Twitter Engages in Censorship, Protects Jerry Brown, John Russo Corruption!!

(510) 394-4701
EMAIL: Twitter:

Herein below is an email to Twitter regarding their engaging in censorship to protect California Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and Alameda County D.A. Tom Orloff’s corruption in an ongoing case reported to the U. S. Attorney General, Department of Justice.
On October 17, and 21, 2009  I sent emails to Twitter complaining about a “suspension” of my account (@nowtruth) for allegedly replying to tweets sent to me and “suspicious activity”!
I have not received any response to my rejection of the claims and contesting of the “suspension”. The idea that someone can have their account suspended for replying to tweets sent to them is preposterous!!! Isn’t that the process? Further, there were @mentions, not replys, for which your system does not seem to be able to distinguish the difference!!
However, when someone tweets you, you can and should reply with a meaningful response. ALL of the @mentions/replies/responses were to related items or news of a related nature to the attention of those mentioned, not anyone else. So there is no spamming issue. What’s the offense?
There is NOTHING suspicious about this action! Were you contacted with a report of reply spam? Our tweets are all you need to establish their validity. The tweet was regarding the corruption on behalf of California Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and Alameda County D.A. Tom Orloff in an ongoing case reported to the U. S. Attorney General, Department of Justice. We have received several @mentions from people sympathetic to those parties had have tried tirelessly to silence this case and the information about it from getting out to the masses in an effort to protect them. The specific tweet in question was displaying an email from John Russo threatening a KPFA reporter, Gabrielle Wilson, if she proceeded with a radio broadcast of a show with Brown, Russo and the plaintiff in the case.
During the week of August 23, 2009 Miss Wilson received a phone call from Evan Westrep from Brown’s office. He left a voice mail message for her at radio station KPFA stating he would pass her interview request along to Brown’s schedulers.
During that same week, Miss Wilson received emails and phone calls from Oakland City Attorney Russo’s press director Alex Katz. One email Katz sent to her and Sasha Lilley, interim Program Director at KPFA, with a cc: to Mark Moromodi, Supervising Deputy for the Oakland City Attorney, proclaiming that City Attorney John Russo was not involved in the case, yet he wanted her to answer questions as to why she wanted to provide a forum for the plaintiff, al-Hakim whom he alleged had posted threatening videos about John Russo. Heres an copy of that email that was a twitpic sent to our followers:

Katz followed up that email with a voicemail message he left for Miss Wilson after the close of business just hours before the scheduled broadcast was to occur threatening her and warned Miss Wilson not to broadcast the interview and demanded she speak with him before she aired the scheduled program. He did this though he wanted Miss Wilson and KPFA to believe that John Russo and the City Attorney’s office was not involved in the case and had nothing to hide! You can listen to that voicemail message here.

Luis Medina, a manager in the music director’s office at KPFA then calls Miss Wilson just hours prior to the scheduled broadcast and leaves a voicemail message warning her that it was very important for the broadcast not to occur. He also stated that there might be very serious repercussions taken if she were to proceed as planned. She even received a phone call from the long-time regular show host, Emmitt Powell whom was contacted by the station in response to Russo’s effort to censor the show.
Miss Wilson proceeded to host the program all alone to comply with the City Attorney and KPFA’s censorship directive…without any of her invited guests.

Miss Wilson was forced to make at least three announcements to inform the public whom had tuned in to hear this intriguing panel examine this critical civil rights and corruption case in an important election year, that this incredible show had been canceled due to KPFA’s censorship by Oakland City Attorney John Russo! You can listen to those announcements here.

Aborted Interview Announcement 1
Aborted Interview Announcement 2
Aborted Interview Announcement 3

Russo proceeded to engage in censorship by forcing the cancellation of the show and trying to conceal it from the public. Russo and Brown claim that they are not involved in the case yet irrefutable evidence prove otherwise! If they are not involved and have nothing to hide, why censor the show? Those actions are public now as the reporter released a statement on their crimes of which this is merely another instance of. Now for you.
You aren’t engaging in censorship are you? Have you been contacted by any of these parties or their representatives, including Alex Katz, Joe Trippi, Jeremy D. Thompson, or anyone else regarding this alleged violation of Twitter policy? Is this a problem of your system not being able to differentiate between a reply and an @mention?
I certainly know that if you were investigating suspicious activity in this case, you need to take a look at the actions of those that got you to comply with their desire to censor this case and their continuing crimes for which Twitter founder Evan Williams, co-founder Biz Stone, and Twitter are now involved. We will not stop our civil and criminal investigation in this matter as we proceed, it only widens and deepens in it’s breadth and depth.
There’s nothing even remotely suspicious about our tweets, we will not be censored, and we are continuing to investigate yours and their suspicious activity and to prosecute those involved in these continuing crimes. Anything you need to further investigate feel free to call.
We look forward to your response.
Previous message October 21, 2009:
Re: Twitter Support: update on “To Whom It May Concern,    How can an account be suspende…”
How can an account be suspended for replying to messages sent to YOU? Isn’t that the process? When someone tweets you, you can and should reply with a meaningful response. ALL of the replies/responses were to related items or news of a related nature. What’s the offense?
There is NOTHING suspicious about this action! Were you contacted with a report of reply spam? Our tweets are all you need to establish their validity. You aren’t engaging in censorship are you?
Thanks for the response.
ginger wrote:

## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Ticket #605636: To Whom It May Concern, How can an account be suspende…

ginger, Oct 21 03:04 pm (PDT):Hello from Twitter,This is an automated confirmation that we received your ticket. If you’re contesting a suspension, be sure to read this entire email; you will need to take further action in order to reopen your ticket.

Please be sure your account is actually suspended. You should visit your own profile page to make sure you’re suspended and not viewing another person’s suspended profile page–many people think they are suspended when they aren’t. You’ll also know you’re suspended if you log in and see a red notice announcing your suspension on your account.
Twitter primarily suspends accounts for Terms of Service violations or spam investigation. If you are suspended, it’s most likely for one or more of these reasons:
· aggressive following or follower churn (repeatedly following and unfollowing users)
· trend spamming (posting unrelated updates to trending topics to gain attention)
· misuse of the reply feature
· updates consist of links pointing to phishing sites, malware, or other harmful material
· updates consist of duplicate links and/or text
· updates consist mainly of links duplicated across multiple accounts, and not personal updates
· account identified as potentially being part of a spam cluster
· a large number of people block the profile or write in with spam complaints
Please review the Twitter Rules for a more comprehensive list:
If you feel you’ve been suspended in error, please reply to this email with a short explanation and be sure to include your username. Responding to this email will reopen this ticket and put your ticket in queue for support, but you need to reply from the address this mail was sent to. If you use an alias (such as, ensure that your reply comes from the alias address or your ticket may not be seen by our support staff. We will do our best to get back to you within 30 days.
If this did not answer your inquiry, responding to this email will reopen this ticket.
Twitter Support

nowtruth, Oct 17 10:39 pm (PDT):To Whom It May Concern,How can an account be suspended for replying to messages sent to YOU? Isn’t that the process? When someone tweets you, you can and should reply with a meaningful response. ALL of the replies/responses were to related items or news of a related nature. What’s the offense?
There is NOTHING suspicious about this action! Were you contacted with a report of reply spam? Our tweets are all you need to establish their validity. You aren’t engaging in censorship are you?
Thanks for the response.

Review the status of your request and add additional comments here:

This email is a service from Twitter Support

Attorney General Jerry Brown Covers Superior and State Court Corruption, D A Tom Orloff, Oakland City Attorney John Russo Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court!

August 7, 2009,  Oakland, CA:


Martin Silverman,;
Toussaint LeToure
California Attorney General Jerry Brown, responsible for carrying out investigation of Alameda County Superior Court and State Appeals Court judges, District Attorney Tom Orloff, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and various corporate defendants is himself defending some of the criminals and covering up the very same corruption he is supposed to be investigating and prosecuting! Full Story with Videos and Documents on this blog or at
Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, the Uber-successful sports and entertainment agent with Superstar Management, filed a federal complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him during a trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California. More on al-Hakim on his Profile Page on this blog.
The complaint, drafted and filed by al-Hakim in pro per, has broad based support from Democrats and Republicans, was submitted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee with the offices of Congressmen John Conyers, and Charles Rangel, reviewed by several legal experts, with advocacy by former Republican Senator J. C. Watts, a client of al-Hakim’s, is moving forward with the investigation and charges of criminal extrinsic fraud upon the court of the State of California, fabricating and planting fabricated evidence, spoliation of evidence, and the doctrine “unclean hands” against defendants/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski; and many others.
The complaint addresses concern that Superior Court Judges’, defendants, defense counsels and others conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violation because the bench upon which the judge rules is “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a federal crime, perhaps even more importantly, not only requested Merrily Friedlander, Chief of the Civil Rights Division, to make an investigation of a judicial hate crime, but also the many other civil rights and due process violations of judicial misconduct, and attorney extrinsic fraud upon the court and law that are themselves directly the matters complained.
After review in the U. S. A. G. Office, the case was thought of as being so egregious that even the infamous Bradley Schlozman, whom is now fired and facing Federal indictment with resigned former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez for removing Democratic attorneys from the U. S. Attorneys Generals offices nationwide, sent al-Hakim a letter referring the matter (because of jurisdictional limitations) to the California State Attorney General, California State Bar Association, the California State Judicial Council, and California State Insurance Commissioner for investigation and prosecution. And these were Republican Judges and attorney’s being complained of! Full Story with Videos and Documents on this blog.
The requested depositions and investigation concerns trial Judge David C. Lee’s allowance of the illegal product of fabricated and planted evidence, spoliated evidence and unclean hands by defendant/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Cook and Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; defense counsel Steve Barber and the law firm of Ropers Majeski; the other underlying defendants; and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office run by John Russo to be admitted as evidence, subjected to testimony, and fostered it’s use to prejudice the jury. During the trial, testimony revealed that there were numerous documents and photos of a very damning nature to the defense and AAA as the hostile intervener, that were missing, altered, or incomplete.
Now, however, the very same California State Attorney General, Jerry Brown, responsible for carrying out the investigation of these crimes is himself defending these and other criminals and covering up the very same corruption he is supposed to be investigating and prosecuting!
Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff’s Extrinsic Fraud Upon the Court, Prosecutorial Misconduct, Willful and Malicious Prosecution, Conflict of Interest, Obstruction of Justice, Denial of Due Process, Willful and Intentional Fabrication and Authoring False Evidence; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Material Facts
al-Hakim had to file an action against Tom Orloff and the Alameda County District Attorney’s (DA) and the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services (ACDCSS) because for over 15 years they repeatedly failed and refused to enforce the courts own orders for the fair and proper application and accounting of payments al-Hakim made in trust to the DA in their fiduciary capacity for the minor al-Hakim child depriving al-Hakim and the minor child of over $2,000 of monies paid, thus creating a “mythical” arrearage and open account in al-Hakim’s name and on his behalf owed to the minor child, then illegally charging al-Hakim with the crime of violating the child support statute for nonpayment, reporting the alleged violation to the State of California for Collection and the State Department of Motor Vehicles for suspension of his driving privilege for nonpayment and illegally tossing al-Hakim into “debtors prison”, suspending his drivers license, revoking his passport, and ruining his credit. ACDCSS actions and claimed “right” to perform in this manner are not contained in any State or Federal statute, regulation, or other legislative act and therefore, do not have the force of law and renders it constitutionally infirm and no court officer can merely “grant” a ruling in their favor to cover getting caught having done so. Full Story with Videos and Documents on this blog.
Attorney General of The State of California Substituted In for DA Tom Orloff
On January 22, 2008 Attorney General Jerry Brown and the Office of The Attorney General of The State of California substituted in as attorney of record in this case for the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services allegedly “in the interest of justice”. What justice is there in the Attorney General defending, concealing and thereby further complicitly committing the admitted willful and intentional extrinsic fraud upon the court; prosecutorial misconduct; willful and malicious prosecution; misconduct; conflict of interest; obstruction of justice; denial of due process under the law; willful and intentional fabrication and authoring false evidence; misstating and mischaracterizing evidence; misrepresentation and concealment of material facts with knowledge of the truth with the intent to induce the court’s act or reliance; harassment; and intimidation on behalf of District Attorney Tom Orloff, Maureen Lenahan, Valgeria Harvey, counselors L. Lavagetto, Ms. K. Pendergrass, Ms. Adler, Kris Ferre, and accountant Mr. Lovelady and others unnamed in the DA’s office and Commissioner Oleon’s abuse of discretion, willful misconduct, conduct prejudicial, illegal ex-parte communications and bias that resulted in error.
This was done to excuse and protect the Alameda County Department of Child Support Services from their ongoing conflict of interest in their alleging to represent the interest of Joette Hall, whom they had defrauded along with al-Hakim of the funds paid to the DCSS in trust for their minor child.
The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services was never representing the al-Hakim Hall family, they were defending and covering up their extrinsic fraud upon the state and the families. The Alameda County Department of Child Support Services wanted to conceal their attempted coercion of al-Hakim to pay the arrearage they created in his name.
al-Hakim and his family had complained many times each year about the misapplication of the funds tendered to the Department of Child Support Services in trust for the al-Hakim Hall family.
Now Brown………


Miscreant Judge Jon Tigar’s Mental Meltdown On Bench When Served Scathing 750 Page Indictment For Cause! Strikes It Without Reading It, Libels Testimony and Authors Perjurious Order! See Respective Page on this Blog for Full Story with Videos and Documents!


Oakland City Attorney John Russo and the City Attorney’ Office has committed EXTRINSIC FRAUD, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, SUBORNATION AND SOLICITATION OF PERJURIOUS TESTIMONY, PROVIDING LITIGATION CASE FILES AND EVIDENCE TO DEFENDANTS, SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE, FABRICATING EVIDENCE AND PLANTING FABRICATED EVIDENCE IN LITIGATION CASE FILES , ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY, CALUMNY DECEIT by giving the case files to defendant Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening for nearly a year; then clearly constructed fraudulent fabricated evidence in 1999 and planted that evidence favorable to the defendants in the files SIX years AFTER the case was closed; engaged in spoliation of remaining evidence in the court files from 1991; and fostered witness testimony based on this planted evidence in the al-Hakim v CSAA and the underlying Rescue Rooter case that was created thru EXTRINSIC FRAUD with accompanying testimony procured thru admitted suborned and solicited perjurious acts by John Russo and others, they engaged in actions to destroy the litigation of al-Hakim’s legal case; they engaged in actions to coverup their unlawful acts; they comitted, aided and abetted this criminal activity with this unpardonable breach in the chain of custody of the court files! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Specious Judge Jon Tigar Employed Judicial Council, Alameda County Court Administration and County Sherriffs With His Co-Defense Counsel/Defendant’s Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening to Investigate Plaintiff al-Hakim! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Oakland City Attorney John Russo, the quintesential mayorial “want to be”, has committed political suicide by a self inflicted corruption wound to the temple and can never win an elected posistion with the revelation of undeniable evidence of criminal wrong doing as protest and demands for his resignation and payment of damages are insurmountable and gaining meteoric momentum! These revealing examples of the real John Russo clearly exhibit his true beliefs as they pretain to blacks, minorities and racism; his being above the law with his self-percieved White Male Upper Class and Socio-Economic Priviledge; Bigotry and inciting Islamophobia in feeding fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Miscreant Judge Jon Tigar Aborted Witness Testimony of The Honorable Judge Leo Dorado Because He and His Co-Defense Counsel/ Defendants Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, as well as Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening, Feared al-Hakim Would Explore Corruption, Collusion, And Misconduct Of Judges And Lawyers Reported To U. S. Attorney General In al-Hakim Case! Tigar Did This IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


California State Court Corruption and Alameda County Presiding Court Judge Yolanda Northridge Conceals Corruption! This Was Done IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Specious Judge Jon Tigar Aborted The Testimony of His Co-Defense Counsel/Defendant Ron Cook to destroy the litigation of al-Hakim’s legal case for his Co-Defense Counsel/Defendant  Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening  al-Hakim still manage to get over 20 critical admissions of undeniable guilt of Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Office Withheld Ron Cook’s “Discovered” Note From City of Oakland File Refutes Rescission of Insurance Policy! Proves Tigar’s Co-Defense Counsel/ Defendants Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, as well as Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening committed EXTRINSIC FRAUD, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, SUBORNATION AND SOLICITATION OF PERJURIOUS TESTIMONY, PROVIDING LITIGATION CASE FILES AND EVIDENCE TO DEFENDANTS, SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE, FABRICATING EVIDENCE AND PLANTING FABRICATED EVIDENCE IN LITIGATION CASE FILES , ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY, CALUMNY DECEIT! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Partners In Crime And Tigar’s Co-Defense Counsel/ Defendants Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, as well as Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening Can Not Evade Established Evidence They Committed EXTRINSIC FRAUD, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, SUBORNATION AND SOLICITATION OF PERJURIOUS TESTIMONY, PROVIDING LITIGATION CASE FILES AND EVIDENCE TO DEFENDANTS, SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE, FABRICATING EVIDENCE AND PLANTING FABRICATED EVIDENCE IN LITIGATION CASE FILES , ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY, CALUMNY DECEIT! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Miscreant Judge Jon Tigar Libels Testimony and Authors Perjurious, Deceptive, Fraudulent, Bereavement and Trial Ending Orders to Destroy the Litigation of al-Hakim’s case in Support of His Co-Defense Counsel/ Defendants Stephan Barber and the law firm Ropers, Majeski, as well as Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening It! This Was Done IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LIGITATION THEORY! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Oakland City Attorney John Russo Above The Law, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, Racism, Bigotry, Exercising White-Male-Upper-Class-Priviledge! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!


Attorney General Jerry Brown, District Attorney Tom Orloff, Oakland City Attorney John Russo’s Failed Campaign Promises, Racism, Selective Prosecution, White Class Priviledge, Brokers for White Collar Crime! Read Full Story with Videos and Documents on this Blog!
