“Judicial challenges themselves are not, however, evidence a want or delay of prosecution. A party is entitled to challenge a judicial officer for cause or bias.” “The challenges appear to be filed in an earnest belief that the judges of this Court ought to be disqualified from deciding this case and that each successive challenge will overcome the prior’s shortcomings.””the Court hopes and encourages both parties to take this new judicial assignment as a good time to wipe the slate clean, forgive any earlier acrimony, and proceed to resolve and adjudicate the claims raised by the Complaint in normal order and good faith. Al-Hakim deserves a chance to have his claims adjudicated.” “Both parties deserve the rights to fair procedure and due process guaranteed to them by law. In short, this case deserves a chance to proceed on its merits, and now is an opportune time as any to do so.”
Judge Stephen Kaus, Tentative Ruling made September 11, 2018.
Judge Kaus admits to the courts acrimony and animus toward al-Hakim, and asks to wipe the slate clean and move forward in good faith as al-Hakim deserves a chance to have his claims adjudicated with the rights to fair procedure and due process guaranteed to them by law!
al-Hakim’s Declaration to Bigoted Judge Brand Order to Show Cause to DECLARE ABDUL- JALIL AL-HAKIM a Vexatious Litigant: Brand OSC Vex Litg Decl copy
al-Hakim’s Opposition to Bigoted Judge Brand Order to Show Cause to DECLARE ABDUL- JALIL AL-HAKIM a Vexatious Litigant: Brand OSC Opposition to Vexatious Litigant copy
Presiding Judge Northridge Conceals Corruption:
al-Hakim is a whistleblower being targeted in a VENDETTA for his “advocacy and activism, race, religious belief, speech, political association or privileged conduct.” is being punished for: (1) attempting to cure abuses against him in the Alameda County Superior Court, State Supreme and Appeals Courts; (2) attempting to protect his constitutional rights from corrupt, biased, incompetent judges acting in concert with unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities illegally utilizing the full force and resources of the government in a covert criminal undercover sting operation; (3) exercising his right of free speech in making the above attempts and exposing the corruption; (4) exposing the inner workings of this covert overreaching judicial, governmental operation entailing judicial, political, corporate and law enforcement corruption; (5) the complicit inept judicial system of serious malfeasance, a complete denial of secrecy, security, and transparency that encompass anything that might threaten their cover; (6) the cover up of the judicial system; (7) the criminal justices ability to deliver injustice that prohibits their ability to defend themselves; (8) They have engaged in a total evisceration, disembowel al-Hakim’s rights!
al-Hakim’s actions fall under the Constitution and the Amendment and the duty of vigorous advocacy, where under color of law, these judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities criminal corruption and persecution sought to deprive plaintiff of litigation due him contrary to the right to due process and immunity from takings without due process is a gross abuse of discretion in violation of the law that will violate plaintiff’s rights guaranteed under the First, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; First Clause of Section 13 of Article I of California Constitution, art. VI, § 4 1/2; California Code of Civil Procedure §§ 355, 356, 473, 475; Civ. Code, §§ 3523, 3528.
Some of those opposing parties CSAA, Wellpoint, City of Oakland, EBMUD, AT&T, Equinix, Interserver and those referenced in the “Writ Racket”, ALL of whom have been complained of and/or to are in major part because al-Hakim reported the very obvious agenda of parties by memorializing and exposing the judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities corruption and persecution and their involvement in the cover-up of that criminal corruption.
al-Hakim’s viewpoints, are protected speech under the California Constitution. The court harassed al-Hakim by engaging in a severe and pervasive scheme to suppress his constitutional and statutory right to engage in protected activity, by threatening him with and by executing against him punitive and adverse judicial actions, including delay and termination of his basic rights to due process. The court created, tolerated and condoned a court environment that is pervasively hostile to al-Hakim on account of viewpoints he holds regarding religion, politics and whistleblowing activities. The court failed and refused to remedy this hostile environment, and permitted al-Hakim to be harassed by both administrators and co-workers on account of his viewpoints. The court has engaged in an ongoing and continuous course of harassment based on al-Hakim’s protected rights under the California Constitution.
The government are currently blocking al-Hakim’s access to their commercial VPS internet server WHM and multiple cPanels administration, the VPS web server, the logins to All services, ALL incoming and outgoing email, websites and website traffic in an effort to censor, suppress, conceal, and shut down their exposing the corruption of the courts and others, thereby covering up their criminal acts!
They commandeered and absconded with al-Hakims ENTIRE SERVER destroying ALL the businesses Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation hosts websites entities Superstar Management, The Genius of Randy Wallace, Inc., Nowtruth, eX-whY Adventures, CAECAY and their websites: Amwftrust.org, Superstarmanagement.com, Ex-Why.com, Nowtruth.org, Greencleanascene.com, Nobooksnoballsports.org, Steppingto.org, Bawha.com, DrKenya.net, Fightfordrghosh.org, CAECAY.org, Nstrongharmony.org; ALL their email address accounts; propriety email list Futurist, MWBE, Newsalert, NIA, Superstars, Act, Lawaid, Politicos, AMWF, Super Bowl Guest, Entrepreneur, and SJA!
They have shut down ALL their Twitter accounts: @ajalil, @FirstSSM, @Nowtruth1, @EXWHYAD, @griotz, @AMWFND, @electionwin, and @caecay.
FaceBook’s CENSORSHIP for Vice President Kamala Harris
On Feb. 19, 2017, I post on FaceBook an article on the “Courtel” that was labeled as “false information”. THAT IS FACTUALLY UNTRUE!!! We were NEVER noticed of this and only found out about it years later! We have blocked from making friend requests and postings posting several times for weeks. I recently filed the required documents to VERIFY my account TWICE and that request was DENIED LESS THAN 10 SECONDS after an alleged “review”. That is NOT POSSIBLE! There is no algorythim that can make that determination in less than 10 seconds!! First, it’s ME verifying that it’s ME!! I submiited a post about Vice President Kamala Harris embezelling/stealing Child Support from my daughters and extorting me to pay it again, I refused! https://wp.me/Pye39-lZ
My daughter Bari al-Hakim Willams was a Legal Counsel at FaceBook for years until she left two years ago, was in that
post and FaceBook “wiped” her photo from my posts, page, and gallery without explanation! JUST WHAT IS FACEBOOK UP TO WITH MY ACCOUNT? Something is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS about THIER actions! Abdul-Jalil
FaceBook’s CENSORSHIP is OPPRESION, what reason could there possibly be for their actions??!!! WHO doesn’t like what’s being said?!!
They have “scrubbed” the internet of any references and shut down their social media presence to silence their voice exposing their criminal activity along with that of the Alameda County Superior Court Administration, Alameda County District Attorney, City of Oakland and their City Attorney, California Attorney General, Governor Jerry Brown, Vice President- Senator Kamala Harris, and others.
On June 17, 2018, al-Hakim found SpyWare Defendants Covertly Planted on al-Hakim’s Company Computer through his web browser by defendants when he logged into his Interserver and U. S. Federal Courts account.
The SpyWare was programed to take control of plaintiffs camera and microphone, to spy on their Computer Activities, Instant Message, Chats, Software usage, Take Screenshots Remotely, See File Transfers, Capture Key logs, Spy on Media Files, Spy on Emails, Spy on Browser Activities, monitor your workplace or home remotely, notify them if it detects your computers activities, including an alarm system, a recording system, and sending screengrabs of your PC or mobile phone. The SpyWare can connect to multiple IP cameras and microphones, then automatically starts recording whenever it captures motion and enable live remote viewing from any PC.
It’s a terrifying invasion of privacy that defendants with government agencies like the NSA can take control of the webcam and microphone on your computer and spy on you without your knowledge.
Previously, censorship had been implemented by them by blocking and blacklisting plaintiffs servers IP’s, device IP’s, domain IP’s, email addresses with accomplices SORBS, SpamHaus, RBL, SURBL, Mailchannels, Trouble-Free.net, Barracuda, ABUSE.NET, Exploits Bot List (XBL), AbuseIPDB, Invaluement, MXToolBox, MultiRBL, URIBL, SURBL, Composite Blocking List (CBL), Passive Spam Block List (PSBL), with reverse DNS verifications, DNSBL blocks, surveilled email content, censored email content, blocked or throttled email distribution as Internet filters, firewalls, Internet blocking, DNS poisoning, and Internet zoning. It is currently used by some organizations and governments to control the content viewed by individuals accessing Web pages over the Internet. The largest complaint about Internet censorship is that it ignores free-speech rights and violates the civil liberties of Internet users.
That censorship along with AMWF’s server and hosted websites being intentionally mis-configured by defendants it is causing the many, many, over 40 years of creating a brand, establishing goodwill, proprietary client email list and email distribution to those lists, clients intellectual property, trade secrets, clients data, content, website service pages, articles, posts, videos, podcasts, features, photos, marketing, promotion, testimonials, social media, email lists, simple inter-company and inter-office email communications, the theft and missing proprietary client email list, the theft and missing clients intellectual property, the theft and missing clients trade secrets, the theft and missing clients data, links to partner websites (blogroll), thousands of broken links prevent access to all these features via website visits, search engines, and by blocking web IP’s, server IP’s, device (computers, phones, tablets, etc.) IP’s, email addresses, ALL INTERNET CONNECTED AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS AND DEVICES, referrals, from ALL the above mentioned sources, for all intents and purposes, burying the business.
Effectively NONE of their reasons for the alleged “suspension” are applicable and seem to have an agenda established by those opposed to the retweets and mentions!
It seems that their selective Persecution and prosecution is clearly motivated by their attempt to silence and censor us, deny our freedom of speech and cover up the corruption of those mentioned in the posts that is directly supported with THEIR OWN ADMISSIONS and the EVIDENCE thereto!
Twitters demonstrated extreme bias and prejudice is clearly intended to cause harm to those accounts you have selectively chosen to “close” to the benefit of those with something to lose by the publicity of the tweets/retweets!
Superior Court Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for Production
Judicial Council Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for ProductionÂ
City of Oakland Motion to Compel Subpoena and Request for ProductionÂ
In May 2008 Alameda County Superior Court Judge Jon Tigar attempted to provoke plaintiff Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim with comments made during a side bar at the recent testimony on behalf of plaintiff by fellow Judge Leo Dorado in al-Hakim’s bad faith insurance case.
As a result of this and Tigar’s continuing misconduct, al-Hakim took the extraordinary measure of filing another complaint with Victoria Henley and the Judicial Council, Alameda County Superior Court Presiding Judge Yolanda Northridge and former Presiding Judge George Hernandez demanding that all side bars be recorded for his own security.
You can view, listen to, and/or download the following related documents or audio files:
Judge Dorado Responds to D. A.pdf
City Administrator Dan Lindhiem Respond Russo Formal Complaint.pdf
City Administrator Dan Lindhiem Post Russo Complaint Meeting.pdf
D. A. O’Malley Responds to Russo Formal Complaint.pdf
County Presiding Judge Rolfenson Responds to Russo Formal Complaint.pdf
County Presiding Judge Rolfenson Discards Formal Complaint- Maggie Takeda Voice mail
County Presiding Judge Rolfenson Receives Formal Complaint Maggie Takeda email
City Auditor Courtney Ruby Responds to Russo Formal Complaint.pdf
City Auditor Courtney Ruby’s Second Respond Russo Formal Complaint.pdf
al-Hakim’s Notice to Russo of Action.pdf
Russo Responds to Formal Complaint.pdf
District Attorney Investigates City Attorneys John Russo, Jayne Williams, Meyers Nave Corruption Complaint.pdf
Oakland City Administrator to Meet al-Hakim on Fate of City Attorneys John Russo, Jayne Williams, Meyers Nave Corruption Complaint.pdf
al-Hakim’s Second Notice to Russo of Action.pdf
al-Hakim’s ROAR Complaint Against Russo.pdf
D. A. Kevin Dunleavy Removed al-Hakim from Davidson Courthouse Building VM
D. A. Mike O’Connor Ends Investigation VM
D. A. Kevin Dunleavy Tells al-Hakim he to Talk with V. Harvey VM
We presented the Stipulation to the Court as we expect and appreciate the signing where indicated, for we all want this matter resolved immediately. We hand delivered the original and two copies to the Court for endorsement and filing and was to provide an endorsed filed copy to the Director of the Department of Child Support Services afterwards. We all look forward to resolving this matter as soon as possible.
I can be reached at (510) 394-4501 if you have any questions. Thanks’ for taking the time to address these issues and endorse and return this Stipulation.