rights and violates the civil liberties of Internet users.
That censorship along with AMWF’s server and hosted websites being intentionally mis-configured by defendants it is causing the many, many, over 40 years of creating a brand, establishing goodwill, proprietary client email list and email distribution to those lists, clients intellectual property, trade secrets, clients data, content, website service pages, articles, posts, videos, podcasts, features, photos, marketing, promotion, testimonials, social media, email lists, simple inter-company and inter-office email communications, the theft and missing proprietary client email list, the theft and missing clients intellectual property, the theft and missing clients trade secrets, the theft and missing clients data, links to partner websites (blogroll), thousands of broken links prevent access to all these features via website visits, search engines, and by blocking web IP’s, server IP’s, device (computers, phones, tablets, etc.) IP’s, email addresses, ALL INTERNET CONNECTED AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS AND DEVICES, referrals, from ALL the above mentioned sources, for all intents and purposes, burying the business.
This prevented employees, volunteers, clients, donors, donees, subscribers, users, contributors, and visitors from accessing the site, services, articles, posts, videos, photos, events calendar, information, fundraising efforts, advertising, special events, marketing, promotions, special offers, acknowledgement, individual and group discussion, town hall meetings, online forms for FREE tickets to entertainment events, to join the mail list, to be a subscriber, to become a member, submit a special request for services, for FREE educational opportunities and assistance, for FREE rental assistance, for FREE food, for FREE clothing, for FREE computers, for FREE housing, for FREE medical services, for FREE legal services, for FREE home and cell phones, fundraising donations, for volunteering, Inter-Faith and Multi-Cultural events, for FREE Youth resources, for FREE employment opportunities and assistance, for FREE resources and assistance, for FREE Autism resources and assistance, for FREE homeless resources and assistance, for FREE proprietary videos, CD’s and podcasts, to purchase proprietary videos, CD’s and podcasts, for FREE clinics and health centers, client proprietary videos, partner proprietary videos, selected educational/information proprietary videos, and sharing the above.
al-Hakim’s “court activities”, in the last 40 years al-Hakim has documented, filed and served court actions, filed and served complaints and filed and served correspondence memorializing and exposing the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution, Fixing Cases against al-Hakim because he is Muslim and Black, a Whistleblower!; appointing themselves a Real Primary Party of Interest to the litigation with their OWN agenda; weaponizing vindictive rulings in furtherance of their agenda; engaging in the defense of opposing parties; the denial of due process, obstruction of justice, the harassment, provocation, and government sponsored terror, the gross examples of white class and privileged bias, prejudice, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, hate induced, vindictive, retaliatory agenda, favoritism, bigotry and racism, al-Hakim continues to experience with the courts retaliation against plaintiff by taking adverse judicial and legal actions against him as punishment of al-Hakim, his family, businesses, and communities they serve continue to suffer at their individual and collective gavels and authorities.
al-Hakim proves where charges has shown that previously, under color of law, these judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution sought to deprive plaintiff of litigation due him contrary to the right to due process and immunity from takings without due process is a gross abuse of discretion in violation of the law that will violate plaintiff’s rights guaranteed under the First, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; First Clause of Section 13 of Article I of California Constitution, art. VI, § 4 1/2; California Code of Civil Procedure §§ 355, 356, 473, 475; Civ. Code, §§ 3523, 3528.
Some of those Co-Defendants Equinix and Interserver referenced in their reply, ALL of whom have been complained of or to are, in major part because al-Hakim reported the very obvious agenda of parties by memorializing and exposing the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities corruption and persecution and their involvement in the cover-up of that criminal corruption.
al-Hakim’s viewpoints, are protected speech under the California Constitution. The court harassed al-Hakim by engaging in a severe and pervasive scheme to suppress his constitutional and statutory right to engage in protected activity, by threatening him with and by executing against him punitive and adverse judicial actions, including delay and termination of his basic rights to due process. The court created, tolerated and condoned a court environment that is pervasively hostile to al-Hakim on account of viewpoints he holds regarding religion, politics and whistleblowing activities. The court failed and refused to remedy this hostile environment, and permitted al-Hakim to be harassed by both administrators and co-workers on account of his viewpoints. The court has engaged in an ongoing and continuous course of harassment based on al-Hakim’s protected rights under the California Constitution.
The conduct of various judges and the court as alleged in this Challenge are sufficiently pervasive to alter the terms and conditions of litigation and the legal, judicial and court environment such that it created a hostile environment, hostile to the al-Hakim.
The unlawful conduct alleged was engaged in by various judges and the court, supervisors and/or managing agents of the judges and the court and/or who were acting at all times relevant within the scope and course of their employment. The court are, therefore, strictly liable for the conduct of said agents and employees.
al-Hakim is informed, believes, and based thereon alleges that these judges and the court MUST accept that they have taken a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of California, while some judges has lied and perjured themselves in WRITING, casting off any remote semblance of honor or integrity that anyone present could respect, has enacted his personal agenda to persecute me and deny my rights under the aforementioned Constitutions, whom along with the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities and the court acted with malice, criminal corruption and persecution as described herein with reckless disregard for al-Hakim’s rights and/or with the intent to injure, vex, annoy and harass al-Hakim, and subjected al-Hakim to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of al-Hakim’s rights with the intention of causing al-Hakim injury and depriving him of his constitutional rights.
This appears to be the process enacted by Presiding Judge Barbara J. R. Jones with the order from the Appeals Court dated July 16, 2018, dismissing the above action due to an “unopposed” June 22, 2018, motion to dismiss filed by Defendant-Respondent, CSAA- Wellpoint Asset Recovery LLC that we have complained of for months!
Oakland City Attorney Gives Defendants Stephan Barber and Law Firm Ropers Majeski Case File, Doesn’t Tell Court or Plaintiff!
Entire “Illegal” Proceedings are Grand, Systemic and Endemic Corruption
These entire “illegal proceedings” are solely for the purpose of the unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities illegally utilizing the full force and resources of the government in a covert criminal undercover sting operation by fostering, fabricating and manipulating any argument, testimony, documents, word, inference, vague reference, or gesture that they can remotely interpret as evidence of any remote action they seek to advocate to incriminate, charge, try, convict, incarcerate and eliminate al-Hakim!
These are cases that al-Hakim has filed, they are his cases, NOT the courts, nor judges, nor law enforcement, nor government, nor legal entities in power! Yet they have hijacked al-Hakim, his religion, his truth, his family; their home, their lives; their personal, real, and business property; his businesses; his community; those they serve; his cases; his rights; his freedom; his pursuit of happiness; justice; the Constitution; his very existence!
This Grand corruption is systemic and endemic in ALL al-Hakim cases involves the unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities in power colluding and conspiring using the judicial arm of government whom perform and serve in the roles as suspect, culprit, criminal, evidence, testimony, facts, truth, perjury, investigator, witness, defendant, conspirators, corruptors, colluders, judge, jury, executioner, as the opposition party with their agenda of criminal corruption and persecution to the detriment and oppression of al-Hakim.
This grand, systemic and endemic corruption is the abuse of power, office, and resources by judicial, political, law enforcement, governmental or legal entities and officials for organizational and personal gain, with and by the herein listed tactics. It also takes the form of these judicial, political, law enforcement, governmental or legal entities office holders maintaining themselves in office by their agenda of criminal corruption and persecution illegally utilizing the full force and resources of the government in a covert criminal undercover sting operation to the detriment and oppression of al-Hakim with use taxpayers’ money.
Judges do not have discretion not to disqualify themselves. By law, they are bound to follow the law. Should a judge not disqualify himself as required by law, then the judge has given another example of his “appearance of partiality” which further disqualifies the judge. al-Hakim again renews the request for those affected Judges to disqualify themselves, ALL of them, including ALL those named herein.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration.