NOWTRUTH!!! BECAUSE WE NEED TRUTH AND JUSTICE FROM THE COURTS MORE NOW THAN EVER, NOT HYPERPOLITICIZED, NUANCED LAW COMPLETE WITH THE REQUISITE NARRATIVE!! (LAW= Politically manufactured, orchestrated, strategic opinions, rulings, and orders for injustice to hide behind!)
“Justice from Justices, or Justice for Justices- is JAIL FOR JUSTICES!!”
California Appeals and Superior Court Corruption

NOWTRUTH! is THE platform to organize, strategize, advocate and work for the END of the Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, which includes Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism as a subset, that provides for the unlawful, and unconstitutional acts of The “COURTEL”COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats they serve over the PEOPLE they are sworn to SERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND!
We intend to forge a JUDICIAL EQUITY AND REFORM INITIATIVE and SOCIAL JUSTICE STRATEGIC PLAN to END the Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, which includes Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism as a subset.
THE “COURTEL”, THE COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, this Black Robed Society was Conceived in Sin, Born of Corruption, Covered Up with Collusion, protected by Diabolical Guard Dogs of Hell itself- the COURTEL! A Litany of Law Lords, Demonically Dealing Decisions for Dominance, DOLLAR$!
Those Judicial/Legal, Government and Law Enforcement Bodies, Agencies and Political Officials identified in the COURTEL, are listed in the “The COURTEL, Court Cartel” Page on the NOWTRUTH website at: https://wp.me/Pye39-qE; and those identified as Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats are listed in the “The COURTEL Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats” Page on the NOWTRUTH website at: https://wp.me/Pye39-qK! 
Those identified as “THE COURTEL”, include ALL those referenced in both The “COURTEL”COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, plus the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats collectively in total!
These Kingpins of Corporate Crime, Fraud, Corruption, Collusion, Conspiracy, are continuing the Jim Crow administration of justice, with Transactional Justice that’s really Contracted Injustice, legal rulings to favor their Corruptocrats and Kleptocrat carpet bagging political handlers, slaves to lobbyist and their colleagues Transactional Justice for CA$H to insure THEIR Justice Fails and Refuses to Bring Justice! 
The COURTEL, and the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats controls the Police and District Attorney/Prosecutors and covers up for them! You need to know and educate yourselves on the Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism that YOUR elected officials are SOOO much a part of!
The Courtel co-opts litigation with their OWN agenda; weaponizing vindictive rulings in furtherance of their agenda; the denial of due process, obstruction of justice, the harassment, provocation, and government sponsored terror, the gross examples of white class and privileged bias, prejudice, Islamophobia, Xenaphobia, hate induced, vindictive, retaliatory agenda, favoritism, bigotry and racism, engaging in the defense of their paid client!

This Grand Corruption is Systemic and Endemic involves the unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities in power colluding and conspiring using the judicial arm of government whom perform and serve in the roles as suspect, culprit, criminal, evidence, testimony, facts, truth, perjury, investigator, witness, defendant, conspirators, corruptors, colluders, judge, jury, executioner, as the opposition party with their agenda of criminal corruption and persecution to the detriment and oppression of their opponent.
Grand Corruption is defined as corruption occurring at the highest levels of government in a way that requires significant subversion of the political, legal and economic systems. Such corruption is commonly found in the government system that is divided into the legislative, executive and judiciary branches subject to grand corruption due to their dependence on one another to effectuate systemic and endemic corruption primarily due to the organization or process in which individual officials or agents conspire for the acts corruptly within and for the system.
Factors which encourage systemic corruption include conflicting incentives and interest, discretionary powers; monopolistic powers; fulfilling a judicial, political, law enforcement, governmental or legal entities in power agenda; lack of transparency; controlled or no oversight; ability and willingness to cover up the corruption; and a culture of impunity. Specific acts of corruption include “maintaining judicial, political, law enforcement, governmental or legal entities agenda, power and control”; ”bribery, extortion, and embezzlement”; and to “obtain financial benefits, personal gain, career advancement” and in exchange for not pursuing or selectively pursuing an investigation, arrest, filing criminal or civil charges, or aspects of the judiciary itself where members collude in rulings and orders to protect other judges from accountability. One common form of corruption is soliciting, providing  or accepting this protection as a “quid pro quo” in exchange for performing the same act or other illegal activities.
There’s NO Police Reform, no Social Justice Reform, no change in Systemic Racism, no Defund the Police, no societal change/advancement unless and until there is complete Judicial Reform compelling complete and total transparency and accountability; with responsibility, liability, and answerability to a Community Regulatory Agency for bi-annual performance review to justify and renew their employment contract and salary; removing and ending ALL public legal and financial liability for Any and ALL violations of the law; removing and ending ANY and ALL public funded payments made, including settlements for any law suits; revoking ALL immunity, indemnity, exemption, and impunity from prosecution for ALL Federal, State or Local Judicial Commissioners, and Judges; Federal, State or Local Police Law Enforcement employees; County District Attorneys; County Legal Counsels; Local City Attorneys; the Federal and State Attorney Generals; and the United States Department of Justice; to END Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption! We don’t need to wait until after someone has served 30 years in prison only to be freed for a crime they didn’t commit because of DNA tests revealed the truth that the system victimized us!
The REAL SYSTEM, it’s the “COURTEL”, the Court Cartel and the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats!
Unless and until there is complete Judicial Reform revoking immunity for Judges, Police and Prosecutors to END Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, YOUR LIVES DON’T MATTER! 
The Corruptocrats and Kleptocrat politicians from your districts and state WILL NOT move to change that fact, their job is to PROTECT it! If you don’t believe it, CHALLENGE them to make a meaning change verbally, in committee, by petition, and election!
These Grand Wizards of Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, that includes Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism as a subset, the COURTEL’S dramatic long standing effects is characterized by tyrannical Federal, State, and Local Governments; Corrupt Federal, State, and Local Government Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies; Rampant Fraud and Corruption; Class, Race and Caste Societal Wars; Dehumanization of the Minority and Poor Masses; Financial Collapse; Famine, Disease; Food Insecurity; Affordable Housing Drought; Sky Rocketing Unemployment; Social Unrest; Environmental Disaster; other characteristics representative of a Cataclysmic Decline in Society as the Rich Top 2% Just Get Richer at everyone else’s expense!!
This Judicial Cult of Immoral Dishonor, this “COURTEL”, with no accountability, grievously disintegrates in “a monumentally moral descent into the very exclusive part of HELL for Criminal Justices who swear others to GOD but themselves are sworn to Judicial Purgatory as Satan’s Slaves to the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats!”
They want the WORLD to believe they are GOD’S vicegerents on earth and pledge allegiance to THEM- then GOD, to honor their dishonor, to gracefully ignore their disgrace, to hold them in reverence ABOVE GOD while they do the Devils work enriching the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats!!
Even in their own dysfunctional Dystopia it is religiously inconceivable, absurd to believe that a HUMAN BEING serving in the capacity of a Judge, can BE a Judge and have irreducible beliefs, to BELIEVE IN GOD- A HIGHER POWER, a religious concept/belief/practice in THE HEREAFTER- HEAVEN AND HELL, GOOD AND EVIL, RIGHT AND WRONG, REWARD AND PUNISHMENT, TRUTH AND JUSTICE! SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE, UNLESS THEY ARE ALREADY RESIGNED TO THEIR GOING TO HELL FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND RULINGS!! These scurrilous, nefarious, Devils Disciples, bathing in their Judicial Ejaculation from the graft of their Political Porn, and Motion Masturbation, can’t believe in GOD and engineer, orchestrate, author, originate and enact such cruel corruption,
The COURTEL system protects and serves the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats, these Kingpins of Korruption, the corrupt judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and police officers that hide behind their pledge/oath to their codes of the Black Robe Society and Cops “Blue Code” of Corruption and Silence, that hide behind gavels and badges! But in this Den of Degenerates, Judges are Politicians, appointed and/or elected officials that also received campaign contributions and endorsements wherein this make it difficult, impossible, for these Judges as politicians, elected/appointed officials to try and rule in any cases, to prosecute crime, thus to engage in any cases against their colleagues or manipulators.
The COURTEL’S Criminal Justices and their cohorts, these Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats, epidemiological spread of Grand Systemic and Endemic corruption that has Systemic Racism as a subset, controls the Police, District Attorneys/Prosecutors, Public Defenders and covers up for them! This Grand and Endemic Judicial/Legal Systemic Racism portrays perhaps the single most important reason why this “COURTEL” has been able to THRIVE, why the Federal, State, County and Local Governments Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies, the Judicial Councils, the Commissions on Judicial Performance, and the heads of the Judicial Disciplinary bodies responsible for taking corrective action in these matters, has been so derelict in doing so, is because they are ALL PARTNERS, inextricably placed in the legal paradox where every Government Judicial and Law Enforcement Agency, Judge, Court Administrator, attorney, law firm, litigant and their agents having been involved in committing these crimes, opens the way to legally setting aside every case they were ever involved with and potentially being reversed at an untold cost of money, integrity and irreparable loss of public confidence in the legal system!
Those Judicial/Legal, Government and Law Enforcement Bodies, Agencies and Political Officials identified in the COURTEL, are listed in the “The COURTEL, Court Cartel” Page on this website at: https://wp.me/Pye39-qE; and those identified as Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats are listed BELOW! Those identified as “THE COURTEL”, include ALL those referenced in both The “COURTEL”COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, plus the Corruptocrats and Kleptocrats collectively in total!
The COURTEL, Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, these corrupt judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities are more dangerous to our liberty, than any of the enemy it claims to protect us from. Why have these people and organizations been so derelict while failing and refusing so miserably to enforce the same rules of conduct and law on incompetent, mendacious judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities after so many complaints filed? They have allowed these same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities to act as if in a trance… trying to destroy innocent common citizens and demonized the victims to prosecute, persecute and disparaged them whom was guilty only of advocating and standing up for their civil and human rights and right to due process. These same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities are allowed to use court orders to threaten to fine, jail and pauperize the innocent. 
Does the COURTEL, Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, these same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities honestly and fairly serve innocent common citizens and this generation of Americans by failing and refusing to prosecute their OWN serious charges, and do they do what it takes to defeat the inherent threat to all our civil and human rights, right to due process, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom? Sadly— of course — the distance of history will recognize that the threat to all our civil and human rights, right to due process, property, pursuit of happiness and freedom that ALL innocent common citizens and this generation of Americans needed to take seriously… was The “COURTEL”COURT CORRUPTION CARTEL, with their Corruptocrats, and Kleptocrats, the same judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities that they are suppose to Protect and Defend US FROM!