A letter from young Devi (Kamala ) Harris to her older self- Vice President Kamala Harris- Saying She Doesn’t Want to be Her (Kamala)!

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We have received many, many requests to re-post A letter from young Devi (Kamala ) Harris to her older self- Vice President Kamala Harris explaining why young girls and boys look at her and DON’T see themselves, how she (Devi) doesn’t want to be her SEX-for-support,  FREAKISH, IMMORAL, VIRTUELESS older self (Kamala)! #Kamalaisacop; #KamalaHarrisisaPoliticalPornStar, #PoliticalPornStar, #Nowtruth.org, www.Nowtruth.org

A letter from young Devi (Kamala ) Harris to her older self- Vice President Kamala Harris explaining why young girls and boys look at her and DON’T see themselves, how she (Devi) doesn’t want to be her SEX-for-support, FREAKISH, IMMORAL, VIRTUELESS older self (Kamala)!

Dear Older Me………Kamala,

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE STOP saying ”When I look at young girls and boys, and they look at me, they see themselves, and what they can be.”

The kids in school whisper about you, what their parents and relatives say. The whispers are now taunts of you as a pure politician in the worst moral and ethical way.

Rumors will haunt me of what you did for the right kind of advantage in political circles as “sex-for-support” with appointments to Commissions that paid over $400,000 from the State of California and a NEW BMW worked your way up the ranks of the Democrat Party!

So, why would YOU or ANY other attractive female District Attorney in her Twenties EVER get caught screwing a MARRIED, Senior Citizen in his Sixties AND his wife??!!!

Ask yourself if your Great-Grand Father, Grand Father, Father, Brothers, Uncles, Cousins, Great-Grand Mother, Grand Mother, Mother, Sisters, Aunts, etc., would approve of such behavior?!

Unfortunately, your sexual exploits were well know long before and after your screwing in the Wille Brown threesomes! Your “click” handle as “Cowgirl” says it all!

You see, HOW and the WAY someone gets where they are is MORE IMPORTANT than where the got and what they got out of it! When INTEGRITY and MORALS are tools for barter, THAT person is WORTHLESS, not just WORTH LESS than you value them!!

YOU did it PUBLICLY, and has a very well substantiated REP as a FREAK, referred to then as a “Toss Up”, that now would be referred to as a Hoe, Slut, THOT! They use hashtags #Kamalaisacop; #KamalaHarrisisaPoliticalPornStar, and #PoliticalPornStar to track you!

Too many people KNOW of these things and they are uncontroverted! If ANY MAN did the same thing, he might be considered “a PIMP, the Man!”, but it’s NOT an acceptable path for ANY RESPECTFABLE woman that wants to be considered a LADY, MUCH LESS VICE PRESIDENT!!

Mom is burning in her grave and dad is dying a slow death from your suffocating “daddy issues” playing out on a world stage! 

I DON’T WANNA BE like you, I DON’T WANNA BE YOU! I’M BETTER THAN YOU! I can’t look UP to you, I can’t look UP someone who’s BENEATH me!

Devi Harris

Oakland, Ca