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September 17, 2010, Oakland, CA:
Martin Silverman (510) 394-4701


Monday, September 20, 2010 to discuss the fate of City Attorneys John Russo; Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, Former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams; and their respective City Attorney’s Offices in response to al-Hakim’s corruption complaint. This meeting comes on the heels of the Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley assigning the case to Deputy District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy whom after his review and several more conversations with al-Hakim, decided to assign the case for investigation.
al-Hakim has presented uncontested, irrefutable, uncontroverted evidence that the Parties named herein have committed CORRUPTION, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, EXTRINSIC FRAUD, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, SUBORNATION AND SOLICITATION OF PERJURIOUS TESTIMONY, PROVIDING LITIGATION CASE FILES AND EVIDENCE TO DEFENDANTS, SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE, FABRICATING EVIDENCE AND PLANTING FABRICATED EVIDENCE IN LITIGATION CASE FILES , ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LITIGATION THEORY, CALUMNY DECEIT by giving the case files to defendant Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening for nearly a year; then clearly constructed fraudulent fabricated evidence in 1999 and planted that evidence favorable to the defendants in the files SIX years AFTER the case was closed; engaged in spoliation of remaining evidence in the court files from 1991; and fostered witness testimony based on this planted evidence in the al-Hakim v CSAA and the underlying Rescue Rooter case that was created thru EXTRINSIC FRAUD with accompanying testimony procured thru admitted suborned and solicited perjurious acts by John Russo and others, they engaged in actions to destroy the litigation of al-Hakim’s legal case; they engaged in actions to coverup their unlawful acts; they committed, aided and abetted this criminal activity with this unpardonable breach in the chain of custody of the court files to accommodate the defendants litigation strategy in both the CSAA and the underlying Rescue Rooter case. They have committed criminal violations of the Civil Code, Business and Professions Code, the Rules of Professional Conduct, and the California Cannons strikes at the heart of al-Hakim’s fundamental civil and human rights, and the right to due process under the law guaranteed by the United States Constitution Amendments and the California Constitution. These actions qualify as a Hate Crime under the Unruh Rights Act, the Ralph Civil Rights Act and the Bane Act, while they are clear crimes of religious bigotry and intolerance, as such, this conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violation because the City Attorney’s Office operates “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a federal crime. This deprivation of al-Hakim’s civil, human and due process rights by the law enforcement body of the City Attorneys’ office of Oakland “rise to the level of criminal activity and misconduct” by local and federal law enforcement officials. These criminal actions by Russo and his staff demand they be issued court ordered subpoena to testify. You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose .
al-Hakim has asserted that as relevant to whether these actions of Jayne Williams, John Russo, the Oakland City Attorneys Office and al-Hakim’s own insurance carrier, CSAA, there are equally as serious charges with regards to the actions of Jayne Williams; John Russo; the Oakland City Attorneys Office; CSAA; Cook and Willoughby Stuart & Bening; Barber and Ropers Majeski participation in the orchestration of defendants Rescue Rooter and Bay Area Carpet’s defense strategy against their client rather than represent al-Hakim as required by law. The witness testimony and evidence that was procured thru admitted suborned and solicited perjurious testimony by them and the defendants, they engaged in actions to interfere with their client and litigant’s legal case, engaged in actions to coverup the unlawful act of suborn and solicited perjurious testimony, committed fraud upon the court of the State of California, aided and abetted criminal activity, committed willful, criminal and corrupt perjury, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy, subornation of perjurious testimony and solicitation of perjurious testimony, fraudulent concealment, spoliation of evidence with the City of Oakland, their unpardonable breach in the chain of custody of the court files, has committed patterned willful, criminal, and corrupt deception and fraud upon the court, extrinsic fraud, spoliation of evidence with the disappearance of court records, and have unclean hands.

Parties to Charges:
The parties that have engaged in this activity are Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams; Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton- current President of the National Bar Association, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abney, Eliada Perez and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office; former City of Oakland employee Pat Smith; Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski; Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Annette Beningâ’s brother Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; William Jemmott now of the law firm Wilson Elser; Todd Jones and the law firm Archer Norris; Daniel Crowley of the law firm Daniel Crowley & Assoc.; Fletcher Alford, Joel K. Liberson and the law firm Gordon & Rees; Sean Robert O’Halloran now of the law firm Crone Rozynko; Anne Brooks Harrigan now of the law firm Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander, Barnes & Reubens; Yolanda Marnell Jackson- San Francisco BAR Assoc., now of the law firm Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution; the law firm of Caven, Cleaveland, Murray; the former law firm of Jackson Harrigan; John Ratto and Dean K. Beyer, of ASU Group (formerly D. L. Glaze); defendants Rescue Rooter and Bay Area Carpet Cleaning; and retired Judges David Lee, Michael Ballachey, and Richard Hodge; and others.
The Parties have all failed and refused to provide the information sought by al-Hakim, and further failed and refused to appear under court ordered subpoena for deposition testimony twice and under court ordered subpoena for trial testimony and have caused al-Hakim and family to be forced from their $1 million plus home and office, foreclosed from an over $20 million law suit, and multi million business for 13 years thru the City Attorneys’ violation of the business and professional codes, extrinsic fraud, subornation of perjurious testimony, committing these acts under the color of law with unclean hands, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Since 1999 Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams; Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton- current President of the National Bar Association, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abney, Eliada Perez and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office has always maintained that the City of Oakland case file in the Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs. The City of Oakland matter from the 1991 backup were missing and were last requested for viewing by defendant Ron Cook. For over eight (8) years CSAA defense counsel Stephan Barber had denied that he had anything to do with the handling, disappearance, transportation, having possession, copying or returning of the City of Oakland case file in the al-Hakim matter from the 1991 backup. He has repeatedly stated that he “never touched the file” and “knew nothing about it!”.
The Corruption Complaint and audio files can be viewed and/or downloaded here:The Complaint:
You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose .
Voice Mail Messages:
Demetruis Shelton, current President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee’s Voicemail Russo Received Trial Subpoenas!!!”
City Attorney employee Alex Katz voicemail message threatening and warned KPFA Radio Host Gabrielle Wilson not to broadcast the interview and demanded she speak with him before she aired the scheduled program. He did this though he wanted Miss Wilson and KPFA to believe that John Russo and the City Attorney’s office was not involved in the case and had nothing to hide! You can view the documents and videos of Russo’s corruption and listen to that voicemail message here.
Gabby-Katz 2nd Call
Luis Medina, a manager in the music director’s office at KPFA then calls Miss Wilson just hours prior to the scheduled broadcast and leaves a voicemail message warning her that it was very important for the broadcast not to occur. He also stated that there might be very serious repercussions taken if she were to proceed as planned. She even received a phone call from the long-time regular show host, Emmitt Powell whom was contacted by the station in response to Russo’s effort to censor the show.
Miss Wilson proceeded to host the program all alone to comply with the City Attorney and KPFA’s censorship directive without any of her invited guests. You can listen to that voicemail message here.
Gabby VM-KPFA MD,Luis Medina
Miss Wilson was forced to make at least three announcements to inform the public whom had tuned in to hear this intriguing panel examine this critical civil rights and corruption case in an important election year, that this incredible show had been canceled due to KPFA’s censorship by Oakland City Attorney John Russo!
You can listen to those announcements here.
First Announcement:
Gabby Aborted Corrupt Show-1stAnn
Aborted Interview Announcement 1
Second Announcement:
Gabby Aborted Corrupt Show-2ndAnn
Aborted Interview Announcement 2
Third Announcement:
Gabby Aborted Corrupt Show-3rdAnn
Aborted Interview Announcement 3
See Video: Presiding Court Judge Yolanda Northridge Conceals Corruption

See City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=440 and listen to that voicemail message here.
See KPFA Show Host Combats Censorship By Oakland City Attorney John Russo
Twitter Engaged In Censorship Regarding the Corruption on Behalf of Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and Alameda County D.A. Tom Orloff
(for more visit page Twitter Engages In Censorship
The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation provides food; clothing; private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals for ANYONE whom has the need at the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation website.
Anyone can register at http://AMWFTRUST.ORG by submitting an online request form in a strictly confidential submission and they can also feel free to call the number (510) 394-4101 as well.
We provide a legal assistance referral service that advocates for various legal services and support programs to the wrongfully accused, under-represented, overly jailed; wrongfully convicted; economically, mentally, and physically challenged; the poor and homeless; the undereducated; undeserved; people living with symptomatic HIV and AIDS; substance abuse; seniors 55 years and older; prenatal women; at risk youth; and homebound people living with serious illness.
The people we serve are men, women and children living in San Francisco/ Oakland Bay Area in California are of different race, faith, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation and income levels that simply need help to transform their lives from people in need to become a productive member of a society in which all persons flourish.
Although our services are FREE to those in need, we do not charge any fees to any attorney that uses our referral service nor do we ask that any attorney that uses our service to provide their services to anyone Pro Bono. That is the choice of the attorney, however any discounts or Pro Bono services that are provided to anyone is on the basis of the agreement between the parties.
The users of our service complete an exhaustive legal intake form so that we can best assist them in their area of need. We have received legal intake forms for San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area residents requesting legal advice and services in the areas of:
1) Defense of the Gang Injunction in Oakland filed by the Oakland City Attorney’s Office
2) Filing of a Plaintiff’s Claim/Action against a local school district
3) Filing a Medical Malpractice/Negligence Action against a local care provider in the death of client due to blood contamination through IV
4) Defense of an Oakland Housing Authority initiated fraud complaint filed by the Alameda County District Attorney due to confusion from the exclusion of business, not personal, income
5) An Entertainment Law action to recover record royalties
6) Filing a Plaintiff’s action against a local auto repair shop when an auto left for repair was stolen from the shop and found stripped
7) Filing a Plaintiff’s action against home insurance carrier from fire damage to adjacent neighbors home
8 Probate Proceedings
9) Reverse Mortgage Loan advice/matter
10) Capital Defense of shop owner charged with murder whom shot fleeing person after confrontation
11) Civil Fraud suit
12) Haitian Earthquake victims immigration
13) Debt Collection Fraud
14) illegal Property Liens
15) Auto Acquisition/Repossession dispute
16) illegal Bank Levys
Any qualified attorney that is interested in any of the above cases can request the intake forms via email at legal@amwftrust.org or call (510) 394-4101 with your request.
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” The Man Who Turn$ Hit$ Into Million$”
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