COINTELPRO 2K22 Part 6: Politicians Jayapal and Warren ANTI-JUDICIAL CORRUPTION ACT
There is PROOF that CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL ROB BONTA has EXPANDED THE NEW COINTELPRO 2K22 OPERATION STRATEGY, further engaging in Grand, Systemic and Endemic Corruption; Abuse of Power, office, and resources with Judicial, Political, Law Enforcement, Governmental, Legal Entities and Officials for organizational and personal gain, while INCREASING TARGETED ENTRAPMENT ATTACKS, STING/SCAMS ON INNOCENT CITIZENS WHOM EXPOSE THIS CORRUPTION!! His carrying out this WHITE PRIVILEGE ENTITLEMENT agenda that includes Political Vendetta’s and Personal/Professional Revenge landed his Attorney General position!
The Rob Bonta COINTELPRO 2K22 parties advancing a “COURTEL” Campaign of JUDICIAL CORRUPTION against the TARGETED PARTY are engaged in corruption, have conspired, consorted, colluded, conceived and enacting this Deep State sponsored Criminal Entrapment Sting and Litigation Strategy- actively employ the Federal/State/County/Local/ Law Enforcement and Judicial Court systems with the FULL FORCE OF THE LAW to destroy the TARGETED PARTY!
These parties, this COINTELPRO Mob-Clique, includes Bonta, the DOJ-FBI, Governors, Attorney Generals, the Judges, Court Administrations, District Attorneys, City Attorneys, Law Enforcement at ALL levels, the TARGETED PARTY’s litigation opponents and their contractors and agents (including their attorneys), and others, with unscrupulous judicial, law enforcement, governmental and legal entities to act out their VENDETTA, CREATING CRIME, FIXING CASES in furtherance of their Corruption Agenda.
This “COURTEL” has been able to THRIVE, because the Federal, State, County and Local Governments Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies, the Judicial Councils, the Commissions on Judicial Performance, the Disciplinary bodies responsible for taking corrective action are PARTNERS, inextricably placed in the legal paradox where everyone having been involved in committing these crimes!
In May 2022 Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act to overhaul our nation’s judicial ethics laws and restore public faith in our court system. This legislation is cosponsored by Representatives Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Chair of the House Judiciary Committee; André Carson (D-Ind.); Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas.); Katie Porter (D-Calif.); Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.); Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.); Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.); Veronica Escobar (D-Texas); Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.); Jesús “Chuy” García (D-Ill.); Andy Levin (D-Mich.); Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.); Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.); Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), and Tina Smith (D-Minn.).