RAMPANT Fraud, Deception, “Bait-and-Switch”, “Slight-of-Hand” in Recall D. A. Pam Price

RAMPANT Fraud and Deception complete with “Bait-and-Switch” and “Slight-of-Hand” Fraud Techniques with Signatures in Petition to Recall D. A. Pam Price

To: Ms. Pamela Price                  Tim Dupuis             

District Attorney                            Alameda County Registrar of Voters

        René C. Davidson Courthouse            1225 Fallon St., Room G-1

        1225 Fallon Street, Room 900            Oakland, CA 94612

        Oakland CA 94612 Fax: 510-272-6982

        Fax: 510-383-8615, 510-271-5157

Ismail J. Ramsey-Director                    Rob Bonta

U. S. Attorney’s Office                         Attorney General of California

           Federal Courthouse                             1300 I Street, Suite 125

           450 Golden Gate Avenue                  P.O. Box 944255            

           San Francisco, CA 94102                  Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

           Fax: 510-637-3724                        Fax: 916-324-8835

           Robert Tripp, FBI Director                  

D. A. Pamela Price responds to Recall
D. A. Pamela Price responds to Recall

           Northern District of California              

           San Francisco Field Office                  

           450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor   

           San Francisco, CA 94102-9523            

cc:, bcc:, Faxed and Emailed

FROM:     Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation, Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim
DATE:     February 21, 2024
RE:        RAMPANT Fraud and Deception complete with “Bait-and-Switch” and “Slight-of-Hand” Fraud Techniques with Signatures in Petition to Recall D. A. Pam Price

Dear District Attorney Pamela Price, Registrar of Voters Tim Dupuis, U. S. Attorney General Director Ismail J. Ramsey, FBI Director Robert Tripp, California Attorney General Rob Bonta, et. al.,

I recently went to Trader Joe’s- Emeryville and observed a group of people (7) standing around a man sitting in a chair at a table perched at the entrance of the store near the shopping cart rack. There was a band of people (over 20) canvasing the parking lot carrying clipboards with papers on them.

At one point, a man came down to the store roll up door returning a shopping cart, then gave it to a customer at the cart rack.

He then approaches me and begins to ask me questions. He asked if I was interested in helping children get medical services? I responded “of course”. He then asked if I was a resident of Oakland. I responded “no”. He then asked if I lived in Alameda? I responded “you mean Alameda County?, yes”.


He then began to explain the cause he claimed was supporting the initiative for the funding of the medical care program for children and asked me if I would sign a petition for it to be funded. I said “yes” if the petition is to establish, continue or increase funds for medical services for children.

He then hands me a clipboard with a petition on the top page and points to the section he wanted me to complete. I glanced at the document and observed the name, address, signature lines, and completed them.

Who's funding D. A. Price Recall?
Who’s funding D. A. Price Recall?

I stopped him and asked “what is this?”. He said that it was part of the petition for the kids care. I said “that can’t be true, it says Recall Pam Price on it!”. He fumbled for a response until I pointed out that what he did was “fraud and deception”, and asked “how many other people have you had sign this Recall petition under the same pretense?” He insincerely “apologized” for any misunderstanding he may have caused and was unaware that it was wrong. I explained that the signees of the petition are unwittingly signing Recall Pam Price Petition instead of one for medical services for children!

I asked him who he was and asked for his identification wherein he said he was from out of State and displayed a Maryland I.D. with his thumb covering the name and address.

I asked for the contact information for the petitioners, but he claimed he did not know anyone being from out of State. He proceeded to say that he did NOT KNOW where the petition offices were, the address or phone number of it, his co-workers, his manager/supervisor, where he was living in California during this period of gathering signatures for the petitions, etc.

I asked to see the petitions to ascertain if there was any contact information on them and he admitted that there were THREE petitions he was gathering signatures for. I saw that ONLY ONE of the petitions actually had any listing or reference to any organization on it and it was a different petition for Loma Linda that was allegedly addressing child health care.

I asked him if he was aware of the politics behind the Recall petition and he said he wasn’t. He became agitated when I persisted in expounding on the fact of his process being fraudulent and deceptive with the signees of the petition unwittingly signing a Recall Pam Price Petition instead of or inanition to one for alleged medical services for children, and said “that’s your opinion”! I asked him if he explains the Price recall petition as he did with the alleged one for medical services for children and he said sure. I said “you did NOT do that with me, instead using a bait-and-switch tactic and technique to have me unwittingly signing a Recall Pam Price Petition instead!”. He said that he would have explained it to me but I caught it first and that he was doing that now! I reiterated that I HAD TO CATCH HIM FIRST and he still had NOT explained anything to me about the Recall petition. I reminded him that he said he didn’t know anything about the Recall nor the politics behind it!

I informed him that I am not in th dark regarding this Recall petition and the controversy surrounding it and he should be if he is ethically gathering signatures for same. He NEVER even attempted to explain anything regarding the recall petition!

Continuing th discussion of his employment, he said that he just gets picked up in the morning, taken to an office and given stacks of petitions to be signed for that day, for which he is paid. BUT, he did NOT KNOW where he was living nor where the office was that he went to get the petition and get paid!

I retrieved the document I had signed and blotted out the name, address, and signature lines I had completed.

I called the offices of District Attorney to inform them of the potential massive fraud and deception using this bait-and-switch tactic and slight-of-hand technique on the signees of the petition to unwittingly sign a Recall Pam Price Petition instead of one for medical services for children.

New Adventures of Carlie Chan
New Adventures of Carlie Chan and SAFE

I checked with the Save Alameda For Everyone (SAFE) organization behind the Recall effort and they did not list the Trader Joe’s location as one of their official signature gathering locations.

I suggested that the District Attorney have someone investigate this matter, to gather, impound, examine the potential fraudulent petitions and interviewing/questioning to ascertain the INTENT of the signees of the petition to determine if they wittingly or unwittingly signed the recall petition, their address, and signatures to validate or invalidate them accordingly.

In the 45 minutes that I was parked there, you couldn’t help but notice the beehive of activity swarming the man sitting at the table at the entrance of the store, the cadre of people stopping shoppers around the door while a band of other people canvasing the parking lot carrying clipboards with petitions on them.




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